

Systemantics by John Gall

The Underground Text of Systems Lore - How Systems Really Work and How they Fail (1986)



John Gall 



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ISBN 0961825103 


Systems Thinking; Humour

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Systemantics by John Gall This is a handbook of systems-behaviour. It explains how systems work and how they fail. The author has fun with a serious subject and provides insights in the form of humorous succinct rules of thumb.

David Gurteen's comments: This is a very witty book. It is nevertheless extremely serious. In a humerous way it describes how systems really work and how more often or not they fail. It is permeated with rules of thumb and real-life examples of how systems "screw up". It is thought provoking and at times chilling as the full impact of our lack of understanding of how things really work and the devastating consequences hits home.

Video: Social Bookmarking in Plain English

Social Bookmarking in Plain English

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  Systemantics (1986) by John Gall 
The Underground Text of Systems Lore - How Systems Really Work and How they Fail

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