

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 65 - 6th November 2005


First Published

November 2005

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

*** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 65, 6 November 2005) ***

I am always looking to find ways to grow the community and to provide
additional services for you.

I have long been conscious that the community is more of a network -
with me at the hub and you at the periphery - and with communication
primarily between me and the members - hardly a community. So its
long overdue that I did something about this.

My regional knowledge cafes are designed to go some way to address
this but it will be sometime before I have them up and running more
widely around the world so I am creating two new virtual meeting

1. The Gurteen Knowledge Forum

2. A LinkedIn Group for the Community

I hope you find these useful - you will find more information on both
services below.

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Digital Knowledge Resources
2 - The Gurteen Knowledge Forum
3 - LinkedIn for Groups
4 - Verna Allee’s ValueNet Works
5 - Major KM events coming up
6 - The Community is Growing!
7 - Panoramio and Google Maps
8 - Results of the Knowledge Sharing poll
9 - Changing the world with Microloans
10 - Google.org - bigger than Google?
11 - Gurteen Event Calendar
12 - What's New?

****************** DIGITAL KNOWLEDGE RESOURCES ******************

You may have seen the Dave Snowden CD-ROM masterclasses that I sell
on this site. These are multimedia presentations combining video,
audio, slide presentations and the script. They are powerful 'digital
knowledge resources' created by a good friend and business partner
Brad Meyer.

Now, in September 2004, Verna Allee was the keynote speaker at one of
my conferences and Brad and I took the opportunity to video her talk.
Brad has now turned that into an online digital resource that you can
access for free.

But rather than just make it available to you I asked Brad to build a
section of his site where he could share with you in some detail how
these digital knowledge resources are created - and the benefits they
can bring. See:


****************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE FORUM ******************

There is a discussion forum on my site but it is not very user
friendly and hence gets little used. I have resisted creating a
separate forum for a long time as I felt there where so many others.
But I have changed my mind - if we are to be a true community then we
need a forum where we can all discuss things :-)

So I have created a "Gurteen Knowledge Forum" on Google Groups.
Google Groups is in beta and although it has less overall
functionality at present than Yahoo I feel the core functionality
i.e. the 'discussion bit' is much stronger. The group I have created
is an open forum that anyone can sign up to.


So take a look - join and say hello. I anticipate it will take a
little time to get this forum up to speed - so please ask questions -
start discussions - help get it going :-)

Also note that the forum has an RSS feed so you can monitor it via
your RSS News Reader.

More on RSS feeds for non-techies:

If you don't already have an RSS News Reader, I would strongly
recommend Bloglines as it is free and you do not need to download any
software onto your PC.

********************** LINKEDIN FOR GROUPS **********************

I am in the process of signing up with "LinkedIn for Groups" and I
hope to have this set up in the next month or so.

"LinkedIn is the largest online business network with more than 4
million registered users. It is used to find jobs, people and
business opportunities recommended by ones existing professional
contacts or the people they know."



Many of you are already LinkedIn members but if you are not then join
up now (its free) and you will be ready to join the group once that
is set up. The LinkedIn Group will allow you to see the profiles of
other members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community and to make contact
with them.

I am really looking forward to getting this up and running :-)

***************** VERNA ALLEE’S VALUENET WORKS *****************

Verna Allee, whom I greatly respect as a 'knowledge leader', and
Oliver Schwabe have launched support for Verna’s ValueNet Works
analysis method that includes a web-based fieldbook with complete
consultation guides, a moderated user community and a prototype
application called GenIsis that integrates value network data across
a variety of applications such as Visio, Excel and Access.

Many of you will be familiar with Verna's work and if you choose to
subscribe you will receive a 10% discount on the service and 20% off
the certification package - use the discount code VNA119. The offer
is good until December 1st 2005.

I hosted one of Verna's workshops last year where I learnt quite a
lot about her ValueNet methodology and was really quite impressed but
take a look yourself and learn more:


******************* MAJOR KM EVENTS COMING UP *******************

There are five major KM related events coming up in the next month or
so that I would like to draw your attention too:

Knowledge, Content & Collaboration Europe 2005
07 - 08 Nov 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Strategic Knowledge Management Forum
28 - 29 Nov 2005, London, United Kingdom

Exploiting communities, social networking and social media
29 - 30 Nov 2005, London, United Kingdom

Online Information 2005
30 Nov - 01 Dec 2005, London, United Kingdom

BrainTrust International 2006
The 8th Annual Knowledge Management Summit
20 - 22 Feb 2006, San Francisco, United States

******************* THE COMMUNITY IS GROWING! *******************

Last month I asked if you would help me grow the community by telling
your friends and colleagues about it. So how are we doing? Well in
September, 230 people signed up and in October 298 which is a
whopping 30% up :-)

So if you have told other people about the community - a big thanks.
If you haven't then now is your chance to help push the November
number up even higher.

Any other help or thoughts on increasing the membership will be
gratefully received.

******************* PANORAMIO AND GOOGLE MAPS *******************

Have you taken a good hard look at Google maps yet and has it dawned
on you just how incredibly powerful they are and how are they will
slowly change the face of the web? Well take a look here and you will
get an idea why :-)


This is a simple application but it is truly awsome!

************* RESULTS OF THE KNOWLEDGE SHARING POLL *************

Last month's online poll asked the question "Should people be
rewarded for sharing their knowledge?" I had 104 responses.

What surprised me was that 43% of you thought that people should be
explicitly rewarded for sharing their knowledge - even over and above
the annual performance appraisal system. Take a look at the full


Many of you know my view on this. I think it is just plain crazy to
explicitly reward knowledge sharing . I said it all two years ago in
my weblog:

"I am very much against extrinsic motivation to reward or encourage
knowledge sharing. Its like saying 'this is not really part of your
job' or worse 'this is a distasteful part of your job' and so we are
we going to reward you separately to do it.

This is totally the wrong message to be giving and can only undermine
knowledge sharing in the long term. Knowledge sharing is a
fundamental and integral part of every knowledge workers job - not so
different to breathing! Why the hell should you single out the key
essence of a knowledge workers job - to my mind what they are really
getting paid for and reward them separately for it. It is just plain

But read more here including a few interesting links:


Sure not everyone agrees. It will be interesting to run the poll
again in a year's time and see if views have changed at all :-)

I have also loaded up a new November poll on RSS News Readers see:


************** CHANGING THE WORLD WITH MICROLOANS **************

Thanks to Euan Semple once again for pointing me to a fascinating
site that has the potential to help change the world:


Kiva is the world’s first peer-to-peer, distributed microloan
website. The site allows you to lend a small amount of money, say
$25, to needy microenterprises in developing countries. You receive
repayment at the end of the loan period (normally 6-12 months)
without interest. If they default on the loan, your loan becomes a
donation though none of the businesses have defaulted yet.

This is such a simpleyet powerful idea - made real by the ability of
the web to connect people.


*************** GOOGLE.ORG - BIGGER THAN GOOGLE? ***************

What could be bigger than Google well maybe Google Org one day:



"We hope that someday this institution will eclipse Google itself in
overall world impact by ambitiously applying innovation and
significant resources to the largest of the world’s problems."

- Sergey Brin & Larry Page

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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