"Insightful and masterful, based on many years of experience and observation. A road map and a 'must-read' for KM practitioners, especially those in government service. A tour de force in articulating the many issues, challenges, and solutions surrounding the implementation of KM initiatives." - Michael Stankosky, D.Sc., Lead Professor, Knowledge Management, The George Washington University.
Stealth KM presents an innovative way to drive successful knowledge management initiatives in the public sector. Niall Sinclair, a well-known, former high-level official in the Canadian Government, proposes a technique that has been proven to work in his own governmental area of 20,000 employees, and that enables executives and professionals, especially those in government and public institutions, to implement KM programs successfully.
Video: Knowledge Cafe at KM Egypt 2010
This video was taken at KM Egypt in September 2010 where I was invited to run a Knowledge Cafe.
It is probably one of the best videos that not only describes my Knowledge Cafes but where you also get to see it in action and hear some of the insights from the people taking part.
Note: the room and the tables are not the ideal setting for a Knowledge Cafe nor is the reporting back process but often the Cafe needs to be adapted to fit the room and the number of participants.
If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the
Knowledge Café
or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on
Conversational Leadership
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