- The Neurochemistry of Positive Conversations http://bit.ly/1vzrhYQ #GurteenTalk
- Why everyone should be working out loud http://bit.ly/1lEiRvZ #WorkingOutLoud
- Why The World's Dumbest Idea Is (Finally) Dying http://onforb.es/1qr7vic
- Secret Objectives v Shared Knowledge. Open Performance Management anyone http://bit.ly/1kYt0DY
- After all, the only proper intoxication is conversation. Oscar Wilde, in letter to Robert Ross (May, 1898)
- A Little KM Story on Gamification http://bit.ly/1hMoUQ7#Km #KMers #Gamification
- Tidy Desk, Uncreative Mind? http://bit.ly/1tVTEOa
- Bloody good conversations http://bit.ly/1uxgJZY /some good observations from @euan on online "conversations"
- What happens when "Coconut "and "Peach" communicate or The world's greatest misunderstanding http://bit.ly/1pMbt1R #culture
- Why dialogue is so important for Knowledge Management @NickKnoco http://bit.ly/T6ezTx #KM #KMers #GurteenTalk
- Creating participatory conferences - challenging the assumptions http://bit.ly/1olIctE
- Training Isn't Dead – But it Should Be http://bit.ly/1hPCfS2
- Social Media is about allowing the Smarter Conversation to happen. That's all. @Gapingvoid http://bit.ly/1knAb3l #GurteenTalk
- The learning capacity of an organisation is directly related to it's ability to hold conversations http://bit.ly/1jaaPLA #GurteenTalk
- Ask not what tools you want to use, ask how you want to change how you talk to people @gapingvoid http://bit.ly/1knAb3l #GurteenTalk
- A new theory of growth by @EskoKilpi http://bit.ly/1knvEOj
- You can't control the convesation you can just improve the conversation @gapingvoid http://bit.ly/1knBjDW
- The most important predictor of success in a group is the amount - not the content - of social interaction http://bit.ly/QZ5iLR
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