- Why Your Office Should Have a Nap Room http://bit.ly/1426xdu
- The Power of Having An Open Bar in the Office http://linkd.in/17XgOgX
- Is Reputation a Bigger Motivator Than Money? http://bit.ly/16B1rre
- People learn better when they're actively engaged is one of the central findings of cognitive research http://bit.ly/11FaHp6
- The most important challenge in this economy is creating conversations Ravi Arora, ex-KM Head, Tata Steel http://bit.ly/1bKRCY6
- WHY various people went into Knowledge Management http://linkd.in/17dlkbO #KM
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- The Future Isn't What It Used to Be: Why Futurists and Pundits So Often Get It Wrong: https://t.co/8daVlInzu2 #foresight #futures
- If we seek to truly collaborate with people, we need to think of each other as equals http://bit.ly/14lYZos #SocialGood
- The maximum group size for effective dialogue is five people @jackmartinleith http://bit.ly/1aHiWGp #KnowledgeCafe
- It's easy to be carried away by a skillful presentation into believing that you've learned more than you really have http://bit.ly/1ainpz1
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