

Knowledge Management: Social, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives edited by Ruth Rikowski

(Jan 2007)



Ruth Rikowski 





First Published

January 2007

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ISBN 1843341395 


Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management: Social, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives 





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Knowledge Management by Ruth Rikowski This book examines knowledge management from a number of different perspectives - social, philosophical, economic, cultural and theoretical. It includes contributions from a variety of KM experts and academics. There is a Foreword by Professor Deian Hopkin, Vice-Chancellor, London South Bank University. The contributors are: Bob Bater, Isabelle Cabos, Paul Catherall, Professor Bruce Lloyd, Ruth Rikowski, Dr Leburn Rose and Mandy Webster. The book considers a wide variety of issues, including KM and wisdom, KM and intangible value, web-based accessibility, KM and the library profession, KM and leadership, KM and cultural issues in both the developed and the developing world and thermodynamics and KM. It concludes with an alternative view on KM, emphasising how KM helps to ensure the continued success of the knowledge revolution.

Further information about the book can be found on the Rikowksi website, 'The Flow of Ideas' at: http://www.flowideas.co.uk/?page=news&sub=RecentlyPublished and also at http://www.flowideas.co.uk/?page=pub&sub=KnowledgeManagement.

See also the Chandos Publishing website: http://www.chandospublishing.com/catalogue/record_detail.php?recordID=67.

Video: Sydney Harbour Knowledge Cafe

On 25th October 2007 I ran a Knowledge Cafe in Sydney. It was hosted by Annalie Killian of AMP on the 25th Floor of their building overlooking Sydney Harbour.

The Cafe was on the theme "What will be the impact of Social Tools within Organizations?" which I co-facilitated with Helen Paige who is regional director of the Gurteen Knowledge Community in Adelaide. About 70 people attended. It was a great evening.

Media Information: Image

  Knowledge Management: Social, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives (Jan 2007) edited by Ruth Rikowski 

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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