If you are interested in how the future may affect your business then this is a useful little introductory book to the concepts behind "future proofing". It covers the key aspects of future proofing, from identifying alternative scenarios and tracking technology change to developing a blueprint for action and communicating it within your organization. <p>
It includes a glossary of key concepts and a comprehensive resources guide and has a wealth of examples and case studies from some leading business such as ABB, Buckman Labs and Shell.
Video: Interview with David Gurteen at the ING Business Academy
This is a short video interview with David Gurteen by Mireille Jansma of the ING Business Academy in Amsterdam in November 2011 where she asks him what he thinks of their "Challenging Minds" programme having just experienced one of the sessions
If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the
Knowledge Café
or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on
Conversational Leadership
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