

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 21 - 4th March 2002


First Published

March 2002


David Birchall, George Tovstiga, Leif Edvinsson, Sheila Moorcroft, Theodore Zeldin

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.


I often get asked if I think KM is a fad or if it is dying. But the more I
get involved in the KM world - the more I am absolutely convinced that it
is quietly thriving.

Take a look at the KM events going on around the globe or browse my
visitor book - there is a huge interest and enthusiasm for KM.

And at conferences and forums like the Henley Management Forum where
people get into deep discussion about KM - it is clear that they feel
passionate about it and see it as essential for improving the way that
they work and do business.

The name may change and its nature my evolve but it is not going away. It
is too important. In my opinion - "Reports of its Death are Premature!"

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Future Proofing
2 - See Theodore Zeldin on March 22nd in London
3 - The Pope on Knowledge Management
4 - KM: Evolution or Revolution?
5 - Corporate Longitude by Leif Edvinsson
6 - Finding a New Tune
7 - Enterprise Learning & Knowledge Exchange
8 - The Knowledge Management Impulse
9 - Msc In Knowledge Management
10 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

************************ FUTURE PROOFING ************************

I have been given a copy of a new book - "Future Proofing" by David
Birchall and George Tovstiga. Sheila Moorcroft will review it in next
month's knowledge-letter. But in the meantime I thought I would say a few
words about it.

It looks a great little book and covers the key aspects of 'future
proofing', from identifying alternative scenarios and tracking technology
change to developing a blueprint for action and communicating it within an

It also includes a glossary of concepts and a resources guide and has
examples and case studies from leading businesses such as ABB, Buckman
Labs and Shell.

Here is a short quote from the book on change that I particularly liked:

"Change may be triggered by numerous external influences such as ever
deceasing technology cycles, demographics and globalization but change
ultimately begins in the mind. It starts with new ways of thinking about
the future that are later translated into and shaped by new ways of

Future Proofing:


"I am looking at the nature of work. I visit the workplace and meet young
people who tell me that they are dissatisfied with the traditional world
of work."

Dr Zeldin defines work very broadly to mean what most people do, one way
or another, for most of their waking hours. Many people tell him they feel
they are wasting their lives in their work, enslaved to it in some cases.

"Clearly one cannot just continue according to the patterns of the past.
One has got to reinvent work. And I am interested in having a vision of
what is possible."

You still have an opportunity to see Theodore Zeldin on March 22nd at the
Joy of Work seminar in London.

Last remaining seats are £195 + VAT. For more information call Ashby
McAllister Conferences on 020 7928 8183

The Joy of Work:

Theodore Zeldin:

*************** THE POPE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ***************

Pope John Paul might be the last person you would expect to talk about KM
but take a look at something he said recently.

"Human beings have a vital need for time and inner quiet to ponder and
examine life and its mysteries - understanding and wisdom are the fruit of
a contemplative eye upon the world, and do not come from a mere
accumulation of facts, no matter how interesting."

He also said this about the Internet:

"The Internet offers extensive knowledge, but it does not teach values and
when values are disregarded, our very humanity is demeaned."

For a full report see Wired Magazine:


***************** KM: EVOLUTION OR REVOLUTION? *****************

If you have seen David Snowden of IBM speak - you will know that he is an
exciting speaker and one who regularly takes issue with conventional KM

Well you have a chance to see him at this year's Bizmedia KM 2002
conference in London on 16th - 17th April.The conference focuses on the
topic 'The new Knowledge era - making knowledge work' and features a
debate between David and Ron Young of Knowledge Associates.

They will explore whether the next phase of knowledge management will come
from a revolutionary re-birth of complex knowledge, or from a more gentle
evolution to traditional 'simple wisdom'. Now this sounds fun :-)

To find out more about the Knowledge Management exhibition and conference,
click on the link below. If you add 'DG Offer' to your name when booking
for the conference, you will receive a discount of GBP50.00.

Knowledge Management 2002, 16th -17th April:

David Snowden:

Ron Young:


Leif Edvinsson - the 'grand-daddy' of Intellectual Capital has just
published a new book in Sweden called "Corporate Longitude: Navigating the
Knowledge Economy."

The book will shortly be available in English but take a look at the
book's website (see link below) where you can register to receive more

Leif has a wonderful ability to provoke people into questioning
conventional thinking. He believes that it is only through new
perspectives that we can gain new insights. And it is only through new
perspectives that we will be able to chart the uncertain waters of our

I'm looking forward to reading this book.

Corporate Longitude:

Leif Edvinsson:

********************** FINDING A NEW TUNE **********************

by Sheila Moorcroft, Business Futures.

In the wake of Enron and other accounting scandals, shareholders,
customers and suppliers are becoming wary. Conventional ways of assessing
companies are not delivering the trust and reliability they need.

Organizations will need to develop new forms of content, connection and
verification to present their case to stakeholders in a credible manner in
future. Greater openness and inter-change, more diverse indicators of
value and success, greater clarity of values and their implementation -
these will be the focus. And it will be ‘out there’ for all to see and

Knowledge management, with its implied emphasis on systems and corporate
control, will need to find a different voice, be ready to jam as well as
orchestrate and let the audience participate.

Sheila Moorcroft:


If you are looking to attend a KM conference in a hurry then take a look
at The Delphi Group Enterprise Learning and Knowledge Exchange Summit that
is held on March 13-15 at the Marriott Rancho Las Palmas in Palm Springs,

The event brings together a community of knowledge professionals
(including Hubert St-Onge and David Snowden) to tackle the cultural and
operational issues around facilitating innovation, creating a knowledge
sharing culture, and generating a real return on knowledge and learning

It looks set to be a very interactive three days with a number of
workshops, open dialogues, networking receptions, bird-of-a-feather
gatherings, and other opportunities for conversation and debates.

Delphi is offering my Knowledge-Letter readers a 50% discount to the event
- that's an $800 saving! Simply enter the priority code EL22KL on the Web
or call Delphi toll-free at (800) 575-3367 and mention the code. For more
information see below:

Enterprise Learning and Knowledge Exchange Summit:

The Delphi Group:

*************** THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IMPULSE ***************

This month's quotation is from David Weinberger in the book - "The
ClueTrain Manifesto" and plays to my theme about the importance of
'understanding' in KM.

"Knowledge management has become a hot topic precisely because we silently
recognize that our information isn't yielding understanding. But
information is unsatisfying because it's managed; to make it manageable,
we strip out context and voice. So, if we identify something called
knowledge and then insist on managing it, we'll repeat the problem that
gave rise to our desire for knowledge.

Conclusion? If you want to get past information, you have to give up all
hope of managing your - and others' - understanding of the world. Also,
you can't do it yourself: all understanding is social by definition."

On The Knowledge Management Impulse:


The ClueTrain Manifesto:

****************** MSC IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ******************

I occasionally get asked about University degrees in KM. One I came across
recently is run by the Business School at the University of Central
England in Birmingham.

It is a part-time Msc course scheduled to start in April 2002 and offers
people who are already qualified in management to Post Graduate Diploma
level an opportunity to top-up their qualification by working on a live
knowledge project. See:


****************** GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-CALENDAR ******************

Here iare almost 50 KM related events scheduled in the coming year. I do
not have any events listed for South Asia (e.g. India) and South America -
if you know of any please let me know.

Coming soon:

* Europe: Over 12 events in March alone.

* East Asia: Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning in Shanghai
towards the end of March.

* South-East Asia: Knowledge Strategies 2002 in Singapore & Knowledge as
an Engine for Growth in Kuala Lumpur in April

* Pacific: Knowledge Management 2002 conference in Sydney in April.

* North America: Enterprise Learning & Knowledge Exchange Summit in Palm
Springs in mid March.

Gurteen-Knowledge Calendar:

Online Learning 2002 Europe
04 - 07 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

European Business Information Conference
06 - 08 Mar 2002, Madrid, Spain

Knowledge Technologies Conference 2002
11 - 13 Mar 2002, Seattle, United States

Divisions and Bridges
13 - 15 Mar 2002, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Gary Hamel on Leading Innovation in Turbulent Times
13 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Dave Ulrich On Masterminding HR Practice
13 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Enterprise Learning and Knowledge Exchange Summit
13 - 15 Mar 2002, Palm Springs CA, United States

Viral Knowledge through Social Networking (FREE)
19 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Storytelling Masterclass
20 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

The Joy of Work (March 2002)
22 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning
25 - 26 Mar 2002, Shanghai, China

Collaborative KnowledgeNetworks.
29 Mar 2002, San Francisco CA, United States

Knowledge Strategies 2002
01 Apr 2002, Singapore

Knowledge Management 2002 Conference
02 - 04 Apr 2002, Sydney, Australia

Organizational Knowledge, Learning & Capabilities
05 - 06 Apr 2002, Athens, Greece

Knowledge Management for the Public Sector
09 - 10 Apr 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management 2002
16 - 17 Apr 2002, London, United Kingdom

2002 Knowledge Management Conference
16 - 17 Apr 2002, Toronto Ontario, Canada

Henley Knowledge Management Forum Meeting
18 Apr 2002, Henley, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management
22 - 25 Apr 2002, Washington DC, United States

Information, Knowledge and Society
22 - 26 Apr 2002, Havana, Cuba

Knowledge Management: Methods & Systems
22 - 24 Apr 2002, Las Vegas, United States

23 - 24 Apr 2002, Manchester, United Kingdom

Knowledge as an Engine for Growth
29 - 30 Apr 2002, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Lecture by Sheila Moorcroft of Business Futures (FREE)
30 Apr 2002, London, United Kingdom

Exploiting Information & Knowledge In Defence Symposium
30 Apr - 02 May 2002, Shrivenham, United Kingdom

APQC Knowledge Management Conference
02 - 03 May 2002, Arlington VA, United States

Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance
08 May 2002, London, United Kingdom

Competitive Intelligence: At a crossroad between Tactics & Strategy
13 - 15 May 2002, Cape Cod, United States

InfoToday 2002
14 - 16 May 2002, New York, United States

Knowledge Management in Electronic Government (KMGov2002)
23 May - 24 Mar 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark

28 - 29 May 2002, London, United Kingdom

Henley Knowledge Management Forum Annual Conference
11 - 12 Jun 2002, Henley, United Kingdom

The 10th International Conference on Thinking
15 - 19 Jun 2002, Harrogate, United Kingdom

Knowledge 2002 Summit
17 - 19 Jun 2002, Monte-Carlo, Monaco

Storytelling Masterclass
17 Jun 2002, Brussels, Belgium

Global KM eXchange 2002
25 - 27 Jun 2002, New York, United States

The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics
14 - 18 Jul 2002, Orlando FL, United States

KM Asia 2002
16 - 18 Jul 2002, Singapore

Powering the Intelligent Enterprise
23 - 25 Jul 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa

The 3rd European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2002
24 - 25 Sep 2002, Dublin, Ireland

The World Open Learning Conference and Exhibition (wolce 2001)
02 - 03 Oct 2002, Birmingham, United Kingdom

World Knowledge Forum 2002
16 - 18 Oct 2002, Seoul, South Korea

The strategic intelligence gathering of great minds...
21 - 23 Oct 2002, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Professor Michael Porter on Competitive Strategy
24 Oct 2002, London, United Kingdom

KMWorld 2002
29 - 31 Oct 2002, Santa Clara CA, United States

KM Europe 2002
01 Nov 2002, Netherlands

David Norton on the Balanced Scorecard
13 Nov 2002, London, United Kingdom

****************** SUBSCRIBING & UNSUBSCRIBING ******************

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***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help you
better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and interest in such
subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective
use of Internet technology. It is produced in association with the
Knowledge Management Forum of Henley Management College, Oxfordshire,
England (

You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for resale or
profit and the following copyright notice is included intact: "Copyright
2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved."

David Gurteen
Gurteen Associates
Fleet, United Kingdom

Copyright 2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
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