

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 49 - 7th July 2004


First Published

July 2004

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

***** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 49, 7 July 2004) *****

When people ask me what I do I always have a problem giving myself a
nice crisp title that needs no explanation. Its just a bit more
complicated than that. Increasingly I say I am a 'knowledge
networker' and go on to add that I help connect people with other
like-minded people (or even not so like-minded) and to new innovative
ideas (and some not so new).

You may recall my interview with Jo Singel in last month's
knowledge-letter on "Helping Children Prepare for their Work Future.
Several people mailed me to ask me to put them in touch with Jo as
they were running or were planning to run similar initiatives. You
don't know just how good I feel about that :-) So please if I can be
of help putting people in touch then let me know.

Jo Singel

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Anthony Robbins in London
2 - Dave Snowden Update
3 - Moblog!
4 - Theodore Zeldin on the radio
5 - What is free culture?
6 - Why the truth most be told
7 - Social Networking
8 - KM in Academia
9 - Silicon.com Research Report on Collaboration
10 - London Knowledge Cafe
11 - Tiny and not long URLs
12 - Study of the measurement of innovation performance
13 - Iraq - Journalist-Blogger
14 - Postgraduate Diploma in Know-How Management
15 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
16 - What's New?

******************* ANTHONY ROBBINS IN LONDON *******************

Many of you will know of Tony Robbins - the American motivational
speaker and author.

I have always been inspired by Tony's work even though I have to
filter out what to me seems like a lot of hype :-)

Well, in October he is running one of his "Unleash the Power Within"
seminars at the ExCel Centre in London.

"Unleash the Power Within" attracts huge audiences. I gather over
8,000 people attended the last seminar in London in March and that
the organizers are expecting the a similar number for this event.

If you are interested, take a look at the promotional video for the
event and the short article on my website. Again I have a little difficulty

with the 'rah rah' style but I am intrigued and if I have the time I
may well attend the event to experience it for myself.

Anthony Robbins in London

Anthony Robbins

********************** DAVE SNOWDEN UPDATE **********************

Dave Snowden left IBM on the 5th July. The Cynefin Centre will become
an independent research group open and interested in partnerships,
consultancy work and all sorts of things.

The new Cynefin website will have contact details for him as soon as
he has established alternative e-mail addresses, telephone numbers

The website will also be open for people to register interest in
Dave's work on social complexity, sensemaking, and narrative by

I am sure you will join me in wishing Dave every success in his new

Cynefin Centre

**************************** MOBLOG! ****************************

Blogging is getting more and more interesting - Nokia has begun
shipping a camera phone with video-editing and mobile-blogging
features in Europe, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.


***************** THEODORE ZELDIN ON THE RADIO *****************

"The Oxford Muse invites you to listen to 'The Art of Conversation',
a new radio documentary on the Muse created by Eka Morgan for Radio
Netherlands. The programme, which lasts 30 minutes, features
interviews with Theodore Zeldin and participants in their Portrait of
a City Project in Oxford. You can listen to the programme at:"


Tune in ... this a great little programme on Theodore's work on
conversation and personal portraits.

Also, a month or so ago I attended the Annual CMI Lecture at the
Royal Society for the Arts in London on "The spirit of work: an
exploration of ethical leadership". Theodore Zeldin was one of the
speakers. It was a great opportunity to get a deeper insight into
Theodore's mind. You will find a transcript of the lecture here:


Theodore Zeldin

Oxford Muse

********************* WHAT IS FREE CULTURE? *********************

The Internet is forcing huge change on business organizations and
society in the area of intellectual property rights: the music
industry in its fight against the illegal copying of music and the
'open source' movement which is attempting to give Microsoft a run
for its money with 'free' software products such as Linux are two of
the better known examples. But this may well be the tip of the
iceberg - take a look at this site I came across recently. Here are a
couple of clips:

"The mission of the Free Culture movement is to reclaim our culture
from corporate control. Our goal is to defend free and open cultural
space and protect public intellectual capital from privatization and

"The internet and digital technology can be tools of liberation. They
have the potential to put tremendous power into the hands of the
average person, if they are not perverted into a means of control.
However, with great power comes great responsibility. To a large
extent, free culture is about building a healthy, robust culture of
freedom, where the people understand how freedom works and are
comfortable with their liberty."


What is free culture?

Lawrence Lessig

****************** WHY THE TRUTH MOST BE TOLD ******************

A powerful little article in the Britsh newspaper - The Independent -
by the journalist John Pilger on the importance of documentaries and
his view that "documentaries that go against the received wisdom and
inform are becoming an endangered species."


*********************** SOCIAL NETWORKING ***********************

I have a conference and a workshop coming up in September in London
in which you may be interested. Verna Allee is the keynote at the
conference and will be running the workshop the second day.

Exploiting Social Networking in Organizations Conference

Value Network Strategies for Competitive Advantage with Verna Allee

Verna Allee

************************ KM IN ACADEMIA ************************

I am amazed just how rapidly KM is catching on in Academia with a
whole slew of KM related courses at Universities around the world.
Only this week I have had a dozen or more students from the
University MARA of Technology in Malaysia sign up for this

If you would like to help out a student, Sabrina Fu, in the
Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong in
her research then see:



silicon.com looks at how to approach collaboration, including getting
users to take advantage of the software and calculating your
company's ROI for the technology. They also examine emerging
solutions, encompassing mobile and instant messaging, and investigate
the major vendors in this space.


More on Colaboration

********************* LONDON KNOWLEDGE CAFE *********************

On the 27th July I am holding a "Knowledge BBQ" at the University of
Greenwich Business School, London. The event and the barbecue are
free but you may have to pay for drinks :-)

As there are still a few places left I am opening it up to anyone who
is interested regardless of whether you a are a 'kcafe member'. If
you would like to attend you will find more information and a booking
form at the link below.


******************** TINY AND NOT LONG URLS ********************

If you publish a newsletter or a website like me and have problems
with very long URLs that wrap around lines and confuse users then
take a look at these two sites. They both allow you to turn a long
URL into a short URL! There are several other sites that offer a
similar free service.




David Birchall and George Tovstiga are conducting a study of the
measurement of innovation performance. They are preparing a report
for publication in the autumn by Grist and plan to write a more
academic paper.

They need senior executives involved in the innovation process to
complete a short questionnaire. You should be involved in R&D, new
product development. market or process innovation. Ideally you should
have input into both the firm's innovation strategy and the reporting
or reviewing of activities.

So far they have over 30 respondents and from the feedback they are
getting it is a highly topical area and they are keen to extend the
sample particularly into service organizations.

Respondents will receive a summary of findings that hopefully will
provide new insights and trigger reflections.

If you are interested could you please mail David for a copy of the

David Birchall, Henley Management College, England
[email protected]

David Birchall

George Tovstiga

Henley Management College

******************* IRAQ - JOURNALIST-BLOGGER *******************

A bit more on blogging. Take a look at this site - "the Web's first
fully reader-funded journalist-blogger" reporting on Iraq - an
insight into everyday life there that is hard to find elsewhere.



This programme at Nottingham Law School in England is intended for
know-how managers, professional support lawyers and information
managers within law firms, in-house legal departments and barristers'
chambers. Applications are being accepted for September 2004.


If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
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