Written by experienced KM project leaders and teachers, this book balances the theory and practice of KM and considers the issues organizations encounter in the global marketplace. This book is the first to integrate social media and networking into KM practice.
The book’s nine chapters are divided into three major parts:
• Part I covers foundational concepts and introduces the reader to the key elements of knowledge management.
• Part II explores critical activities of knowledge management.
• Part III offers a strategic view of knowledge management in organizations.
Each chapter provides a broad overview, graphics that help readers visualize key points, and several vignettes documenting case scenarios that will help the reader digest concepts.
Knowledge Management will prove ideal for iteachers who have been forced to design courses around KM business texts, augmented with scholarly articles. It will also be useful to anyone who needs to better understand KM to apply it in his or her organization.
What is Knowledge Management? - Dan Remenyi
Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Professor Dan Remenyi. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.
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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the
Knowledge Café
or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on
Conversational Leadership
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