

David Gurteen's Publications


PeopleDavid Gurteen

I have written a number of articles over the years many of which can be found on this site. But here is a list of articles that I have had published in other journals, magazines and websites.
  • The Gurteen Perspective: Twittering
    Do you have a problem understanding what all the fuss is about Twitter? Do you think it is about telling strangers what you had for breakfast or that the cat has been sick? Do you still wonder why anyone would want to know these sorts of things and why you would waste your time telling them? Well, Twitter is actually a powerful business tool. Let me explain.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    04 Mar 2009

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Learning to listen and to tell the truth
    I wrote this article over five years ago and it has languished on my website without ever being published. It’s about time it was! Do we listen in order to confirm what we already think or in order to reply? Or do we listen in order to discover something new?
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    19 Dec 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Get Connected - expand yourself!
    In the past we worked alone. We were not connected. We had no real idea what others were doing – who they were; where they were; what drove them; their thoughts, ideas and aspirations. Like a PC not plugged into the web, we were isolated and limited. We were a shadow of what we could be. We could have been so much more – if only we were connected, live, in real time to our working colleagues, our far-flung network, friends and family. Think of the impact.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    03 Oct 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Raising all the ships on the sea
    What is ‘the commons’? Many of you will have heard of the tragedy of the commons where limited natural resources such as the land and the sea are overused and polluted as people act in their own self-interest.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    10 Sep 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: World 2.0
    I recently spent January in South East Asia; giving talks and running knowledge cafés in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. As always, I learnt as much as I taught. Most of us understand what Web 2.0 is all about as we move from a read-only web to a read-write or participatory web.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    21 Jul 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Cut the marketing hype
    A while back I received an e-mail from the secretary of a well-known UK management consultant, who asked if I would consider adding the consultant to the set of people profiles I have on my website. My first reaction was to say 'No'.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    05 Jun 2008

  • The Knowledge: David Gurteen
    He’s the king of knowledge cafés. The model of knowledge sharing. The architect of the world’s most friendly knowledge website. Host to online discussion forums. Author of a monthly newsletter, now in its eighth year, with a subscription list of 15,000 people in 154 countries. He is one of the world’s most respected knowledge experts. Yet he is unassuming, not ‘authoritative’. Always open to other points of view. He is the David among KM Goliaths.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    05 Jun 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Ducks in a row
    I recently read a blog post on the web where someone proposed selling blogging to senior management by explaining how weblogs improved conversations. I wasn’t at all convinced this had much chance of success.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    29 May 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: KM (2.0) goes social
    WITH THE advent of social tools, KM is poised to undergo a transformation. I’d like to take a brief look at what is going on.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    29 Feb 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Simplest KM tool
    WHEN I attend a conference, I look around the room to see how many people are making notes. Most people do not seem to take notes at all, while a few write on the hand-outs or on paper provided by the organisers. Some – often bloggers – use their laptops.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    28 Jan 2008

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Life is political
    Those natural knowledge sharers among us need to learn to not ‘blindly share’ but to “take the time to protect and safeguard our creations from predators” . It’s not wasted time – it’s well invested. Life is political – there is no getting away from it!
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    17 Dec 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: TYFSAK! TYFSAK?
    I’d like to tell you a story about an incident that happened to me almost 15 years ago, when I was working in the US. It hugely influenced me at the time and has stayed with me ever since.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    26 Oct 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Learn to share
    I gave a talk recently on knowledge sharing entitled the rather tongue-in-cheek, ‘How do you make people share their knowledge?’ as clearly you cannot ‘make’ people do this. At the end of the talk a woman from the audience approached me and said “David, I loved your talk but I am still unsure why people won’t share their knowledge and how it is possible to make them”.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    01 Oct 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Open and transparent?
    When considering knowledge sharing or creating a more collaborative culture, we often talk about the need for people to be open and for more transparency. These two concepts are usually used interchangeably and often without too much thought as to what they really mean.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    September 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Conference time
    I recently chaired the Ark Group’s KCUK conference in London for the second year and, as with all conferences in which I am involved, I wanted to make it as interactive and engaging as possible.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    August 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Just do it
    Have you ever read any of the many self-help books that tell you that if you wish to succeed or get something done you should just start doing it? One of my favourite quotes on this matter is from author Julie Cameron where she says, “leap and the net will appear”. I’ve come to believe this is true.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    July 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Cafe Culture
    I was recently in Jakarta, Indonesia, where I ran a two-day knowledge sharing workshop for a client that included a knowledge café and, as I often do when abroad, I ran an open Gurteen knowledge café on one of the evenings.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    May 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Get Found
    IT SEEMS to me that one of the key attributes of a successful knowledge worker is the ability to easily connect with people. People whom you can learn from, share knowledge with, collaborate with and get things done together.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    April 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: KM mission
    I was recently asked to comment on a vision statement that an organisation was proposing for a knowledge management (KM) initiative. This brought my thoughts – and apprehensions – about vision and mission statements flooding back. And so I thought I’d try to capture the essence of my thoughts about them here.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    March 2007

  • The Gurteen Perspective: Avoiding jargon
    Jargon is one of the major barriers to the adoption of KM – it is a sure fire way of antagonising both senior management and the people in the organisation who you wish to buy-in to KM. It’s okay to use the jargon among ourselves, but when talking to others who know little about KM we should do our best to avoid it. We should explain concepts in simple language and always provide an example that ties the concept in to a real business problem or challenge within the organisation.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    February 2007

  • The Gurteen perspective: What I learnt about KM as czar
    From 1989 to 1992 I worked for Lotus Development in its then headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts as ‘International Czar’. Yes that was my title. I still have some business cards to prove it. Funny thing was, though, even with such a grand title I had no authoritative power, yet I did get to build a small team.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    January 2007

  • The Gurteen perspective: David - Get a Life!
    I discovered weblogs back in 2002 when a colleague suggested I take a look at them. At first I stumbled across the mass of personal weblogs that held little interest for me but then I found a single weblog that changed my life.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    December 2006

  • The Gurteen perspective: Personally Speaking
    A while back, a friend told me that she had forwarded my monthly knowledge letter to a number of colleagues and that several had commented that it was strange that I used the word ‘I’ a lot.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    November 2006

  • The Gurteen perspective: Taking Responsibility
    What is a Knowledge Worker? “Knowledge workers are those people who have taken responsibility for their work lives. They continually strive to understand the world about them and modify their work practices and behaviours to better meet their personal and organisational objectives. No one tells them what to do. They do not take ‘no’ for an answer. They are self motivated.”
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    September 2006

  • The Gurteen perspective: On perspective
    We all see things in different ways. This is determined by our culture, education, life experiences and much more. No one sees the world through the same lens. And no one sees the world through the same lens day to day. Depending on the context we see things differently. We see the world relative to whom we are and where we stand.
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    August 2006

  • Stop apologising for knowledge management!
    KM is not going away. Indeed, it is becoming more important than ever. The term is an established one. Books, courses, conferences, workshops and university modules and degrees abound on the subject. So can I suggest we use the name with pride?
    InsideKnowledge Magazine , Ark Group
    June 2006

  • Spur organizational learning with a knowledge cafe
    An article in KM Review Magazine about my knowledge cafes,.
    KM Review Magazine , Melcrum
    London, United Kingdom, October 2005

  • CIO Magazine Australia
    One of my stories on the importance of "buy-in" is quoted at the beginning of this article by Sue Bushell in CIO Magazine, Australia.
    Getting Buy-In ,
    Sydney, Australia, September 2005

  • How do we make them share?
    An article written for The One Umbrella newsletter in Sydney Australia.
    The One Umbrella Newsletter , The One Umbrella 
    Sydney, Australia, August 2005

  • Creating a knowledge-sharing culture
    ASTD OD/Leadership News, ASTD
    London, United Kingdom, February 2004

  • Knowledge, Awareness and Understanding
    This article was published in the December 2003 edition of Information World Review.
    Information World Review, VNU Business Publications
    London, United Kingdom, December 2003

  • Knowledge, Awareness and Understanding
    KMPRO article
    KMPro Newsletter, KMPro
    September 2003

  • Article: Blogging, Klogging and KM
    Article published in Knowldge Magazine (Bizmedia), October 2002.
    October 2002

  • Blogging, Klogging and KM
    Article published in Knowledge Magazine (Bizmedia), October 2002.
    Knowledge Magazine (Bizmedia), Bizmedia
    London, United Kingdom, October 2002

  • Achieving Business Objectives
    Published in the Unicom Intelligence in Industry Newsletter Issue 3, March/April 2000
    Unicom Intelligence in Industry Newsletter, UNICOM Seminars
    London, United Kingdom, March 2000

  • Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture
    Published in Knowledge Management Magazine Volume 2, Issue 5, February 1999
    Knowledge Management Magazine, Bizmedia
    London, United Kingdom, February 1999

  • An Etiquette for Computer-Based Communication
    London, United Kingdom, June 1995

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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