

Liberty's Poet by H.S. Moore

Emma Lazarus (Jan 2005)



H.S. Moore 


Turnkey Press



First Published

January 2005

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ISBN 0975480340 


Emma Lazarus , Ralph Waldo Emerson


United States, New York City

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Libertys Poet by H.S. Moore <b>From the book cover:</b><br>
A shy, young upper-class Jewish girl aspires to be a poet in 19th century New York City, and Ralph Waldo Emerson becomes her mentor and friend. <br><br>

Then Emma’s life takes an unexpected twist. The massive immigration of European Jews fleeing persecution, and many others seeking refuge in the United States -- the suffering and despair -- touch her deeply. Emma gathers courage and cries out for their defense. <br><br>

She emerges as a warrior, fighting bigotry, and also as a woman feeling the hardships of the oppressed poor.

What is Knowledge Management? - Aino Poyhonen

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Professor Aino Poyhonen . What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.

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  Liberty's Poet (Jan 2005) by H.S. Moore 
Emma Lazarus

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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