

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 66 - 11th December 2005


First Published

December 2005

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

*** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 66, 11 December 2005) ***

Well the highlight of the month must be that over 500 members of the
community have signed up to the Gurteen Knowledge Community group for
LinkedIn. This is a really fantastic start!

Take a look and join up - if you haven't already. You will get an idea for the
first time of the broad spectrum of people that make up the community. You
can contact them too and we can start to build a proper community.


The Gurteen Knowledge Forum has also got off to a good start with
over 70 members. There are a few conversations just getting going so
please join up and help make the forum a success!


And take alook at the online monthly polls that are proving popular:


And finally, let me wish you a happy Christmas and New Year. Have a
great time :-)

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Verna Allee Keynote Video
2 - Advertisement: KMRP Journal
3 - Annual KM Conferences
4 - Two new books on collaboration
5 - The 30 minute Knowledge Cafe
6 - India grooms high-tech entrepreneurs
7 - Peter Druker Dies
8 - babsonknowledge.org
9 - Googling Things
10 - Gurteen Event Calendar
11 - What's New?

******************* VERNA ALLEE KEYNOTE VIDEO *******************

Last month I told you about the multimedia presentations combining
video/audio, slides, script and outline created by Brad Meyer and
pointed you to his site and a full 60 minute keynote speech by Verna
Allee that had undergone Brad's digitization process. But a number of
people mailed me to say they could not find the presentation - so
here is a direct link to it:


Having watched the presentation, if you want to learn more about how
Brad does this and the benefits of such 'digital knowledge resources'


****************** ADVERTISEMENT: KMRP JOURNAL ******************

PRACTICE) provides an exciting and accessible source of high-quality,
peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of managing knowledge,
organizational learning, intellectual capital and knowledge
economics. The journal focuses on KM from any level, from the
individual to the national or professional. There is particular
emphasis on cross-disciplinary approaches and on the integration of
the "hard" and "soft" aspects of KM.

KMRP provides:
- A single focus for this rapidly evolving and multidisciplinary field
- A bridge between research and practice
- A broad global perspective


********************* ANNUAL KM CONFERENCES *********************

I have recently started to document all the major annual 'knowledge'
oriented conferences taking place around the world. There are many
more than I thought and the list is still growing. I have over 25 so
far. Well worth a glance if you are looking for a major conference in
your region - and let me know if I have missed anyone.


As you will see from the list the next conference coming up is
Braintrust International Knowledge Management Summit in San Francisco
in February with Verna Allee, Nancy Dixon and Rob Cross on the agenda
to name but a few that I know :-)


**************** TWO NEW BOOKS ON COLLABORATION ****************

I saw Elisabeth Lank speak at TFPL seminar recently and received a
copy of her new book. Take a look - it is not about theory or
concepts but a practical, pragmatic handbook of how to collaborate
across organizational boundaries.

Collaborative Advantage: How Organizations Win by Working Togther
by Elizabeth Lank

Cindy Gordon also sent me a copy of her new book on "Collaboration
Commerce". I have not had time to get into it yet but it seems
exceptionally good.

Winning at Collaboration Commerce: The Next Competitive Advantage
by Cindy Gordon, Heidi Collins and José Cláudio C. Terra

***************** THE 30 MINUTE KNOWLEDGE CAFE *****************

Last week I was scheduled to speak at an Osney Media KM Forum in
London. I was the last speaker in the excellent two-day event and my
subject was "Valuing Knowledge Sharing". As the morning progressed -
this topic came up many times and I realized there was a diverse
opinion in the audience and I felt more and more uncomfortable about
just presenting my own view.

So at lunch time I tore my presentation up! I decided to run a
knowledge cafe. I gave a 10 minute talk around the theme drawing from
what people had said during the day - WITHOUT slides. I then posed a
question or two and let the participants discuss the subject in small
groups at their tables for 10 mins. I then brought everyone back
together for a 10 minute large group conversation to summarise their
views and insights.

It worked incredibly well. And I never thought you could run a
knowledge cafe in less than 60 minutes!! Well you can :-)

The following day I ran a half-day post-conference workshop entitled
"Becoming an effective knowledge worker - daring to share" - a
workshop I have run many times but each time it becomes more and more
conversational and seems to be better and better received.

And then the following day I was scheduled to give a short 30 minute
talk at Online Information. I did the same again - I turned it into a
30 minute knowledge cafe. And of course it worked a treat!

I am now more and more convinced in the power of conversation and the
knowledge cafe format. Expect to see more from me on the subject in
2006 :-)

************* INDIA GROOMS HIGH-TECH ENTREPRENEURS *************

If you are concerned about information service jobs being off-shored
to India then this article will remind you that this is just the
start of the trend of economic power shifting from the west to the
east. This short article points out that leading Indian universities
and IT companies are working together to foster greater innovation
and entrepreneurial skills among the country's engineering and
technology graduates.

In the article, Professor S Mohan, says the aim is not just to
prepare students for jobs at big multinational companies. He said:
"We want to see our students motivated to become entrepreneurs."


Or read this article about Microsoft's plans to invest $1.7bn into
India over the next four years and employ another 3,000 people to
deepen its presence there.


*********************** PETER DRUKER DIES ***********************

Its rather old news now - but in case you missed it - Peter Drucker
died at the grand old age of 95 on November 11th.

You will find lots of tributes to the man and his massive influence
on management thinking on the web.

He certainly influenced me. One of the very first management books I
ever bought was "The Effective Executive" back in the early 70s. Its
rather 'yellowed' now but on page 5 the following words are

"Every knowledge worker in modern organization is an executive if, by
virtue of his position or knowledge, he is responsible for a
contribution that materially affects the capacity of the organization
to perform and obtain results."

I was just starting out on my career then but this passage opened my
eyes - by Drucker's definition "I was an executive" and I alone was
responsible for my work and my performance.

The "knowledge worker" concept however did not drop into place for me
until much later for me :-)


Lots more about Drucker here:


********************** BABSONKNOWLEDGE.ORG **********************

Most weblogs are written by one person but others have multiple
authors - here is a great new one from Tom Davenport, Larry Prusak
and Don Cohen - three very well respected gentlemen. Well worth
adding to your RSS news feed.

And I am honoured to see that Tom Davenport has linked to my weblog
in a posting of his on 'personal knowledge management'. Take a look:


************************ GOOGLING THINGS ************************

Google never ceses to amaze me with all their new services. Take a
look at this review of them all. Some you will be familiar with -
most you won't :-)


Or if you are more interested in the how they get the most out of
knowledge workers here's how they do it at Google:


***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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