

Who's Who in KM


CategoriesKnowledge Management

This section is a "Who's Who in Knowledge Management".

The selection of people is rather arbitrary - consisting mainly of people I know or 'know of' but invariably people whom I feel have contributed to Knowledge Management in one way or another.

It consists of the well known such as Steve Denning, Tom Stewart or Ikujiro Nonaka - down to lesser mortals such as myself. :-)

For many of them I have a link to their websites or personal home pages in order that you may learn more about their work. You can also search Amazon to find books authored by them or search the web to find other articles and interviews.
Baruch Lev Professor of Accounting & Finance, Stern School of Business, NYU

Bob Buckman President & Chairman, The Applied Knowledge Group

Carla O’Dell APQC, Chief Executive Officer

Chris Collison Knowledge Consultant

David DeLong

David Gurteen Knowledge Management Facilitator

David Skyrme Knowledge Consultant

Debbie Lawley

Dorothy Leonard Professor & Director of Research, Harvard Business School

Elizabeth Lank Knowledge Consultant

Fons Trompenaars Trompenaars Hampden-Turner

Geoff Parcell Knowledge Management Consultant

Ikujiro Nonaka Professor in Knowledge at the Haas School of Business

Jan Mouritsen Professor at Copenhagen Business School

John Seely Brown Ex. Director of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Parc)

Karl-Erik Sveiby Consultant & Professor in Knowledge Management

Karl Wiig Consultant & Author

Nancy Dixon

Nick Milton Director & Co-Founder of Knoco Ltd

Richard Cross

Ron Young CEO Knowledge Associates

Ross Dawson Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Human Technologies

Sir Muir Gray

Steve Barth

Thomas A. Stewart Journalist & Author

Victoria Ward Sparknow

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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