

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter


The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a free monthly e-mail based newsletter. Its purpose is to stimulate thought about Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management.

Before December 2020 you can find the Knowledge Letter archive below but from December 2020 onwards you can find it here.

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 297 - March 2025 
. . .

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 245 - November 2020
. . . Introduction to the November 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Do you know the difference between complex and complicated?
. . . Stop doing things to each other
. . . Talk to strangers
. . . Don't Take Notes During a Lecture!
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2020
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 244 - October 2020
. . . Introduction to the October 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Cynefin - Weaving Sense-Making into the Fabric of Our World
. . . Filter bubbles, epistemic bubbles and echo chambers
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Corporate Storytelling -The Essential Guide
. . . Street Epistemology
. . . War on Sensemaking V
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 243 - September 2020
. . . Introduction to the September 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Why do we believe things that aren’t true?
. . . World Values Day Knowledge Cafe Oct 15th 2020
. . . Simple Ground Rules Can Help Polarized Groups Hold Civil Conversations With Each Other
. . . Dancing with change: Cultivating healthy organizations
. . . Explore your morals
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 242 - August 2020
. . . Introduction to the August 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Critical Thinking Guide
. . . Have more face-to-face conversations with people you may disagree with.
. . . World Values Day Knowledge Cafe 2020
. . . Using read-aloud to proof read
. . . Conversation Covenant
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2020
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Join the Conversational Leaders Forum
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 241 - July 2020
. . . Introduction to the July 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . What's an impossible conversation?
. . . KM4Dev 20 Years Anniversary
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Trying to articulate and formulate your thoughts like the boneheaded moron that you are
. . . Advancing your Change & OD practice
. . . CII Global Knowledge Virtual Summit 2020
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Join the Conversational Leaders Forum
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 240 - June 2020
. . . Introduction to the June 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Zoom Knowledge Café An Introduction to Conversational Leadership
. . . Lashon hara or evil tongue
. . . Conversational Leadership Workshop - Virtual
. . . The Myth of Thamus and Treuth
. . . The book medium is a stronger message than its content
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Innovating Together
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 239 - May 2020
. . . Introduction to the May 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Benjamin Franklin's Junto Club Rules
. . . Changing your mind and the minds of others
. . . Conversational Leadership Blook Update May 2020
. . . Aftershocks and opportunities Scenarios for a post pandemic world
. . . Conversational Leadership Framework
. . . Disaster Information Seeking Behaviour via Social Media
. . . A podcast conversation with Edwin Morris
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 238 - April 2020
. . . Introduction to the April 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Catalysing commitment to transformative change
. . . Zoom Knowledge Café: Leadership as a practice
. . . The importance of talking rubbish
. . . THE CITY
. . . Maximizing, minimizing and optimizing stuff
. . . We are in the grip of an astonishing delusion.
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 237 - March 2020
. . . Introduction to the March 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Knowledge alone is never enough
. . . Catalysing commitment to transformative change
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Sensemaking the Coronavirus, Rebel Wisdom
. . . Leadership as a practice not as a position of authority
. . . Designing powerful questions
. . . Knowledge Cafe: University on the Future
. . . Peter Drucker Challenge: Leadership and Critical Thinking[
. . . </a>]
. . .
Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 236 - February 2020
. . . Introduction to the February 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . Tribal thinking
. . . Conversational Leadership Workshop, Summer 2020
. . . The last of human freedoms: the freedom to choose
. . . Frazzled Cafe
. . . Please help support my work
. . . TED Circles
. . . Knowledge Cafés at PSMA, Australia
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: Februry 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 235 - January 2020
. . . Introduction to the January 2020 Knowledge Letter
. . . The BMI Series in Dialogic OD
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Serendipity and the Stars
. . . Explanations of a high-level concept in five different layers of complexity
. . . We are ignorant of our ignorance
. . . The University of the Future
. . . Teaching Ourselves
. . . The Knowledge Management for Development Journal
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2020
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 234 - December 2019
. . . Introduction to the December 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . War on Sensemakimg
. . . Are you science curious?
. . . People have some crazy opinions
. . . Henley Forum Annual Conference 05 - 06 February 2020
. . . The wisdom of crowds of crowds
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 233 - November 2019
. . . Introduction to the November 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Henley Forum Annual Conference 05 - 06 February 2020
. . . Disagree constructively
. . . The Art of Being a Couple
. . . Should you intervene in an argument?
. . . Why transferring knowledge through discussion is more effective than written documents
. . . You can never merely do one thing
. . . Encourage dissent
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 232 - October 2019
. . . Introduction to the October 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Welcome to the Transformative Age
. . . Bob Buckman on Knowledge Sharing
. . . What are the flaws in Steven Pinker's thinking in Enlightenment Now?
. . . Answerer could answer anything provded it was a legitimate question
. . . Steven Pinker almost gets complexity
. . . Excellent video introducing the Cynefin Framework
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 231 - September 2019
. . . Introduction to the September 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Politics is life
. . . An open-source climate change study
. . . Going off-topic in a Knowledge Café
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 230 - August 2019
. . . Introduction to the August 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . John Hagel
. . . The KM Cookbook
. . . Conversational Leadership myths
. . . The Power of Creative Conversation video course
. . . So you thought you understood information
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Knowledge Sharing is only one component of Knowledge Management
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 229 - July 2019
. . . Introduction to the July 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Leadership + Conversation = Conversational Leadership
. . . Thaler Pekar interviews me on Conversational Leadership
. . . Updates to my blook on Conversational Leadership July 2019
. . . Do you have the capacity to hold a good conversation?
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Promoting Knowledge Management activities through my website
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 228 - June 2019
. . . Introduction to the June 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Paradox of Connection
. . . Calling all Oracy advocates
. . . Leadership is a practice not a position of authority
. . . Could “Conversational Leadership” Avert Deeply Troubling Times Ahead?
. . . To have a conversation, you have to be comfortable being human
. . . The Henley Forum 2020 Awards
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 227 - May 2019
. . . Introduction to the May 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Speak last
. . . Turn your death by PowerPoint talk into a conversational one.
. . . Conversation Day
. . . Accountability vs. responsibility
. . . KM Summit 2019, London
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 226 - April 2019
. . . Introduction to the April 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . The true complexity of the world outstrips our ability to fully explain it
. . . Comfy Café or outcome-driven classroom?
. . . IBM Project Debater
. . . The Henley Forum 2020 Awards
. . . Conversational Leadership Workshop
. . . Updates to my blook on Conversational Leadership April 2019
. . . KM Summit 2019, London
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 225 - March 2019
. . . Introduction to the March 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Coffee in the City
. . . Conversational Leadership Workshop
. . . Stammtisch bus seats
. . . KM Summit 2019, London
. . . He had his conversation in the world
. . . Join the Conversational Leaders Forum
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 224 - February 2019
. . . Introduction to the February 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Could you have saved Rotterdam from destruction?
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Are we having the conversation we need to be having?
. . . How do we to transform ourselves from mere social creatures into community creatures?
. . . What are the unintended consequences of what you are doing right now?
. . . Join the Conversational Leaders Forum
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 223 - January 2019
. . . Introduction to the January 2019 Knowledge Letter
. . . Crowds within crowd outperform 'wisdom of the crowd'
. . . Find a Chatty Café near you
. . . Henley Forum Annual Conference 06 - 07 March 2019
. . . How culture drove human evolution
. . . Please help support my work
. . . The importance of the freedom of speech
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2019
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 222 - December 2018
. . . Introduction to the December 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . Christmas Books
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Stammtisch table at the RSA
. . . Extremism is so easy
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 221 - November 2018
. . . Introduction to the November 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . An amazing hi-tech Knowledge Café
. . . Six Ways Leaders Kill Conversation
. . . Knowledge is NOT power
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Have more conversations in your head
. . . Amazon book reviews often tell me a lot
. . . I love to banter
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 220 - October 2018
. . . Introduction to the October 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . Introduction to BS ISO 30401 Knowledge Management Standard
. . . Everyone beleives they're the good guy
. . . Henley Forum: Accelerating Innovation
. . . Writing about people we don't totally agree with
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Where does progress come from in the world?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 219 - September 2018
. . . Introduction to the September 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . We are what we think about all day long
. . . Would you like to learn how to design and run a Knowledge Café?
. . . It may sound corny but love is the answer
. . . Future Café: the future of visual collaboration tools
. . . Updates to my blook on Conversational Leadership September 2018
. . . The Henley Forum Listening Project
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 218 - August 2018
. . . Introduction to the August 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Ever wondered about how to run a Knowledge Café?
. . . If you can believe in a flat earth you can believe in anything!
. . . Saving Face, Losing Face
. . . Updates to my blook on Conversational Leadership August 2018
. . . Reframing questions: from an individualistic perspective to a community one
. . . Henley Forum: Absorbing complex change
. . . Don’t ask kids what they want to be when they grow up
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 217 - July 2018
. . . Introduction to the July 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . Community: The Structure of Belonging by Peter Block (2nd Edition)
. . . Conversational leadership and the Power of Conversation Video
. . . Henley Forum for Organisational Learning and Knowledge Strategies Events
. . . Updates to my blook on Conversational Leadership July 2018
. . . Please help support my work
. . . A profile of Dave Snowden by Stan Garfield
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 216 - June 2018
. . . Introduction to the June 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . Future Proofing the Organisation - Nadim Habib at Social Now 2018
. . . My blook and Knowledge Café principles
. . . Please help support my work
. . . All the talks and interviews from KA Connect 2018 are available online.
. . . How to quickly and easily capture ideas
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 215 - May 2018
. . . Introduction to the May 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . Knowledge Management Matters: Creativity and Innovation
. . . Cognitive Edge and Code Genesys to Combine Operations
. . . We live in a hyperconnected, socio-technical world
. . . Flip charts and butcher paper get in the way of the conversation
. . . Henley Forum: Advanced Course in KM
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2018
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 214 - April 2018
. . . Introduction to the April 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Future of Management Is Teal
. . . Social Now 2018 - The Social Intranet Conference
. . . Speech is already not as free as you might think
. . . Help support my work
. . . Receive a quotation by e-mail on a day of the week of your choosing
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2018
. . . Unsubscribe
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 213 - March 2018
. . . Introduction to the March 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . Social Now 2018:Getting Results From Enterprise Social Tools
. . . Knowledge Management Matters: By Practitioners for Practitioners
. . . The Enlightenment Coffeehouses
. . . Zoom Café: How can experts share and innovate across different disciplines?
. . . Resolve issues face-to-face whenever you can - not by email
. . . Please help support my work
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2018
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 212 - February 2018
. . . Introduction to the February 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Listening Project: intimate conversations between friends or relatives
. . . Jonathan Norman interviews me about Conversational Leadership
. . . Dave Snowden: A succinct overview of his groundbreaking work
. . . Will the future economy be a knowledge economy or a human economy?
. . . Career, Community and Cause - the three things people want out of work
. . . The Scientific Method for Kids
. . . Would you like to help support my work?
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2018
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 211 - January 2018
. . . Introduction to the January 2018 Knowledge Letter
. . . We need more dialogue and a little less debate
. . . I am sorry I don't know enough to have an opinion on that
. . . Would you like to help support my work?
. . . If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.
. . . You'll be surprised at the strongest predictor of how long you will live
. . . Meetings serve two purposes – the second too often gets overlooked
. . . Knowledge Management Communities
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2018
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 210 - December 2017
. . . Introduction to the December 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . Getting your head around the Cynefin Framework
. . . What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?
. . . The correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2017
. . . Supporting my work
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 209 - November 2017
. . . Introduction to the November 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . Is Sophia, the robot harmless?
. . . Connecting and synchronizing minds
. . . Saudi Vision 2030
. . . Should you take a vote before a discussion?
. . . Dubai Knowledge Summit 2017
. . . PowerPoint is still poisoning us
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2017
. . . Supporting my work
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 208 - October 2017
. . . Introduction to the October 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . An interview with Ana Neves about my work
. . . Zoom World Values Day Knowledge Café
. . . Upcoming Henley Forum Events
. . . Some Knowledge Café Stories
. . . Disregard Others!
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2017
. . . Supporting my work
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 207 - September 2017
. . . Introduction to the September 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . Peter Block on small group working
. . . Are vague Ideas sometimes better than firm ones?
. . . To turn on a dime for a dime
. . . Do you believe or do you want to know?
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2017
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 206 - August 2017
. . . Introduction to the August 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . Benjamin Franklin's Junto Club and Franklin Circles
. . . How to disagree and what you can't say
. . . The RSA has plans for a 21st century enlightenment coffeehouse
. . . Zooming around the world to Singapore and Sydney
. . . Was James Damore acting in good faith and does it matter?
. . . What is rationality?
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2017
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 205 - July 2017
. . . Introduction to the July 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . Benjamin Franklin's Junto Club led to the birth of the first US Public Library in 1731
. . . Promoting Knowledge Management activities through my website
. . . Conversational Spaces
. . . Is everything well, even though it is a mess?
. . . Two Recent Podcast Interviews with me
. . . Zooming around
. . . Embedding Change: delivering value from knowledge and learning
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2017
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 204 - June 2017
. . . Introduction to the June 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . A Practical KM Companion
. . . Artificial intelligence must be possible. But I don't think just yet.
. . . How to run your first Knowledge Café
. . . The Myth of the Flat Earth
. . . Future Cyberwars
. . . The future starts in 14 seconds.
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2017
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 203 - May 2017
. . . Introduction to the May 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Knowledge Café as a Research Technique
. . . Zoom virtual Knowledge Café update
. . . Yet another myth: 70% of organizational change initiatives fail
. . . Henley Forum: Join in June
. . . Worcestershire Innovation Knowledge Café
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2017
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 202 - April 2017
. . . Introduction to the April 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Mehrabian Myth - another persistent myth
. . . Thinking together: contra-conversations
. . . Empowering conversation in the workplace
. . . Decisions Are Emotional, Not Logical
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2017
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 201 - March 2017
. . . Introduction to the March 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Hawthorne effect: does being watched effect behaviour?
. . . How do we speak truth to power?
. . . Why we never think alone
. . . The Knowledge Café as a metaphor
. . . Churchill on Democracy
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2017
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 200 - February 2017
. . . Introduction to the February 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . Zoom as a platform for virtual Knowledge Cafés
. . . I am asking you for permission to continue
. . . Non-violent communication: Ed you have a big mouth!
. . . Exploring the relationship between space, collaboration and knowledge transfer
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2017
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 199 - January 2017
. . . Introduction to the January 2017 Knowledge Letter
. . . Who should you be talking with?
. . . Give people a say
. . . Zoom Meetings: For Virtual Cafés?
. . . Alternative facts are not really facts
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2017
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 198 - December 2016
. . . Introduction to the December 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Have you tried out Randomised Coffee Trials yet?
. . . What makes a powerful question?
. . . Take a look at Nancy Dixon's Blogs
. . . Four great ownership questions from Peter Block
. . . Freedom of speech is more than just a value
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 197 - November 2016
. . . Introduction to the November 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Is "useless knowledge" useless?
. . . Knowledge is not the power. So what is power?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 196 - October 2016
. . . Introduction to the October 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Knowledge principles for government
. . . Numeracy and literacy are important but what about oracy?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 195 - September 2016
. . . Introduction to the September 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Decisions Are Emotional, Not Logical
. . . The dangers of anonymity
. . . World Values Day 20th October 2016
. . . In the future, will everything be a coffeeshop?
. . . The last of human freedoms
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 194 - August 2016
. . . Introduction to the August 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Myth of Thamus and Theuth
. . . Why we need to talk
. . . Seth Godin thinks compliance is quite different from contribution
. . . Legal KM Mini-Interviews with Ginevra Saylor
. . . What is the meaning of Shared Meaning?
. . . There is Something Different in London
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 193 - July 2016
. . . Introduction to the July 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Do noise and distractions boost your creativity?
. . . Downoad a copy of Shawn Callahan’s new book Putting Stories to Work for free.
. . . NYC Knowledge Cafe
. . . Blending online and face-to-face conversation
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 192 - June 2016
. . . Introduction to the June 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Huawei Break the Book Community
. . . Conversare Events in Adelaide and London
. . . Unhurried Conversations
. . . Serendipity Café
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 191 - May 2016
. . . Introduction to the May 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Cafe Debate Feedback
. . . Conversation is hard
. . . FUD is a good thing
. . . Johnnie Moore's Unhurried Conversations
. . . Call for book chapters on Organizational Learning
. . . If history could be folded, where would you put the crease?
. . . Buying second hand books in mint condition
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 190 - April 2016
. . . Introduction to the April 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Humble Inquiry is the first and most important step in building any kind of relationship
. . . The world presented to us by our perceptions is nothing like reality
. . . Tripp Crosby ... has joined the meeting
. . . Espresso Café and Café Debate
. . . Henry Mintzberg's TWOGS
. . . Henley Forum: Advanced Course in Knowledge Management
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 189 - March 2016
. . . Introduction to the March 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . How to Have a Good Conversation
. . . Time Chasm
. . . How to disempower people
. . . Do we make people dependent?
. . . A Cafe Debate is a powerful way of triggering deeper conversations
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 188 - February 2016
. . . Introduction to the February 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Got a meeting? Take a walk.
. . . Steve Jobs on "Think Different"
. . . Café Debate
. . . Take a Guess: How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 187 - January 2016
. . . Introduction to the January 2016 Knowledge Letter
. . . Do you have listening difficulties?
. . . Watch Bowie perfectly predict the internet's impact on music and society 15 years ago.
. . . Transforming decision making meetings
. . . Ten questions for work that matters
. . . A Knowledge Cafe for 100 people
. . . Leave nothing but footprints - don't try to dent the universee
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2016
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 186 - December 2015
. . . Introduction to the December 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Up Periscope
. . . Knowledge Café Stories
. . . The art of ditting
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 185 - November 2015
. . . Introduction to the November 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Blab Conversations
. . . The Dialogic Mindset: Leading Emergent Change in a Complex World
. . . Wasted Reception Areas
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 184 - October 2015
. . . Introduction to the October 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Most companies have created downtown Calcutta in summer inside themselves
. . . We are flipping teaching - how about flipping journalism?
. . . The communication issues that prevent effective leadership
. . . What makes a powerful question?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 183 - September 2015
. . . Introduction to the September 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . My blook (no that's not a typo)
. . . Paul Sloane has a great way of initiating creative conversations
. . . How do we transform the world for the better?
. . . Evernote is a great writing and thinking tool
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 182 - August 2015
. . . Introduction to the August 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Happy birthday to the World Cafe.
. . . Knowledge Sciences Symposium: St. Bonaventure University October 8-9
. . . Monty Python - Philosophy for two: Good evening, would you care for something to talk about?
. . . Getting rid of annual performance reviews and rankings
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 181 - July 2015
. . . Introduction to the July 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Are you in any doubt about the perverse outcomes targets can cause?
. . . The Seven Ages of Information & Knowledge Management
. . . It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes
. . . The Pulse of Conversation: Is there such a thing as a real conversation?
. . . Is your organization a listening organization?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 180 - June 2015
. . . Introduction to the June 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . The inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person
. . . Organizational Conversation - the life-blood of an organization.
. . . The Pulse of Conversation
. . . Do we need more conversation and less brainstorming?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 179 - May 2015
. . . Introduction to the May 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . An Innovative HR Strategy: Creating space for conversations
. . . Henley Forum: Making a Difference through knowledge and learning.
. . . Would you like a Lean Coffee?
. . . KM UK and Inside Knowledge
. . . Seth Godin thinks we are all social entrepreneurs
. . . An update on KM in Indonesia
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 178 - April 2015
. . . Introduction to the April 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Is there anything wrong with the term 'Company Culture'?
. . . Interactive Dialogue or Serial Monologue: The Influence of Group Size on conversation
. . . Are there any more questions?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 177 - March 2015
. . . Introduction to the March 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Capturing the Value of Project Management Through Knowledge Transfer
. . . The Red Cross Red Crescent Experience of the Randomised Coffee Trials
. . . The difference between a Knowledge Cafe and a Community of Practice
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 176 - February 2015
. . . Introduction to the February 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Do we need to learn or do we need to adapt?
. . . Dialogue Rendezvous: the sageless stage
. . . Is Social Media silencing personal opinion?
. . . Intellectual Capital in Organizations
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 175 - January 2015
. . . Introduction to the January 2015 Knowledge Letter
. . . Conversation is more than communication
. . . What does research tell us about the effectiveness of lectures?
. . . An innovative way to document meeting minutes
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2015
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 174 - December 2014
. . . Introduction to the December 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Pulse of Conversation
. . . The Running Desk: another form of Randomised Coffee Trial
. . . Dave Snowden takes down sacred cows, little tin gods and a paper tiger or two
. . . The Participatory Narrative Inquiry Institute
. . . Personally speaking
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 173 - November 2014
. . . Introduction to the November 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . There is nothing new about the Knowledge Cafe or is there?
. . . Thoughts on conversation from Moscow
. . . More KM Videos from eClerx Services
. . . Award for running a Knowledge Cafe
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 172 - October 2014
. . . Introduction to the October 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . Avoiding groupthink in conversations
. . . Adding knowledge cafés to the repertoire of knowledge sharing techniques
. . . There is something special about meetings in the flesh, which cannot be replicated digitally
. . . PEER ASSIST! Calling all charters, codes of conduct and guidelines
. . . Beautiful Questions: Are questions more important than answers?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 171 - September 2014
. . . Introduction to the September 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . Ray Ozzie launchesTalko - an app for collaborative voice communications
. . . Group Think & Group Polarization
. . . Randomised Coffee Trials get hotter
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 170 - August 2014
. . . Introduction to the August 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . Randomised Coffee Trial Variations
. . . Jakarta Trip:15 - 24 September 2014
. . . Engaging each other and challenging our thinking
. . . IKI Talks: Interviews with 34 International Experts in Knowledge Management and Innovation.
. . . Question: Do strong relationships create an impasse to cutting-edge debate?
. . . Henley Forum: free guest places at upcoming event
. . . The Coffee Connector: Can a machine connect two strangers over coffee?
. . . Video of my Smarter Socially Mediated Conversations Talk
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 169 - July 2014
. . . Introduction to the July 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . Is PowerPoint evil or is it a strategic tool?
. . . Smarter Socially Mediated Conversations
. . . Intimate Conversations Cafe: What would you like engraved on your tombstone?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 168 - June 2014
. . . Introduction to the June 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . Random Beer Collaborations
. . . Question: What would be the implications for socety if we discovered we didn't have free will?
. . . KM UK 2014 storified
. . . Learning Circles @ Plan Zimbabwe
. . . Knowledge Management - Financial Sector Collaboration Group
. . . Gamification Cafe
. . . My Knowledge Letter is available in Russian
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 167 - May 2014
. . . Introduction to the May 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . Let's have more interesting conversations
. . . Conversational Leadership in the UAE
. . . Provoke your thinking: Suppose how we see cause and effect is around the wrong way
. . . Counter intuitive conversational research
. . . iKNOW magazine: Organizational Conversation
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 166 - April 2014
. . . Introduction to the April 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . Dubai Today: Leadership
. . . Ownership not buy-in
. . . Why the Good Share but the Great Collaborate
. . . 3 mini-interviews with Kuebel-Sorger Ludger, head of the KM practice at Boston Consulting Group.
. . . A problem with online conversations
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 165 - March 2014
. . . Introduction to the March 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . "Yes" has no meaning, if we cannot say "No"
. . . Capturing actionable insights from Knowledge Cafes
. . . Don't give advice - just listen?
. . . Conversation sharpens the saw
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2014
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 164 - February 2014
. . . Introduction to the February 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . The consequences of wolves and our actions
. . . Making post project reviews more conversational
. . . Free access to Knowledge Management Research & Practice during March 2014!
. . . 50% discount off my book "Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management"
. . . How do we transfer knowledge through everyday meeting talk?
. . . The future of telepresence
. . . Social software tools to facilitate research and researchers in achieving their objectives
. . . The Sustainable Organization Library (SOL)
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2014
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 163 - January 2014
. . . Introduction to the January 2014 Knowledge Letter
. . . KM mini-interviews with Nancy Dixon
. . . Why we should lay off "best practice" in KM
. . . Does Pope Francis know something about Knowledge Management?
. . . Telepresence: "Beaming in" to a Knowledge Cafe
. . . Peter Block: Lecture-style seating is a parade ground with comfort!
. . . Pause & Reflect Take Two
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2014
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 162 - December 2013
. . . Introduction to the December 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . Listening to ignite rather than listening to reply
. . . Take a Seat and Make a Friend
. . . Pause and Reflect
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 161 - November 2013
. . . Introduction to the November 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . Serendipity and Randomised Coffee Trials
. . . Serendipity and talking with strangers
. . . If we wish to change the world we first must change our mind
. . . He who got the donkey up the tower knows how to bring it down!
. . . What is co-creation?
. . . It's about time the kids taught the teachers!
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 160 - October 2013
. . . Introduction to the October 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . By the excessive promotion of leadership, we demote everyone else
. . . Euan Semple on curating
. . . A missed opportunity for conversation
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2013
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 159 - September 2013
. . . Introduction to the September 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . The SIKM Leaders Community
. . . Where to ask questions about KM
. . . Wipro KM Confluence 2013 Summary
. . . Mille's first Knowledge Cafe
. . . 50% discount off my book "Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management"
. . . KM Asia - Why is trying to engage people so difficult?
. . . GurteenTalk
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2013
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 158 - August 2013
. . . Introduction to the August 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . Drive out fear. Eliminate management by objective.
. . . What is Knowledge Management and why do we need it?
. . . Henley Forum: free guest places at upcoming event
. . . Weibo is to Twitter as YouKu is to YouTube
. . . KM Asia 2013 will be chaired by Nancy Dixon
. . . Funny, ethereal stuff is knowledge
. . . 50% discount off my book "Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management"
. . . The McGurk Effect: You don't just hear with your ears
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 157 - July 2013
. . . Introduction to the July 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . KM Doctoral Dissertations: free to view online
. . . KM UK 2013: Knowledge Cafe: Should we be using rewards and recognition to motivate knowledge sharing?
. . . Drum Struck at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
. . . Nancy Dixon and I are looking for stories
. . . What role does conversation play in the work you do?
. . . The 3 Davids of KM: Knowledge Management Workshops
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 156 - June 2013
. . . Introduction to the June 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . To improve learning - don't speak or write with conviction
. . . Can you really optimise an organisation's performance?
. . . Knowledge Management Initiatives in the Public Sector in Singapore and Dubai
. . . My daughter Lauren is a writer and a lover of stories
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 155 - May 2013
. . . Introduction to the May 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . There's kids in here who don't learn like that, they need to learn face-to-face.
. . . Knowledge Cafe Masterclass Update
. . . Maybe the real value of a good talk is not in the learning at all
. . . What is a MOOC? It's a Massive Open Online Course.
. . . Resilient Knowledge Management Practice Course
. . . We are betrayed by what we laugh at
. . . Why size matters: groups, dialog and high quality participation
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2013
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 154 - April 2013
. . . Introduction to the April 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . "Lectorial" rooms: shifting the emphasis to active student-centred learning
. . . Free Access to Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP) until May 10th
. . . Interactive Dialogue or Serial Monologue: The Influence of Group Size on conversation
. . . Do not pursue life sitting upon another man's shoulders
. . . 2013 Top 100 Twitter Influencers in Knowledge Management
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 153 - March 2013
. . . Introduction to the March 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . Conversations are spontaneous and emergent, not planned and structured
. . . Goodbye Google Reader, hello Feedly
. . . We don't learn by listening, we learn by talking!
. . . What if 90% of the peer-reviewed clinical research is exaggerated, or worse, completely false?
. . . Looking for partners to help promote and run my Knowledge Cafes
. . . Are there any questions?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 152 - February 2013
. . . Introduction to the February 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . Personal Knowledge Management and Harold Jarche
. . . KM Europe is relaunched
. . . Researchers head into their studies wanting certain results and, lo and behold, they get them
. . . So what's a Conversational Conference?
. . . Death Cafes: increasing the awareness of death and making the most of our lives
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge Letter: Issue 151 - January 2013
. . . Introduction to the January 2013 Knowledge Letter
. . . Proactive reviews - the questions
. . . David Weinberger at KMWorld 2012: facilitating knowledge sharing
. . . Humans are "designed" for conversation.
. . . The MarketingCafe
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2013
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 150 - December 2012
. . . Introduction to the December 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Abandon lectures, memorisation and tests. Start to learn by doing and practice, not theory.
. . . Verbal Judo: Diffusing Conflict Through Conversation
. . . Working out loud
. . . The really big idea of social business and social KM
. . . Two great newsletters worth taking a look at
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: December 2012
. . . Upcoming Events
. . . Upcoming Engagements
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 149 - November 2012
. . . Introduction to the November 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Blogs are potent teaching and learning tools
. . . The surprising value of conversations
. . . Video: Social Knowledge Management: A conversation with David Gurteen
. . . The Al Jazeera Cafe: not quite a conversation
. . . Some differences between the knowledge cafe and the world cafe
. . . There is no way I share my ideas: how to modify this behaviour in a corporate culture?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: November 2012
. . . Upcoming Events: November 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 148 - October 2012
. . . Introduction to the October 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Can being connected make us more successful and can social tools help?
. . . Dialogue is an opportunity to proceed as climbers do
. . . KM World 2012 Session Notes
. . . BNM KM Conference Knowledge Cafe Visuals Oct 2012
. . . We need to learn to converse more openly if we wish to understand the world better
. . . Social Knowledge Management: A conversation with David Gurteen
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: October 2012
. . . Upcoming Events: October 2012
. . . Upcoming Engagements October 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 147 - September 2012
. . . Introduction to the September 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Friends With Cognitive Benefits: How friendly conversation can boost your cognitive abilities
. . . People are untrustworthy or is it just our bad judgement?
. . . In-house Knowledge Cafes
. . . Explore the range of possibilities then experimentally evolve
. . . A wonderful combination of a Knowledge Cafe and a Drum Cafe
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: September 2012
. . . Upcoming Events: September 2012
. . . Upcoming Engagements September 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 146 - August 2012
. . . Introduction to the August 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Death by degrees, certification and accreditation
. . . 85% of KM initiatives have no clear stated objectives
. . . McKinsey Global Institute sees the value in social knowledge management
. . . Education as a public act has tremendous power
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: August 2012
. . . Upcoming Events: August 2012
. . . Upcoming Engagements August 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 145 - July 2012
. . . Introduction to the July 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . A tribute to Stephen Covey
. . . There are no solutions to anything. We don't solve problems we respond to them.
. . . Stimulating conversation with the Marketing Cafe
. . . What do you think about all day?
. . . Why are we suckers for fictional stories?
. . . Upcoming Engagements July 2012
. . . Upcoming Events: July 2012
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 144 - June 2012
. . . Introduction to the June 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Dewaniya - a form of Kuwaiti Knowledge Cafe?
. . . Why Crowded Coffee Shops Fire Up Your Creativity
. . . You are not special
. . . Do you care? Do you really care?
. . . At school, did you ever question the class schedules?
. . . Viva Knowledge Cafe
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events: June 2012
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 143 - May 2012
. . . Introduction to the May 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Is innovation bad for us?
. . . We are not human resources or human capital. We are human beings.
. . . We sacrifice conversation for mere connection. Or do we?
. . . Measure less, care more
. . . Video: A Gurteen Knowledge Cafe in Singapore, Feb 2012
. . . Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events: May 2012
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: May 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 142 - April 2012
. . . Introduction to the April 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . You can forget facts but cannot forget understanding
. . . Don't praise the child!
. . . Brown Bag Lunches
. . . Business is a Conversation - It's Good To Talk
. . . Reading PDF and HTML articles on my Kindle
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: April 2012
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events: April 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 141 - March 2012
. . . Introduction to the March 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Inspiring action is more important than gaining insight
. . . Any theory of adult learning which does not place care at its centre is simply wrong.
. . . KM mini-interviews with Edward Rogers (CKO Of NASA)
. . . Tuesday Conversations
. . . The easiest success measurement tool is a simple question
. . . Workshop: Implementing Knowledge Cafes, 2 May 2012, London
. . . Making money or doing the work you love
. . . Offering free places to students at conferences
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: March 2012
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events: March 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 140 - February 2012
. . . Introduction to the February 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . How do we tackle the complex, interrelated challenges of the 21st century in a coherent and effective way?
. . . World Peace ... and other 4th-grade achievements
. . . The aim of Knowledge Management should be enabling better conversations
. . . Bookwormery: fuelling your children's desire to know more
. . . The flipped classroom: turning traditional teaching on its head
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: February 2012
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events: February 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 139 - January 2012
. . . Introduction to the January 2012 Knowledge Letter
. . . Is Knowledge Management Losing Sight of the Bigger Picture?
. . . Challenging Minds with Knowledge Cafes at the ING Bank Academy
. . . Knowledge Menu a la Carte in Turin
. . . Henley KM Forum Conference and Positive Deviance
. . . Announcing a Virtual Knowledge Cafe on Social Artistry
. . . Visionary knowledge management: Trends and Strategies
. . . The role of Creative Commons Licences in a KM environment
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: January 2012
. . . Upcoming Knowledge Events: January 2012
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 138 - December 2011
. . . Introduction to the December 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Changing the world through our children in a generation
. . . How do you develop intrinsic motivation?
. . . Knowledge tweets: December 2011
. . . Major upcoming Knowledge Events: December 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 137 - November 2011
. . . Introduction to the November 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . The notion of an emerging global one world classroom
. . . Dont do KM in the Middle East
. . . Going off topic in a Knowledge Cafe
. . . Plaudern wie im Pub (Like a chat in the pub)
. . . Social Media versus Knowledge Management: A false dichotomy
. . . What is the function of KM?
. . . Podcast: Knowledge Cafes: A conversation with David Gurteen
. . . Major upcoming Knowledge Events: November 2011
. . . Knowledge tweets: November 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 136 - October 2011
. . . Introduction to the October 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . The mess of Knowledge Management groups on LinkedIn
. . . My next public Knowledge Cafe workshop is in London on 13 December 2011
. . . The role of spontaneous conversation
. . . Seize the day boys make your lives extraordinary
. . . Flip Teaching and Flip Conferences
. . . Flipping heck - someone beat me to it!
. . . Major upcoming Knowledge Events: October 2011
. . . Knowledge tweets: October 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 135 - September 2011
. . . Introduction to the September 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Conversation in the wild
. . . My recent Knowledge Cafe workshop in London
. . . Five quotations that represent my values
. . . A conversation doesn't just shuffle the deck of cards -- it creates new ones
. . . Don't give talks - hold conversations
. . . Major upcoming Knowledge Events: September 2011
. . . Knowledge tweets: September 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 134 - August 2011
. . . Introduction to the August 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Services
. . . Conversation down the pub with Theodore Zeldin
. . . There are only business strategies
. . . Your brain is where you hide secrets
. . . Politicians are not quite so stupid!
. . . The best prediction for children's choice of behaviour is the actions of other children around them
. . . Never assume
. . . We need to think about saving ourselves
. . . Major upcoming Knowledge Events: August 2011
. . . Knowledge tweets: August 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 133 - July 2011
. . . Introduction to the July 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . On Cafe Conversations; Connections and Collaboration
. . . When you think you control something, you're wrong.
. . . Are conversation, appreciation and understanding innovation?
. . . Implementing Knowledge Cafes for business purpose
. . . Video of Gurteen Knowledge Cafe at KM Egypt 2010
. . . You don't need the threat of a speeding ticket to make you slow down
. . . Some notes from KM Australia
. . . If you are a scientist, you make predictions
. . . Demystifying Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
. . . Video of Gurteen Knowledge Cafe, National Australia Bank, Melbourne, October 2010
. . . Major upcoming Knowledge Events: July 2011
. . . Knowledge tweets: July 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 132 - June 2011
. . . Introduction to the June 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Would you like 2GB of storage for free on the Cloud?
. . . Open and transparent?
. . . Latest discussons from the Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . We create machines in our own image and they, in turn, recreate us in theirs
. . . Amo La Vida (I love life)
. . . Proactive Reviews
. . . Think for yourself about KM
. . . Boring conversations and KM
. . . Knowledge tweets: June 2011

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 131 - May 2011
. . . Introduction to the May 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Latest discussons from the Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . We must stop doing things to people
. . . What interesting toilet paper
. . . Don't use standardized appraisal forms
. . . A tale of two cafes
. . . We are volunteers not conscripts
. . . May 2011: Major upcoming KM Events
. . . Knowledge tweets: May 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 130 - April 2011
. . . Introduction to the April 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Balancing Contributions During Face-to-Face Collaboration
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . Are KM, Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business: One and The Same?
. . . In a good conversation you can reach out and touch each other
. . . KM Australia - Asia Pacific Congress 2011
. . . Solve these whispering problems before they become bellowing ones!
. . . April 2011: Major upcoming KM Events
. . . PhotoSync: Syncs my Flickr Photos to Facebook
. . . Hot knowledge tweets: April 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 129 - March 2011
. . . Introduction to the March 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Why are so few KM events done over the web?
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . Free online access to Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP) Journal to 8th April
. . . Don't do KM!
. . . Matt Moore meets Nancy White
. . . KM Middle East
. . . March 2011: Major upcoming KM Events
. . . Hot knowledge tweets: March 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 128 - February 2011
. . . Introduction to the February 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . From information to conversation - We have to talk!
. . . We need to accept that we might be wrong
. . . How School Screws Things Up For "Real Life"
. . . Latest Knowledge Cafes: London and Edinburgh
. . . A good video collection of interviews with a number of KM people
. . . KM in the Middle East
. . . What is good for business is not necessarily good for society!
. . . Fearing doing something
. . . February 2011: Major upcoming KM Events
. . . Hot knowledge tweets: February 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 127 - January 2011
. . . Introduction to the January 2011 Knowledge Letter
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . Facts don't necessarily have the power to change our minds.
. . . Henley KM Forum "Knowledge in Action" Leaflets
. . . The two meanings of Social Business and the future of Knowledge Management
. . . The Law of Unintended Consequences
. . . KM Middle East Knowledge Management Survey
. . . January 2011: Major upcoming KM Events
. . . Hot knowledge tweets: January 2011
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 126 - December 2010
. . . Introduction to the December 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . Clocks and clouds
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin goes OPEN
. . . December 2010: Major upcoming KM Events
. . . Hot tweets: December 2010
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 125 - November 2010
. . . Introduction to the November 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . Maggie Doyne and Kopila Valley Primary School
. . . KM Videos from Judi Sandrock
. . . Does "being professional" limit things?
. . . Self-Improvement Myths?
. . . Clay Shirky on Cognitive Surplus
. . . Improving understanding
. . . Hot tweets: November 2010
. . . November 2010: Major upcoming KM Events
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 124 - October 2010
. . . Introduction to the October 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . A Knowledge Cafe in the Sky?
. . . Share it, don't just store it
. . . What KM practitioners can learn from Positive Deviance
. . . The soft stuff is the hard stuff
. . . Ken Robinson again
. . . Free Wifi please
. . . Hot tweets: October 2010
. . . October 2010: Major KM Events over next 12 months
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 123 - September 2010
. . . Introduction to the September 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . Counterintuition
. . . E2.0 folks learning what KM folks learnt long ago
. . . Questioning brainstorming
. . . Sal Khan is Bill Gates' favorite teacher
. . . Follow my Twitter Feeds
. . . Facebook Profiles, Pages and Groups explained
. . . Hot tweets: September 2010
. . . September 2010: Major KM Events over next 12 months
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 122 - August 2010
. . . Introduction to the August 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . No Kindle required
. . . Dilbert pokes fun at Knowledge Management
. . . Update: Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . Are many conversations pointless and does technology discourage face to face interaction?
. . . Travel update for 2010
. . . Knoco KM Newsletter
. . . Academic Talk
. . . Hot tweets: August 2010
. . . Don't Call Me a Guru, Dammit!
. . . More Knowledge Cafe conversations
. . . August 2010: Major KM Events over next 12 months
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 121 - July 2010
. . . Introduction to the July 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . The Lazarus Effect
. . . Don't teach a man to fish, inspire him to fish his own way!
. . . Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on Linkedin
. . . Hot tweets: July 2010
. . . Does willpower have its limits?
. . . Do your employees think speaking up Is pointless?
. . . KM Newsletter from the Institute for Knowledge and Innovation - South East Asia
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 120 - June 2010
. . . Introduction to the June 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . Please help me expand the readership of my knowledge letter
. . . KM UK 2010: Lifetime achievement award for services to KM
. . . Gurteen Knowledge: 10 Years in KM
. . . You can't make me do it
. . . Public parts and the value of oversharing
. . . Openess in education and the future of education
. . . What's the business context?
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 119 - May 2010
. . . Introduction to the May 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . A call for mindful leadership
. . . KM books galore!
. . . How do you subvert the Dilbertesque business world?
. . . KM Jobs
. . . Follow Robert Patterson!
. . . How do you prevent people from stealing your ideas?
. . . I never knew Skype did screen share!
. . . Call people - PEOPLE - not capital!
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 118 - April 2010
. . . Introduction to the April 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . Life is just about doing stuff!
. . . Lectures, lecterns and bullshit
. . . How vunerable is our high-tech civilisation to black swans?
. . . iPad danger: app v. web, consumer v. creator
. . . No more targets please!
. . . Are You Using the Wrong Leadership Competencies?
. . . Light the fire within!
. . . Blogging and tweeting from the recent HKKMS Conference in Hong Kong
. . . Thinking traps!
. . . Conversational lessons from Jakarta
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 117 - March 2010
. . . Introduction to the March 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . A colossal Knowledge Management failure!
. . . Father Guido Sarducci's Five Minute University
. . . Its a Cinch!
. . . Have you started your revolution yet?
. . . Zero rupee note that Indians can slip to corrupt officials who demand bribes
. . . Facts are free
. . . Indosat Innovation Week: A knowedge cafe in a reception area!
. . . Excel makes a poor shared database!
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 116 - February 2010
. . . Introduction to the February 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . Don't do KM - Pursue the Goal Not the Method
. . . On data, information, knowledge and wisdom
. . . Burn all podiums!
. . . Tagging and face-to-face events
. . . Selling by giving
. . . Do not predict but experiment
. . . Women in Knowledge Management
. . . There are no solutions!
. . . KM and Theory X thinking
. . . Thoughts on KM Certification
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 115 - January 2010
. . . Introduction to the January 2010 Knowledge Letter
. . . 2010 Annual Letter from Bill Gates
. . . If traditional incentives can have a negative impact, what's the workaround?
. . . Blogging for knowledge workers: incubating ideas
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Cafe Webinar
. . . Alfie Kohn, children, rewards, motivation and KM
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: Certified Knowledge Manager Training
. . . The end of mass universities
. . . KM for Business: Managing successful KM projects to achieve business results
. . . Knowledge Management video competition.
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 114 - December 2009
. . . Introduction to the December 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . Three of my favorite talks from TEDIndia
. . . AARs Singaporean style!
. . . On Incentivizing Knowledge Management
. . . The Tyranny of the Explicit
. . . If you are not reflecting, you are not learning!
. . . Identity 2.0: Who are you?
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 113 - November 2009
. . . Introduction to the November 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . The story of TOMS Shoes
. . . How to organise a children's party
. . . We cannot problem solve our way into fundamental change, or transformation
. . . No More Consultants
. . . A talk by Dr David Vaine on 4th generation knowledge management!
. . . The chef & the recipe book user
. . . An interview with Theodore Zeldin
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 112 - October 2009
. . . Introduction to the October 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . On changing people's behaviour
. . . Conversations at Starbucks: Say hello to a stranger[
. . . </a>]
. . .
On best practice and thinking for yourself!
. . . Name Tags - Hello my name is David
. . . Speed Hugging
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 111 - September 2009
. . . Introduction to the September 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . The best defintion of KM yet!
. . . Are traditional rewards as effective as we think?
. . . Do managers need to measure and reward trust?
. . . Pecha Kucha
. . . Sugar rush at the knowledge Cafe
. . . Can you measure personality?
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 110 - August 2009
. . . Introduction to the August 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . My Australia/New Zealand Trip
. . . KM Singapore 2009
. . . Check out Ellen Langer's new book Counterclockwise
. . . Zeldin I LOVE the stuff you do!
. . . The iPhone: always on and always on you - part of you
. . . Stephen Billing on Joint Inquiry
. . . It does not matter if no one reads your blog!
. . . HMRC Purpose, Vision and Way
. . . [E100 Alert] Briefing for the Millennium Bretton Woods
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 109 - July 2009
. . . Introduction to the July 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . People Lending
. . . Euan Semple: Short video clips on Social Media for business
. . . Share little bits of your life one tweet at a time
. . . KM Asia 2009 Early Bird
. . . Nick Milton: Knowledge Management is not an end in itself
. . . Ten great questions to ask youself
. . . Google Wave: Wider release this September
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 108 - June 2009
. . . Introduction to the June 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . On idealistic solutions
. . . Google Wave - an email killer?
. . . Dave Snowden on the seven errors of goverment
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: A graphic design agency who produce great marketing and brand material
. . . KM Singapore 13-14 August 2009
. . . Tweeting Thoreau
. . . Bing - a new search engine from Microsoft
. . . KM Asia, Singapore, 24 - 26 November 2009
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 107 - May 2009
. . . Introduction to the May 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . Wolfram Alpha goes live!
. . . Work on Stuff that Matters
. . . What Do We Get From Conversation That We Can't Get Any Other Way?
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: Online Master of Science in Knowledge Management program
. . . Three reasons not to aim for shared values
. . . Google Chrome
. . . Mister Know-it-All
. . . UFOs over Singapore!
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 106 - April 2009
. . . Introduction to the April 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . Have you seen my BLU videos?
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: Online Master of Science in Knowledge Management program
. . . Smart People Magazine launched!
. . . What is the meaning of life?
. . . KC UK, KM Asia and KM Australia
. . . Knowledge Management Specialist Library
. . . TEDx: Create and host your own TED event!
. . . Sharing books via BookCrossing
. . . The Curious Cat
. . . Knowledge Management Conference Uganda
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 105 - March 2009
. . . Introduction to the March 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . Twitter as a tool for Personal Knowledge Management
. . . Thinking big about "small pieces"
. . . Raising all the ships on the sea
. . . Follow your passion Lauren!
. . . Ten recent tweets
. . . Jay Cross wants no more learners
. . . KMWorld call for speakers
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 104 - February 2009
. . . Introduction to the February 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . What is the one idea at work which is more powerful than any other?
. . . Dave Snowden's 7 Principles of Knowledge Management
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: Certified Knowledge Manager Training
. . . Change Your Behavior, Change Your Mind
. . . Conversation Kindling
. . . Six Reasons You Should Consider Reading Poetry
. . . LinkedIn KM Groups
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 103 - January 2009
. . . Introduction to the January 2009 Knowledge Letter
. . . 6 Things to Do in 2009
. . . Join me on LinkedIn
. . . Business cases are a waste of time!
. . . Google Friend Connect
. . . There's a crack in everything
. . . Your social network effects your behaviors and even your health
. . . Flickring your life!
. . . KM Tweeters!

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 102 - December 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . I love TweetDeck
. . . Open Source Thinking
. . . What Gen Yers want from the workplace
. . . Amazing photos of Google Offices in Zurich
. . . NineShift: predicted changes in the next 20 years
. . . Conference bags with a difference
. . . I’m going to go get a beer at the Leopold!
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 101 - November 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . Online 2008 and London Knowledge Cafe
. . . Common Craft videos explain social tools
. . . Your grade is an "A"
. . . KM article in Wikipedia
. . . Capitalism's Missing Link
. . . Social Media vs. Knowledge Management: A Generational War
. . . Michael Sampson's conference notes from KM World
. . . Service Learning
. . . Money as debt
. . . Google SMS Channels
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . My Upcoming Activities
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 100 - October 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . Invest in a girl
. . . The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination
. . . Tell stories to hear stories
. . . The State of Location-Based Social Networking On The iPhone
. . . If you want to learn, take notes
. . . Could you stop using email?
. . . Is it ethical? Are you manipulating?
. . . Social Media in Business
. . . The digital company 2013: Freedom to collaborate
. . . Passworded people
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . My Upcoming Activities
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 99 - September 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . Namaste
. . . Knol: contrasting perspectives
. . . Delusion 2.0
. . . KM 2.0 and Knowledge Management from Joe Firestone
. . . IFLA Talk
. . . People 2.0: Working in a 2.0 World
. . . MAKE 2008 Finalists Announced
. . . Jay Cross on Twitter
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . My Upcoming Activities
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 98 - August 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . So why do I have threeTwitter identities?
. . . Is KM Dead? Larry Prusak, Dave Snowden, Patrick Lambe
. . . How do you motivate people?
. . . Transforming learning through dialogue and participation
. . . My Upcoming Activities
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 97 - July 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . Its degrading
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: ebic 2008
. . . RioTinto Community of Practice success story
. . . JOB AD: Knowledge Management Specialist
. . . Open salaries
. . . KM Global Directory from Ron Young
. . . The Gurteen Perspectives, Scibd and Calameo
. . . SLA Conference Seattle
. . . Victor Newman is blogging!
. . . My Upcoming Activities
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 96 - June 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . Setting targets for knowledge sharing
. . . Upcoming KM Conferences
. . . How culture made your modern mind
. . . Knowledge Cafe Workshop, London, Sept 2008
. . . 12:00 am has no meaning
. . . Enterprise2Open Unconference
. . . Where do I find the time?
. . . How the world has changed
. . . The Knowledge: David Gurteen
. . . My Upcoming Activities
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 95 - May 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . A lot of Kafe fun in Amsterdam and Norway
. . . Famous Trials and John Brown's body
. . . Cheating the system
. . . Chicken Chicken
. . . Clay Shirky's talk at Web 2.0 Expo on Cognitive Surplus
. . . I love quotations

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 94 - April 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . Luke's Dubai Adventure
. . . FriendFeed
. . . Thoughts on the human touch
. . . Knowledge Cafe Insights
. . . Building Trust
. . . Media is moving from a source of information to a site of action
. . . My Activities
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 93 - March 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . KM goes social goes Chinese
. . . Shift Happens
. . . World 2.0
. . . Have you discovered SlideShare?
. . . Working Transparently
. . . Henry David Thoreau revisited
. . . IBM and KM
. . . My Activities
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 92 - February 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . Tom Davenport gets KM2.0!
. . . Lessig on Corruption
. . . Staying in touch with being human
. . . Learning goes social too
. . . Enterprise 2.0 will not happen without culture change
. . . Satisfaction Surveys (Are you satisfied?)
. . . How do edit a Skype message after you have sent it!
. . . Science Cafes
. . . Keeping speakers to time at conferences
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 91 - January 2008
. . . Introduction
. . . IBM Knowledge Management Blue Print Workshops
. . . Delicious is a powerful social bookmarking tool. Are you using it?
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: Certified Knowledge Manager Training
. . . Would you like to have only one username and password to access all your websites?
. . . We need "Managers 2.0"
. . . Resistance Is Futile. You Will Be Assimilated!
. . . Work for Free!
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 90 - December 2007
. . . Introduction
. . . KM goes Social (KM 2.0)
. . . Don't let the IT department stifle Social Computing as they did Lotus Notes!
. . . Death to the Syllabus!
. . . What does the Future of Management look like to you?
. . . A summary of Dave Snowden's recent work
. . . Dave Pollard on changing the world!
. . . Guy Kawasaki on Kiva
. . . A robot playing "Pomp and Circumstance" on the violin. Never!
. . . Has Facebook got a place in Business?
. . . Photos from KM World 2007
. . . Dave Pollard on KM 0.0 (aka KM 2.0)
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 89 - November 2007
. . . Introduction
. . . Some people I met at KM World 2007
. . . Knowledge Cafes in Trinidad and Tobago
. . . The Knowledge Cafe Facilitators' Forum
. . . A Leader's Framework for Decision Making
. . . The Sydney Harbour Knowledge Cafe
. . . Elitza Naidenova gets to buy her cow
. . . A Knowledge Sharing Game
. . . How Do We Make People Do Things?
. . . KM Singapore 2007
. . . Flock: a web browser going social
. . . Google Reader Blogroll
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 88 - October 2007
. . . Introduction
. . . My travels
. . . Hands on Knowledge Co-creation and Sharing
. . . KM in the 60s
. . . Study of developing true expertise
. . . Will Facebook displace LinkedIn?
. . . Lotus Symphony
. . . Do we really need schools?
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 87 - September 2007
. . . Introduction
. . . Wikipedia Scanner - who can you trust?
. . . Knowledge Metaphors can mislead us
. . . Survey on How Much Organisations Invest in KM Competencies
. . . YouTube video of some amazing image resizing/editing technology
. . . Dave Snowden's Cognitive Edge website reworked
. . . Video of Hong Kong Knowledge Cafe
. . . Researching Virtual Action Learning - a request for help
. . . Google launches Presently as part of Google Docs
. . . Stan Garfield's Weekly KM Blog
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 86 - August 2007
. . . Introduction
. . . Stammtisch and KM
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: InnovationWell Workshops
. . . KM Tools and MY Tools
. . . Second Life - the Movie
. . . Patti Anklam's new book
. . . Google alerts
. . . Knowledge Work and Knowledge Workers
. . . Annual actKM Knowledge Management Awards
. . . KM Event Highlights
. . . Subscribing and Unsubscribing
. . . The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 85 - July 2007
. . . Introduction
. . . Conference Conversations
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: Study Knowledge Management in London
. . . How to Send an Email to Undisclosed Recipients
. . . Bob Buckman on Knowledge Sharing
. . . What is a Stammtisch?
. . . How Does a Google Query Work?
. . . Calling all Academics
. . . Interactive Media Design
. . . My SE Asia Trip in August
. . . Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute
. . . Unicom Social Tools Podcast

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 84 - June 2007
. . . Introduction
. . . Cafe Culture
. . . ADVERTISEMENT: Study Knowledge Management in London
. . . Knowledge management: Is HR in the know?
. . . Podcastng my Knowledge Videos!
. . . Unnatural?
. . . Barriers to Knowledge Sharing
. . . Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in Powerpoint!
. . . Facebook
. . . KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 83 - 16th May 2007
. . . 1 - Unconferencing
. . . 2 - Keep bang up to date with my website
. . . 3 - David Weinberger's new book
. . . 4 - MS fights back on Flash Video
. . . 5 - Twittering Again
. . . 6 - Snowden, KM & Lean
. . . 7 - Senge on Knowledge Sharing
. . . 8 - Nokia N95
. . . 9 - Wikipedia on Knowledge Management
. . . 10 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 82 - 16th April 2007
. . . 1 - Google Customised Search Engines
. . . 2 - Twittering and Jaikuing!
. . . 3 - Dave Snowden and Robust Debate
. . . 4 - Chief Networking Officer!
. . . 5 - New KM views on my website
. . . 6 - Knowledge & Content UK 2007
. . . 7 - The future web2.0 Social Experience
. . . 8 - Singapore Masterclass
. . . 9 - London Meetups
. . . 10 - Introducing Le book
. . . 11 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 81 - 12th March 2007
. . . 1 - BrainTrust International
. . . 2 - ADVERTISEMENT: Knowledge Manager Training
. . . 3 - TEDTalks
. . . 4 - More Twittering
. . . 5 - Invite to Jakarta Knowledge Cafe
. . . 6 - My Mail Log
. . . 7 - Social Tools Conference
. . . 8 - Washington DC Knowledge Cafe
. . . 9 - Speed Networking
. . . 10 - Annual KM Conferences
. . . 11 - My Mini-Interviews on YouTube
. . . 12 - Knowledge Forum Update
. . . 13 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 80 - 14th February 2007
. . . 1 - Working at the speed of light
. . . 2 - The Gurteen Perspective
. . . 3 - Feedburner: Hot Feeds
. . . 4 - My iPod as a personal learning tool
. . . 5 - Twittering Away
. . . 6 - Knowledge Forum Update
. . . 7 - Yahoo Pipes
. . . 8 - Call for papers ICKM 2007
. . . 9 - On laughing at yourself!
. . . 10 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 79 - 21st January 2007
. . . 1 - Six Networking Tips
. . . 2 - Geek Video
. . . 3 - The death of old speak
. . . 4 - Knowledge Forum Update
. . . 5 - Linked-In Tips
. . . 6 - Social Entrepreneurs
. . . 7 - Futurist: To fix education, think Web 2.0
. . . 8 - Why KM initiatives fail!
. . . 9 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 10 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 78 - 5th December 2006
. . . 1 - MyBlogLog
. . . 2 - Hong Kong and Dubai
. . . 3 - Participation Culture
. . . 4 - Gurteen Conversations now in Flash
. . . 5 - Singapore Visit
. . . 6 - Measures, Targets and Rewards
. . . 7 - Latest Online Poll
. . . 8 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 9 - Dave Pollard & London Knowledge Cafe
. . . 10 - Whence goeth KM? asks Dave Snowden
. . . 11 - First Russian KM Conference
. . . 12 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 77 - 4th November 2006
. . . 1 - Are you ready for social software?
. . . 2 - Google buys YouTube
. . . 3 - Citizendium
. . . 4 - Diversity & Inclusion
. . . 5 - KM and IM Job Vacancies
. . . 6 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 7 - The Birth of the iPod
. . . 8 - Enron Internal Email Archive
. . . 9 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 76 - 9th October 2006
. . . 1 - What is KM? Video Interviews.
. . . 2 - Social Tools, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0
. . . 3 - Newsreaders
. . . 4 - The Whereabouts Clock
. . . 5 - What makes an effective knowledge worker?
. . . 6 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 7 - John Kay on Obiquity
. . . 8 - KM Event Highlights

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 75 - 12th September 2006
. . . 1 - Changes to this newsletter
. . . 2 - What is KM? Video Interviews.
. . . 3 - Google News Archive Search
. . . 4 - Gurteen Conversations
. . . 5 - Online Poll: Podcasting?
. . . 6 - Media Player Update
. . . 7 - Flickr your Events
. . . 8 - KM Event Highlights
. . . 9 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 74 - 7th August 2006
. . . 1 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 2 - Dave Snowden Update
. . . 3 - The Zurich Knowledge Cafe
. . . 4 - Gurteen Media Player
. . . 5 - The Gurteen Perspective
. . . 6 - Collaborative Working Workshops
. . . 7 - KM Event Highlights
. . . 8 - Address Munging
. . . 9 - Web Identity Verification
. . . 10 - Event Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 73 - 10th July 2006
. . . 1 - What are knowledge behaviours?
. . . 2 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 3 - What is knowledge?
. . . 4 - Gurteen Knowledge Conversations
. . . 5 - KM Event Highlights
. . . 6 - Getting Management Buy-in For KM
. . . 7 - Wikipedia Arbitration Process
. . . 8 - Do patents hinder innovation?
. . . 9 - Event Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 72 - 5th June 2006
. . . 1 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 2 - JOB AD: Senior Knowledge Manager
. . . 3 - Karl-Erik Sveiby's new book
. . . 4 - Clive Holtham Knowledge Cafe
. . . 5 - Stop apologising for knowledge management!
. . . 6 - What's New
. . . 7 - The essence of KM?
. . . 8 - Knowledge Raffle
. . . 9 - Google Note Book
. . . 10 - Why don't you share your knowledge?
. . . 11 - Event Highlights
. . . 12 - Event Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 71 - 9th May 2006
. . . 1 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 2 - Knowledge Networking
. . . 3 - KM and IM Job Vacancies
. . . 4 - Contactivity Report
. . . 5 - Google Calendar
. . . 6 - Business Performance Communities
. . . 7 - Selfish Gene 30 years old
. . . 8 - Online Poll
. . . 9 - Multiplayer games may be the best kind of job training.
. . . 10 - Highlighted Events
. . . 11 - Event Calendar
. . . 12 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 70 - 9th April 2006
. . . 1 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 2 - Gurteen Media Player
. . . 3 - RSS Feed for my website
. . . 4 - Quotations and Updates
. . . 5 - Knowledge & Content UK (KCUK)
. . . 6 - Gurteen Inspired Conversational Cafes
. . . 7 - Apple Computer is 30 years old this month!
. . . 8 - Foresight 2020: Economic, industry and corporate trends
. . . 9 - National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation
. . . 10 - Online Poll
. . . 11 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 12 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 69 - 12th March 2006
. . . 1 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
. . . 2 - Microsoft Live Labs
. . . 3 - Library Show 2006
. . . 4 - Make it easy for people to contact you
. . . 5 - Knowledge Networking for Sustainable Development
. . . 6 - An Interview with Dave Winer
. . . 7 - Web 2.0 Sites
. . . 8 - Regional Knowledge Cafes
. . . 9 - On planting seeds
. . . 10 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 11 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 68 - 8th February 2006
. . . 1 - Kiki Laxton joins the Gurteen Knowledge Forum
. . . 2 - Advertisement: KM Training in Switzerland
. . . 3 - Mystery of the disappearing discussion groups
. . . 4 - Cynefin Practitioners Course
. . . 5 - Knowledge Surfacing
. . . 6 - Advertisement: KMRP Journal
. . . 7 - An alternative view of storytelling
. . . 8 - What do you think of small group work?
. . . 9 - Gates Memo on Services
. . . 10 - Contactivity 2006
. . . 11 - Gurteen Knowledge Cafes
. . . 12 - More headaches for the music industry
. . . 13 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 14 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 67 - 10th January 2006
. . . 1 - Knowledge Sharing with Bob Buckman
. . . 2 - Tagging
. . . 3 - Advertisement: KMRP Journal
. . . 4 - The Unconference
. . . 5 - Polls!
. . . 6 - Braintrust International 2006
. . . 7 - The end of the techie?
. . . 8 - Knowledge Cafes in England and Australia
. . . 9 - Listening to Podcasts
. . . 10 - Gurteen Knowledge Goodies
. . . 11 - Asian Cities & Regions of the Future
. . . 12 - Weblogs: the top ten mistakes
. . . 13 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 14 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 66 - 11th December 2005
. . . 1 - Verna Allee Keynote Video
. . . 2 - Advertisement: KMRP Journal
. . . 3 - Annual KM Conferences
. . . 4 - Two new books on collaboration
. . . 5 - The 30 minute Knowledge Cafe
. . . 6 - India grooms high-tech entrepreneurs
. . . 7 - Peter Druker Dies
. . . 8 - babsonknowledge.org
. . . 9 - Googling Things
. . . 10 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 11 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 65 - 6th November 2005
. . . 1 - Digital Knowledge Resources
. . . 2 - The Gurteen Knowledge Forum
. . . 3 - LinkedIn for Groups
. . . 4 - Verna Allee’s ValueNet Works
. . . 5 - Major KM events coming up
. . . 6 - The Community is Growing!
. . . 7 - Panoramio and Google Maps
. . . 8 - Results of the Knowledge Sharing poll
. . . 9 - Changing the world with Microloans
. . . 10 - Google.org - bigger than Google?
. . . 11 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 12 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 64 - 11th October 2005
. . . 1 - Wikibooks
. . . 2 - Interview with Jimmy Wales
. . . 3 - The Strategic Knowledge Management Forum
. . . 4 - Anita Borg Scholarship
. . . 5 - Conversation Dinners
. . . 6 - KCC Europe 2005
. . . 7 - Google RSS Reader
. . . 8 - Globalization 3
. . . 9 - People of the Lie
. . . 10 - The Innovation Cafe
. . . 11 - Managing Knowledge Workers
. . . 12 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 63 - 14th September 2005
. . . 1 - Social Software Seminar in Oxford
. . . 2 - MSc in Knowledge Management
. . . 3 - Making Knowledge
. . . 4 - Results of August Poll
. . . 5 - KnowledgeBoard Update
. . . 6 - Upcoming Major Conferences
. . . 7 - Google Maps
. . . 8 - Cynefin Complexity Course
. . . 9 - KM Jobs
. . . 10 - Sponsored Links & Banner Ads
. . . 11 - KM Timeline
. . . 12 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 62 - 8th August 2005
. . . 1 - What business can learn from open source
. . . 2 - Four Business Thought Leaders
. . . 3 - KnowledgeBoard Update
. . . 4 - Teaching Women to Fish
. . . 5 - Polls
. . . 6 - Personalize Google
. . . 7 - Ourmedia

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 61 - 18th July 2005
. . . 1 - Steve Jobs at Stanford
. . . 2 - KM Asia 2005
. . . 3 - KnowledgeBoard Update
. . . 4 - Google Goodies
. . . 5 - The New Shape of Knowledge
. . . 6 - Global Knowledge Review
. . . 7 - Chris Collison & Geoff Parcell
. . . 8 - Does College Matter?
. . . 9 - Polls
. . . 10 - Yahoo Social Search Engine
. . . 11 - Social Tagging
. . . 12 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 60 - 13th June 2005
. . . 1 - New York Knowledge Cafe
. . . 2 - The Gurteen Knowledge Community
. . . 3 - Making Knowledge Work Materials
. . . 4 - America's Eroding Knowledge Edge
. . . 5 - A "Good Idea" from KnowledgeBoard
. . . 6 - How many people have ever lived?
. . . 7 - Free Global Knowledge Review
. . . 8 - How to Save the World
. . . 9 - Lesson Cards Update
. . . 10 - Google Video
. . . 11 - 15 Things you can do with RSS
. . . 12 - My Top Ten Stuff
. . . 13 - The Dawn and Drew Pod Show
. . . 14 - KM Australia 13-15 July 2005
. . . 15 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 16 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 59 - 9th May 2005
. . . 1 - Making Knowledge Work
. . . 2 - Masters of technology and innovation
. . . 3 - KnowledgeBoard Update
. . . 4 - Innovation Cafes
. . . 5 - What shapes us?
. . . 6 - Conferences in the Sun
. . . 7 - Searching for stuff you can re-use
. . . 8 - Website Goodies
. . . 9 - Global Knowledge Review
. . . 10 - KM Australia 13-15 July 2005
. . . 11 - Liberty's Poet
. . . 12 - Skype and VoIP
. . . 13 - Gurteen Event Calendar
. . . 14 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 58 - 9th April 2005
. . . 1 - Primarily Public Domain
. . . 2 - Sponsoring Making Knowledge Work
. . . 3 - Henry David Thoreau's Blog
. . . 4 - Personal Learning
. . . 5 - Open Leader
. . . 6 - June KM Conference in Barcelona
. . . 7 - Are you an idealist?
. . . 8 - Answers on the back of a postcard please
. . . 9 - If you saw it from a satellite
. . . 10 - Free Culture
. . . 11 - Interview with Wikipedia Founder
. . . 12 - This is delicious
. . . 13 - Another conference in the sun
. . . 14 - Ozzie jumps to Microsoft
. . . 15 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 16 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 57 - 13th March 2005
. . . 1 - Get that smile from the heart
. . . 2 - Academic turns city into a social experiment
. . . 3 - Making Knowledge Work
. . . 4 - Identity Theft
. . . 5 - An Introduction to KM by Jerry Ash
. . . 6 - Cynefin Centre Update
. . . 7 - KnowledgeBoard Update
. . . 8 - Defining Success
. . . 9 - Distributed Journalism
. . . 10 - On the cost of not knowing and where KM is going
. . . 11 - New Google Toolbar & AutoLink
. . . 12 - Google Maps and GPS
. . . 13 - WebProNews

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 56 - 13th February 2005
. . . 1 - Cynefin Certification Programme
. . . 2 - KnowledgeBoard Update
. . . 3 - Dave Snowden CD-ROM Masterclases
. . . 4 - Revenge of the Right Brain
. . . 5 - Understanding Wikipedia
. . . 6 - Global Knowledge Review
. . . 7 - Ivan Illich
. . . 8 - Bit-Torrent
. . . 9 - Getting Buy-In
. . . 10 - Meaning Scales
. . . 11 - Open Source Biology
. . . 12 - Firefox Extensions

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 55 - 16th January 2005
. . . 1 - Global Knowledge Review
. . . 2 - Remember: Knowledge is power
. . . 3 - Advice for a Young Musician
. . . 4 - Quote of the Day by Email
. . . 5 - Global Knowledge Events for 2005
. . . 6 - 10 Tech Trends for 2005
. . . 7 - Learning to Fly
. . . 8 - Copernic Desktop Search
. . . 9 - Newspapers Should Really Worry
. . . 10 - New Book Email Alerts
. . . 11 - Bill gross - snap!
. . . 12 - Wikipedia faces frowing pains
. . . 13 - Gurteen News Log

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 54 - 9th December 2004
. . . 1 - Global Knowledge Review
. . . 2 - The Intranet Roadmap
. . . 3 - Knowledgeboard Advertisement
. . . 4 - Google Desktop Search
. . . 5 - Gurteen Knowledge Events for 2005
. . . 6 - MSN Search Beta
. . . 7 - Are you a librarian?
. . . 8 - Learning to Fly
. . . 9 - MSN Launches Spaces (Weblogs)
. . . 10 - Pierre Omidyar - Founder of eBay
. . . 11 - 20 Years of Lotus Notes
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 53 - 1st November 2004
. . . 1 - Doing away with capital letters
. . . 2 - Global Knowledge Review
. . . 3 - Change This
. . . 4 - An Open-Source Browser
. . . 5 - Learning to Fly
. . . 6 - KM Asia and KM Europe
. . . 7 - Podcasting
. . . 8 - Personal KM Workshop at KM Europe
. . . 9 - Generation Shift
. . . 10 - Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture
. . . 11 - Forgotten Stuff
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 52 - 11th October 2004
. . . 1 - Creative Commons
. . . 2 - Newsfeeds I read
. . . 3 - Lewis & Clark Bicentennial
. . . 4 - FlashPaper
. . . 5 - Time Dollars
. . . 6 - The Lost Instinct of Collaboration
. . . 7 - Learning to Fly
. . . 8 - Posting events on my website
. . . 9 - The Robots are coming
. . . 10 - Wikipedia 1 million articles
. . . 11 - More on news feeds and news readers
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 51 - 6th September 2004
. . . 1 - Wordspy
. . . 2 - URLinfo
. . . 3 - Social Networking Conference/Workshop
. . . 4 - RSS Newsfeeds
. . . 5 - Verna Allee Multimedia Presentation
. . . 6 - Knowledge Zones
. . . 7 - The Global Children's Art Gallery
. . . 8 - Media File Library
. . . 9 - Knowledge Sharing Networks
. . . 10 - River Cafe
. . . 11 - Open Spectrum
. . . 12 - Enhancing Personal Innovation and Problem Solving
. . . 13 - Call for Chapters
. . . 14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 15 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 50 - 2nd August 2004
. . . 1 - Rewards for Knowledge Sharing?
. . . 2 - Bloglines
. . . 3 - Skype - Internet Telephony
. . . 4 - Social Networking Conference
. . . 5 - Open-Source Everywhere
. . . 6 - The Support Economy
. . . 7 - Email in the Workplace Survey Report
. . . 8 - Beyond wheelchair access
. . . 9 - KM Australia
. . . 10 - Google Alerts
. . . 11 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 12 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 49 - 7th July 2004
. . . 1 - Anthony Robbins in London
. . . 2 - Dave Snowden Update
. . . 3 - Moblog!
. . . 4 - Theodore Zeldin on the radio
. . . 5 - What is free culture?
. . . 6 - Why the truth most be told
. . . 7 - Social Networking
. . . 8 - KM in Academia
. . . 9 - Silicon.com Research Report on Collaboration
. . . 10 - London Knowledge Cafe
. . . 11 - Tiny and not long URLs
. . . 12 - Study of the measurement of innovation performance
. . . 13 - Iraq - Journalist-Blogger
. . . 14 - Postgraduate Diploma in Know-How Management
. . . 15 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 16 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 48 - 9th June 2004
. . . 1 - Creativity and Innovation Conference
. . . 2 - Bill Gates gets Weblogs!
. . . 3 - Helping Children Prepare for their Work Future
. . . 4 - Social Tools for the Enterprise
. . . 5 - Knowledge Sharing at the World Bank
. . . 6 - Use travel to invigorate your creative spirit
. . . 7 - Thoughts On Schooling
. . . 8 - The Present and Future of Work
. . . 9 - Wikipedia in the news
. . . 10 - Email Survey Update
. . . 11 - London Knowledge Cafes
. . . 12 - Dave Snowden Masterclass CDs
. . . 13 - KM UK and KM Australia
. . . 14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 15 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 47 - 4th May 2004
. . . 1 - Critical Skills for Knowledge Workers
. . . 2 - Dave Snowden Masterclass CDs
. . . 3 - What is the point of education?
. . . 4 - Business Buzzword Bingo
. . . 5 - My Life as a Knowledge Worker
. . . 6 - The child is curious
. . . 7 - Facilitating serendipity on your mobile phone
. . . 8 - Henley Knowledge Management Forum Conference
. . . 9 - Spiritual Growth
. . . 10 - Gurteen Knowledge Events
. . . 11 - The Rise of Social Networking
. . . 12 - SQUIRREL INC.
. . . 13 - National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation
. . . 14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 15 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 46 - 6th April 2004
. . . 1 - Gurteen Knowledge Events
. . . 2 - Ray Ozzie on Collaborative Technology
. . . 3 - KM at NASA
. . . 4 - The RSA Coffeehouse Challenge
. . . 5 - Wikipedia
. . . 6 - Prospect Magazine: Why Terror?
. . . 7 - On Measurement & Incentives
. . . 8 - The Entovation 100
. . . 9 - Online Dictionaries
. . . 10 - What's in a word?
. . . 11 - Social Capital & International Development
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 45 - 8th March 2004
. . . 1 - The Oxford Muse
. . . 2 - Are you a techno-fetishist or a fluffy-bunny?
. . . 3 - Butterworth-Heinemann KM Books
. . . 4 - Search Engine for Pictures and Images
. . . 5 - KM in Singapore
. . . 6 - Managing organizational Complexity
. . . 7 - Long Bets
. . . 8 - Japanese Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises
. . . 9 - So What's so new about the new economy?
. . . 10 - Convinicing Workers to Share Knowledge
. . . 11 - On daring ideas and chessmen
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 44 - 11th February 2004
. . . 1 - What's your Google Number?
. . . 2 - Managing Organizational Complexity
. . . 3 - The Concept of Presence
. . . 4 - Anne Frank
. . . 5 - The times they are a changing ...
. . . 6 - Social Networks
. . . 7 - Unicom Events in the UK
. . . 8 - Blogging the Market
. . . 9 - Policy Futures in Education
. . . 10 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 11 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 43 - 12th January 2004
. . . 1 - Personal Mission Statements
. . . 2 - Managing Organizational Complexity
. . . 3 - White Paper from Ray Ozzie of Groove
. . . 4 - Upcoming Events in the UK
. . . 5 - On Nerds by George Gilder
. . . 6 - Google: Defintions Search Feature
. . . 7 - KM in Higher Education
. . . 8 - Call for Papers: 5th European Conference on KM
. . . 9 - Speaking Opportunities
. . . 10 - KM in Asia
. . . 11 - The Indian Joint Family System
. . . 12 - A KM technique: 'Interview your boss'
. . . 13 - Search Inside the Book
. . . 14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 15 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 42 - 8th December 2003
. . . 1 - Books on Empirical Knowledge
. . . 2 - How to cooperate with things that have their own mind
. . . 3 - A d v e r t i s e m e n t
. . . 4 - Putting a Value to a Conference
. . . 5 - Book Review: The Support Economy
. . . 6 - Gurteen Learning Events
. . . 7 - Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003
. . . 8 - All About Cookies
. . . 9 - Knowledge Sharing, Creativity and Innovation
. . . 10 - Speaking Opportunities
. . . 11 - We are the Problem: We are selling Snake Oil
. . . 12 - More Reports from KM Europe
. . . 13 - 2003 European Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises
. . . 14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 41 - 17th November 2003
. . . 1 - The Gurteen Knowledge Conference
. . . 2 - Wordspy
. . . 3 - Honouring Dissenters
. . . 4 - The London Knowledge Network
. . . 5 - KM Asia and KM Europe
. . . 6 - Innovation Tools
. . . 7 - Conferences as spaces for people to meet
. . . 8 - KM is for everyone
. . . 9 - Online Information 2003
. . . 10 - Intelligent tags are breaking the ice
. . . 11 - Ideopolis Cities
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 13 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 40 - 7th October 2003
. . . 1 - The Gurteen Knowledge Conference
. . . 2 - Knowledge Cafés
. . . 3 - A d v e r t i s e m e n t
. . . 4 - Lesson Cards
. . . 5 - Mistakes are opportunities
. . . 6 - TFPL
. . . 7 - Knowledge Capital by Jay L. Chatzkel
. . . 8 - CoPs and other Networked Organisations
. . . 9 - Download Center
. . . 10 - Meeting Places
. . . 11 - Knowledge Management 2010
. . . 12 - KM Europe Speaker Interviews
. . . 13 - Knowledge Cities and Regions
. . . 14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
. . . 15 - What's New?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 39 - 25th August 2003
. . . 1 - The Second Gurteen Knowledge Conference
. . . 2 - The Scholar's Courtesy
. . . 3 - KM Asia and KM Europe
. . . 4 - 10 Tips for Driving Innovation by Managing Knowledge
. . . 5 - The London Knowledge Café
. . . 6 - Future Trends
. . . 7 - Networking Tools
. . . 8 - Seattle Meeting
. . . 9 - Knowledge City
. . . 10 - Small World Project

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 38 - 6th August 2003
. . . 1 - The Gurteen Knowledge Community
. . . 2 - KM Asia and KM Europe
. . . 3 - Thedore Zeldin Webcast
. . . 4 - The Second Gurteen Knowledge Conference
. . . 5 - Personal Networking Tips
. . . 6 - Intranet and KM white papers
. . . 7 - Meet with me in Seattle
. . . 8 - Portal KMOL Interview with Margaret Haines
. . . 9 - Weblogs, Rebecca Blood and Radio Arthur
. . . 10 - KM Surveys
. . . 11 - European Guide to Good Practice in KM
. . . 12 - Posting events on my website

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 37 - 7th July 2003
. . . 1 - The Gurteen Knowledge Conference
. . . 2 - Dave Snowden
. . . 3 - Theodore Zeldin
. . . 4 - A Networing Idea
. . . 5 - Does Conversation Work?
. . . 6 - ActKM and KM Standards
. . . 7 - The Trouble with Standards
. . . 8 - Express Yourself
. . . 9 - Better Understanding Knowledge
. . . 10 - KM in 2010
. . . 11 - Who's who in KM?
. . . 12 - The Knowledge Barbecue!
. . . 13 - Living Networks by Ross Dawson

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 36 - 6th June 2003
. . . 1 - Ambuiguity is good
. . . 2 - Knowledge Management in Education
. . . 3 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 4 - On sad words of tongue and pen
. . . 5 - We Need to Talk. More.
. . . 6 - Shell Global Scenarios to 2020
. . . 7 - Intranet Whitepapers
. . . 8 - Space: the new frontier
. . . 9 - People are people - not things!
. . . 10 - The ELearnChina Conference 2003
. . . 11 - Knowledge-Raffle

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 35 - 6th May 2003
. . . 1 - Cynicism and Serendipity: a just in time approach to KM
. . . 2 - UK Firms unpreperared for flexible working
. . . 3 - Knowledge Management Survey
. . . 4 - Ross dawson
. . . 5 - National Statistics Online
. . . 6 - Knowledge management in the NHS
. . . 7 - The ELearnChina Conference 2003
. . . 8 - An Introduction to Knowledge Management
. . . 9 - What gets measured counts
. . . 10 - David Pollard's Weblog
. . . 11 - CPweek
. . . 12 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 13 - Communities of Practice
. . . 14 - Knowledge-Raffle

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 34 - 31st March 2003
. . . 1 - Weblogs in Organizations
. . . 2 - Ryze Business Networking
. . . 3 - Knowledge Seeds
. . . 4 - Intranets and Websites
. . . 5 - Creative Commons
. . . 6 - KM Disasters & KM Victories
. . . 7 - The sweet smell of success?
. . . 8 - Where do ideas come from?
. . . 9 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 10 - Personal Development
. . . 11 - What are Trojan Mice?
. . . 12 - Knowledge-Raffle

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 33 - 3rd March 2003
. . . 1 - The Death of Documents
. . . 2 - Knowledge Seeds
. . . 4 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 5 - Action Learning Questionnaire
. . . 6 - Its not just about technology
. . . 7 - KM Made in Europe: 30 terms for 30 countries
. . . 8 - David Bohm and David F. Peat
. . . 9 - The importance of saying "I don't know"
. . . 10 - Knowledge-Raffle
. . . 11 - Prisoners' dilemma to the rescue?
. . . 12 - Unicom KM Seminars
. . . 13 - The New Cass Business School Building

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 32 - 9th February 2003
. . . 1 - Knowledge Space
. . . 2 - Is SMS the way of the future?
. . . 3 - Global Knowlege Sharing
. . . 4 - Intranet Whitepapers
. . . 5 - Knowledge Sharing and Personality
. . . 6 - Groove Workspace version 2.5
. . . 7 - The Innovaton Superhighway
. . . 8 - Butterworth-Heinemann KM Books
. . . 9 - From Science to God
. . . 10 - Knowledge-Raffle
. . . 11 - Agile Workforce Management
. . . 12 - KMPro Discussion Forum
. . . 13 - Current KnowledgeBoard Theme
. . . 14 - Learning to Listen and Learning to Tell the Truth

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 31 - 16th January 2003
. . . 1 - Personal Networking
. . . 2 - Houses & Gardens
. . . 3 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 4 - The 4th European Conference on KM
. . . 5 - Knowledge-Raffle
. . . 6 - Float You Event
. . . 7 - Quote of the Day
. . . 8 - CD Masterclasses by Dave Snowden
. . . 9 - Advertizing in this newsletter
. . . 10 - Discussion Forums
. . . 11 - CoachMaster
. . . 12 - KnowledgeBoard Theme for January

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 30 - 8th December 2002
. . . 1 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 2 - Knowledge-Raffle
. . . 3 - Learning-Stickers
. . . 4 - Japanese Research Lessons
. . . 5 - KnowledgeBoard Theme for December
. . . 6 - First KMPro UK Chapter Meeting
. . . 7 - Top Quotations
. . . 8 - News Log
. . . 9 - TrackBacks
. . . 10 - KMPings
. . . 11 - Collaborative Work
. . . 12 - Blogging, Klogging and Knowledge Management
. . . 13 - Whitepaper: Public-sector intranets: a small sampling

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 29 - 7th November 2002
. . . 1 - KM Europe 2002
. . . 2 - On Knowing & Understanding
. . . 3 - Knowledge-Raffle
. . . 4 - Conversations occur between equals
. . . 5 - The Coffeemachine
. . . 6 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow (KM) Australia
. . . 7 - KnowledgeBoard
. . . 8 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 9 - New KM Books
. . . 10 - The Mason-Dixon Line
. . . 11 - Discussion Forums
. . . 12 - Unicom Cops Seminar Review
. . . 13 - SIFT - "Powering Online Communities"

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 28 - 8th October 2002
. . . 1 - The Gurteen Lottery
. . . 2 - Petri dishes for knowledge
. . . 3 - Fast forward to the future
. . . 4 - KM Klog-Community
. . . 5 - The Innovation SuperHighway
. . . 6 - The World Future Society
. . . 7 - Rewarding Knowledge Sharing
. . . 8 - KM in the public sector
. . . 9 - Discussion Forums
. . . 10 - Curricula Vitaes and speaking in your own voice
. . . 11 - The lessons of Vimy
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 27 - 4th September 2002
. . . 1 - Flexible Working
. . . 2 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 3 - Klog-Community Update
. . . 4 - Global KM
. . . 5 - The price of anything
. . . 6 - Categories and Personal Development
. . . 7 - Personal KM workshop in Singapore
. . . 8 - The World Peace Orchestra
. . . 9 - Communities of Practice Conference
. . . 10 - On sharing ideas
. . . 11 - The 3rd European Conference on Knowledge Management
. . . 12 - Competitive Intelligence Symposium

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 26 - 5th August 2002
. . . 1 - The Knowledge Café
. . . 2 - Combustible Conversations
. . . 3 - KM market sitting like a lump!
. . . 4 - The wisdom of age: or the dangers of corporate amnesia
. . . 5 - Call for Papers for 4th Asia Pacific KM Conference
. . . 6 - Klog-Community Update
. . . 7 - Knowledge Sharing
. . . 8 - 2002 Technology Innovators
. . . 9 - KM In Korea
. . . 10 - By 2005, 6.9 million people in the UK will be teleworkers
. . . 11 - Discussion Forums
. . . 12 - KM Asia 2002/2003
. . . 13 - Knowledge-Enabled Public Services
. . . 14 - What are the goals of a CMS?

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 25 - 1st July 2002
. . . 1 -The Gurteen K-Community: Background
. . . 2 - The Gurteen K-Community: Concept
. . . 3 - The Gurteen K-Community - Getting Started
. . . 4 - The Gurteen K-Community - Growing the Community
. . . 5 - Henley KM Research Instutute
. . . 6 - Go with the flow - real-time
. . . 7 - Google Labs
. . . 8 - Referer Logs
. . . 9 - Report on Quality and e-learning in European Training
. . . 10 - Innovation in Arab Countries
. . . 11 - The Knowledge Management Solutions Forum
. . . 12 - Quotation: On Knowledge and Seeds by Kahlil Gibran
. . . 13 - Next Steps in Communities of Practice Conference
. . . 14 - KM Intranet Site Visits - Melbourne & Sydney

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 24 - 6th June 2002
. . . 1 - What is the job of a Knowledge Worker?
. . . 2 - Talk on Creative Conversation
. . . 3 - Blogs and Knowledge Management
. . . 4 - Not by technology alone
. . . 5 - Finding your own voice
. . . 6 - Knowledge Management in Australia
. . . 7 - Harvard Business Publishing
. . . 8 - Henry David Thoreau
. . . 9 - Knowledge Management 2003
. . . 10 - The Starfish Story
. . . 11 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 23 - 12th May 2002
. . . 1 - Weblogs and Subversion
. . . 2 - Henley KM Forum Annual Conference
. . . 3 - The future of KM
. . . 4 - Investment in Transformation Projects
. . . 5 - Call for Papers
. . . 6 - New Google Toolbar
. . . 7 - Weblogs and Lotus Notes
. . . 8 - My Weblog
. . . 9 - Long Bets
. . . 10 - RSS Feeds Update
. . . 11 - RSS Code Download
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 22 - 2nd April 2002
. . . 1 - Introduction to Weblogs or Blogs
. . . 3 - Blog Products
. . . 4 - Looking back helps us see things differently
. . . 5 - Blogs and Knowledge Management
. . . 6 - Coaching
. . . 7 - Building your own Weblog
. . . 8 - Review of Future Proofing
. . . 9 - Harvard Business School
. . . 10 - Anthony de Mello
. . . 11 - Knowledge Management Courses
. . . 12 - Conent Syndication
. . . 13 - RSS Newsfeeds and Weblogs
. . . 14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 21 - 4th March 2002
. . . 1 - Future Proofing
. . . 2 - See Theodore Zeldin on March 22nd in London
. . . 3 - The Pope on Knowledge Management
. . . 4 - KM: Evolution or Revolution?
. . . 5 - Corporate Longitude by Leif Edvinsson
. . . 6 - Finding a New Tune
. . . 7 - Enterprise Learning & Knowledge Exchange
. . . 8 - The Knowledge Management Impulse
. . . 9 - Msc In Knowledge Management
. . . 10 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 20 - 4th February 2002
. . . 2 - Theodore Zeldin on "Compensation"
. . . 3 - On Observation and Interpretation
. . . 4 - Creative Conversation
. . . 5 - Email Virus Hoaxes
. . . 6 - Steve Denning & Storytelling
. . . 7 - Scanning - a recipe for the future
. . . 8 - KM in Austria & the Netherlands
. . . 9 - Adopt the International Date Format
. . . 10 - The Key Components of Knowledge Management
. . . 11 - Lotus Notes & Domino 6.0 Release Date
. . . 12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 19 - 7th January 2002
. . . 1 - Knowledge Management 2002 Conference
. . . 2 - KM Resources
. . . 3 - The Joy of Work Conference
. . . 4 - Theodore Zeldin
. . . 5 - On Sharing Knowledge
. . . 6 - ECKM Call for Papers
. . . 7 - On Communication by David Bohm
. . . 8 - Global KM
. . . 9 - KM Event Calendar

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 18 - 3rd December 2001
. . . 1 - Story Telling & Stephen Denning
. . . 2 - Gluetrain.com
. . . 3 - Only Superman or Wonder-woman need Apply?
. . . 4 - The 2nd European Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises
. . . 5 - Quotation: Life is Difficult
. . . 6 - KM Principles: Involve People
. . . 7 - Managing Page Deletions on a Website
. . . 8 - George Harrison & the Purpose of Life
. . . 9 - On Humor and Creativity
. . . 10 - KM Events
. . . 11 - How to Link to the Gurteen Website

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 17 - 6th November 2001
. . . 1 - Quotation: On Getting Ahead
. . . 2 - KM Principles - "You cannot conscript knowledge."
. . . 3 - Learning-to-Fly.org
. . . 4 - Yahoo! Groups
. . . 5 - International English & Search Engines
. . . 6 - The Sacred Act of Conversation
. . . 7 - Unipart Advanced Learning Systems
. . . 8 - Liberating the difference, or more of the same?
. . . 9 - Displaying Amazon Book Lists on your Website
. . . 10 - What's New
. . . 11 - KM Events

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 16 - 1st October 2001
. . . 1 - Theodore Zeldin and Conversation
. . . 2 - The terrible blindness of mental models
. . . 3 - Gurteen Forums
. . . 4 - Lotus Software
. . . 5 - Instant Messaging
. . . 6 - Written English 8nt what it used to be
. . . 7 - Knowledge Enabled Government
. . . 8 - KM Events

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 15 - 5th September 2001
. . . 1 - Book: Post-Capitalist Society by Peter Drucker
. . . 2 - AAR & Dialogue Workshop
. . . 3 - Sorry, my T-shirt says I can’t do that! By Sheila Moorcroft
. . . 4 - Three Principles in a Man's Life by Martin Buber
. . . 5 - Knowledge Management Society of Japan
. . . 6 - Gurteen KM Forum
. . . 7 - A Trip in the Amazon Jungle
. . . 8 - KM Quick Clicks
. . . 9 - Enhancements to Lotus Notes formula language
. . . 10 - KM Events

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 14 - 23rd July 2001
. . . 1 - The death of loyalty? By Sheila Moorcroft
. . . 2 - Knowledge Management in South Africa
. . . 3 - South African KM Sites
. . . 4 - AAR & Dialogue Workshop
. . . 5 - Who remembers 1-2-3/G?
. . . 6 - Is E-Mail Gossip a Waste of Time?
. . . 7 - The ClueTrain Manifesto
. . . 8 - Knowledge Work and the Global Economy
. . . 9 - Events

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 13 - 25th June 2001
. . . 1 - Ensuring KM Systems are Used
. . . 2 - Motivating Knowledge Workers
. . . 3 - Portal KMOL
. . . 4 - Stories and StoryTelling
. . . 5 - Choosing Online Collaborative Learning Tools
. . . 6 - The Five most Visited Books on my Website
. . . 7 - People Potential
. . . 8 - Events
. . . 9 - Recent Additions & Updates to my Website

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 12 - 28th May 2001
. . . 1 - Knowledge, People and Power
. . . 2 - HBS Working Knowledge Site
. . . 3 - Story: On Awareness
. . . 4 - KM Asia 2001
. . . 5 - Book: The Consolations of Philosophy
. . . 6 - Some Heretical Thoughts on KM
. . . 7 - Person: Theodore Zeldin
. . . 8 - KM Intranets

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 11 - 30th April 2001
. . . 1 - MIT Open CourseWare
. . . 2 - Article: When Bad Things Happen to Good Ideas
. . . 3 - KM Site: KnowledgeBoard
. . . 4 - On Technology
. . . 5 - Henley Management College KM Survey
. . . 6 - Quick Clicks
. . . 7 - Book: Learning To Fly
. . . 8 - Meta KM Site
. . . 9 - Groove Update

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 10 - 29th March 2001
. . . 1 - Knowledge, People and Power
. . . 2 - Groove Update
. . . 3 - Quotations: Albert Einstein on Human Beings
. . . 4 - Know your value?
. . . 5 - The Coffeemachine Lecture, 11th April, London
. . . 6 - Quick Clicks
. . . 7 - Microsoft Announces "HailStorm"
. . . 8 - Michael Porter on Strategy

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 9 - 19th February 2001
. . . 1 - Personal Knowledge Management
. . . 2 - Groove Update
. . . 3 - Quotation: On Children & learning
. . . 4 - iOra Mobile Intranet
. . . 5 - The Coffeemachine Lecture, 28th February, London
. . . 6 - Quick Clicks
. . . 7 - Gurteen Discussion Forums
. . . 8 - Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
. . . 9 - The New Intermediaries

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 8 - 16th January 2001
. . . 1 - Book Review: Conversation: How talk Can Change Your Life
. . . 2 - Lotus K-Station & Discovery Server
. . . 3 - Storytelling
. . . 4 - Lotusphere Webcasts
. . . 5 - Quick Clicks
. . . 6 - The Google Toolbar
. . . 7 - The 2nd European Conference on Knowledge Management
. . . 8 - Exploring New Forms Of Organizing Update

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 7 - 11th December 2000
. . . 1 - On Paradigms
. . . 2 - The Next Coffeemachine Lecture
. . . 3 - Quotation:On the Limitations of What we Think and Do
. . . 4 - Book Review: Leading the Revolution
. . . 5 - Quick Clicks
. . . 6 - People: Thomas Kuhn
. . . 7 - Benchmarking your KM Intranet
. . . 8 - KM Europe
. . . 9 - Achieving Business Objectives
. . . 10 - The 404 Research Lab

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 6 - 30th October 2000
. . . 1 - Quotation:On Knowledge by Edward de Bono
. . . 2 - The Coffeemachine Lecture
. . . 3 - Planet Project
. . . 4 - Knowledge Management Europe 2000
. . . 5 - People: John Holt
. . . 6 - Exploring New Forms Of Organizing
. . . 7 - In the Groove!
. . . 8 - Knowledge Working Tip: Capturing Ideas
. . . 9 - Consultancy

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 5 - 9th October 2000
. . . 1 - Quotation: On Learning
. . . 2 - Project Management
. . . 3 - Lotus QuickPlace
. . . 4 - Book Review: Managing Knowledge Workers
. . . 5 - Influential People
. . . 6 - People: Charles Handy
. . . 7 - Quick Clicks
. . . 8 - The Merging of E-Learning and Knowledge Management
. . . 9 - Knowledge Working Tip: Edit your Email Subject lines
. . . 10 - Events

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 4 - 5th September 2000
. . . 1 - Trust and Computer-Based Communication
. . . 2 - Quotations: Lily Tomlin
. . . 3 - An Introduction to XML
. . . 4 - Book Review: Walden
. . . 5 - Entrepeneurs vs. Educrats
. . . 6 - e-learning
. . . 7 - Most Wanted - the quiet birth of the free worker
. . . 8 - Quick Clicks

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 3 - 3rd August 2000
. . . 1 - Individual Influence
. . . 2 - An Introduction to After Action Reviews
. . . 3 - The Coffeemachine
. . . 4 - Book Review: The Power of Mindful Learning
. . . 5 - Quick Clicks

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 2 - 10th July 2000
. . . 1 - Book Review: The Cluetrain Manifesto
. . . 2 - The Discipline of Dialogue
. . . 3 - Quotation: Three Principles in a Man's Life
. . . 4 - E-Marketplaces for buying & selling people & skills
. . . 5 - LearningStickers Update
. . . 6 - Going Solo
. . . 7 - Quick Clicks
. . . 8 - Search Engines Update

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 1 - 30th May 2000
. . . 1 - The Smorgasbord Concept
. . . 2 - Tom Peters - The Work Matters! Movement
. . . 3 - Difficult Conversations
. . . 4 - LearningStickers
. . . 5 - Quotation - Making a Decision
. . . 6 - Web Searching Tips
. . . 7 - TrainingZone

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community