Ray OzzieMicrosoft's chief software architect |
Ray Ozzie was the creator of Lotus Notes and the founder of Groove Networks. He is now Microsoft's chief software architect. I know Ray a little from my days at Lotus Development where I helped ensure that Lotus Notes was designed as a global product (one that could be cost effectively localized into a multitude of languages other than English - including some of the more interesting ones such as Arabic, Japanese and Chinese). He is a very unassuming guy but one of the brightest brains on the planet when it comes to understanding collaborative technologies. For more about him take a look at this Wired Magazine article.
Blog Post The early history of Lotus NotesGurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 13 April 2002 On the difference between blogs and discsussion forums Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 24 August 2002 Sites to watch for news of what's next Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 29 December 2002 Ray Ozzie launchesTalko - an app for collaborative voice communications Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 29 September 2014 Category Lotus Notes/Domino [14 items]Person Ray Ozzie Microsoft's chief software architectQuotation On centrally deployed business systems by Ray Ozzie Microsoft's chief software architectQuotations from Ray Ozzie: We should distrust any elaborately planned, centrally deployed, and carefully developed business system or process. Successful systems and processes will be agile and dynamically adaptive; they'll grow and evolve as needed over time. Ray Ozzie, Microsoft's chief software architect
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