- Why Sweden Is Shifting To A 6-Hour Workday http://buff.ly/1RdMC4F
- How Poverty May Change a Child's Brain http://buff.ly/1Tc7oVg
- Peter Block says "the urgency for an answer is the problem" http://buff.ly/1OyArz6
- There is a difference between listening and just waiting to speak http://buff.ly/1n6FWM7
- One of Britain's Largest Companies No Longer Wants to Know Where Its Applicants Went to College http://buff.ly/1ZwtXsA
- Networks are not Communities - networks connect; communities care. Henry Mintzberg @Mintzberg141 http://buff.ly/1Wf7mKj
- If you are in the complexity domain your attachment to an outcome is highly dangerous http://buff.ly/1VPvUuA
- Seth Godin explains "How to teach science" http://buff.ly/1VPxjl8 /everyone should understand the method
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