The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn(1962) |
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was conceived by Thomas Kuhn while he was still a graduate student in theoretical physics and was published in 1962. The book dispelled the widely held view that scientific change was a strictly rational process. His view was that science was not a steady, cumulative acquisition of knowledge. Instead, he saw it as "a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions." in which "one conceptual world-view was replaced by another." He called these world-views "paradigms".
Book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) by Thomas S. KuhnPerson Thomas S. Kuhn (1922 - 1995) ScientistQuotation On people, stimuli and sensations by Thomas S. Kuhn (1922 - 1995) ScientistQuotations from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: If two people stand at the same place and gaze in the same direction, we must, under pain of solipsism, conclude that they receive closely similar stimuli. But people do not see stimuli; our knowledge of them is highly theoretical and abstract. Instead they have sensations, and we are under no compulsion to suppose that the sensations of our two viewers are the same ... Among the few things that we know about it with assurance are: that very different stimuli can produce the same sensations; that the same stimulus can produce very different sensations; and, finally, that the route from stimuli to sensation is in part conditioned by education. Thomas S. Kuhn, (1922 - 1995) Scientist
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