

Knowledge is Fun by G.S.Krishnan

10 Playful Cartoons of CKOs Paul and Mani (Apr 2017)








First Published

April 2017

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Mythology Lessons for Managers


Human Resources; Knowledge Management

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Knowledge is Fun by G.S.Krishnan The book provides a compilation of cartoons with playful conversation between the legendary Oracles Octopus 'Paul' and Parakeet 'Mani' who predicted successfully the final outcome of World cup football. In Management Practice, we often are exhorted to practice strategies like Knowledge Management, Lean systems, HRM, Reengineering and so on. While attempting to practice these in the fields, the manager encounters many counter measures and hurdles in their implementation and often the leaders who 'preach' such theories are the ones who 'scuttle' their implementations.

The author of this book has imagined the two famous creatures Paul and Mani as two "Chief Knowledge Officers" and through their conversation in cartoon form has tried to convey the shop floor and office floor happenings in a humorous way.

Video: David Gurteen on who should drive innovation

David Gurteen on who should drive innovation from iriss on Vimeo.

David Gurteen discusses who should drive innovation.

David Gurteen on who should drive innovation.

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS), Glasgow.

Media Information: Image

  Knowledge is Fun (April 2017) by G.S.Krishnan 
10 Playful Cartoons of CKOs Paul and Mani

  Mythology Lessons for Managers (December 2015) by G.S.Krishnan 
100 Inspiring Stories of Corporate Functions

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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