
Blog Post

When you think you control something, you're wrong.

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 26 July 2011



When you think you control something, you're wrong.
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 133
Posted DateTuesday 26 July 2011 19:42 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
Linkshttp://zenhabits.net/control ... 
http://www.gurteen.com/gurteen/gurteen.nsf/id/stop-doing-thi ... 

I like this post by Leo Babauta on the illusion of control. It recognises that in a complex world we cannot predict cause and effect. If something happens the same way twice its by chance not because of some underlying "cause and effect" logic. It also ties in with my mantra of stop doing things to people. And it ties in with Snowden's views on not focusing on outcomes but on impact.

Here are a few things that Leo suggests for a completely different way of living:
  • We stop setting goals, and instead do what excites us.
  • We stop planning, and just do.
  • We stop looking at the future, and live in the moment.
  • We stop trying to control others, and focus instead on being kind to them.
  • We learn that trusting our values is more important to taking action than desiring and striving for certain outcomes.
  • We take each step lightly, with balance, in the moment, guided by those values and what we're passionate about ... rather than trying to plan the next 1,000 steps and where we'll end up.
  • We learn to accept the world as it is, rather than being annoyed with it, stressed by it, mad at it, despaired by it, or trying to change it into what we want it to be.
  • We are never disappointed with how things turn out, because we never expected anything -- we just accept what comes.

  • I am drawn to this way of thinking but I struggle with it. I need to have some goals and to do some planning but not to be overly tied to those goals and my plans; to not be too hung up on the how, where or when.

    Dave Snowden sums it up nicely for me when he says this (my slight modifications):
    Knowledge Management We should be focused on real, tangible intractable problems not aspirational goals. It We should deal pragmatically with the evolutionary possibilities of the present rather then seeking idealistic solutions.

    Credit: Dave Snowden

    If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
    David Gurteen

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