

Open Source


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Related Termsopen source software , open source culture , open source movement , open source content , open source ideas , open source everything , open source everywhere 
External Linkshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source ... 
http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.11/opensourc ... 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source_movement ... 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source_Governmen ... 
http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html ... 
http://www.ensight.org/archives/2003/11/18/open-so ... 
http://www.soulincode.com/archives/000091.html ... 
http://fusionanomaly.net/opensourceculture.html ... 
http://www.shift.com/content/web/110/1.html ... 
http://www.media-culture.org.au/0406/04_Thake.html ... 
http://creativecommons.org/ ... 
http://commons.ca/articles/fulltext.shtml?x=335 ... 
http://www.opensource.org/ ... 
http://www.oswd.org/ ... 
http://www.osafoundation.org/ ... 
http://www.openntf.org/ ... 
http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/59/mcewen.html ... 
WikipediaOpen Source
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The term "open source" is usually used to refer to software that can be freely redistributed and modified by anyone but it is increasingly being applied to areas other than computer software.

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The pages on this website are categorized into one or more of nearly 100 categories (themes or topics). This page below displays a list of other pages that belong to the Open Source category. You may view the list of pages belonging to another category by selecting the category in which you are interested from the drop-down 'Categories' menu at the top of this page.

Blog Post
  Wikipedia Neutrality
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 14 June 2005

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 1 October 2005

  Open Source [4 items]

  Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 50 - 2nd August 2004

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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