

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 26 - 5th August 2002


First Published

August 2002


Sheila Moorcroft


South Korea

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

Over these last few months I have been advocating knowledge-logs to anyone
who will listen but I am finding that many people are dismissing them
before taking the time to stop and understand them. I did the same for 3
years and am still kicking myself for being so short-sighted.

Knowledge-logs although a form of weblog are not a bunch of people
blogging about their personal lives nor are they crippled discussion

Although similar to weblogs and discussion forums they are quite different
- the difference being more in the psychology of the users than the
technology and believe you me that is one HUGE difference. And actually
the technology is quite different too.

If you have not taken a look at them yet - I urge you to explore or if you
have dismissed them look again. My k-log has developed into a good
resource and is a good place to start.

The Gurteen Knowldege-Log:

Weblog Resources:

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - The Knowledge Café
2 - Combustible Conversations
3 - KM market sitting like a lump!
4 - The wisdom of age: or the dangers of corporate amnesia
5 - Call for Papers for 4th Asia Pacific KM Conference
6 - Klog-Community Update
7 - Knowledge Sharing
8 - 2002 Technology Innovators
9 - KM In Korea
10 - By 2005, 6.9 million people in the UK will be teleworkers
11 - Discussion Forums
12 - KM Asia 2002/2003
13 - Knowledge-Enabled Public Services
14 - What are the goals of a CMS?
15 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

********************** THE KNOWLEDGE CAFÉ **********************

I am exploring the idea of arranging regular meetings in London for people
who would like to get together to have 'interesting conversations' about
knowledge management.

My current proposal is to hold the meetings once a month - from 6:30 to
8:00. I have found an initial venue - a small business lounge in The
Palace Strand Hotel only 5 minutes walk from Charring Cross station.

The use of the room is free so long as we drink in the bar afterwards. It
will comfortably sit about 12 people but could take 20 at a pinch.

I have talked to a few people and several are interested. If you too are
interested then please drop me an e-mail plus any comments you may have so
I can gauge the level of interest. I will then let you know the date of
the first meeting.

******************* COMBUSTIBLE CONVERSATIONS *******************

I love this metaphor:

"marketing is starting and spreading combustible conversations"

-- Doc Searles

You might even say :

"KM is starting and spreading combustible conversations"

Doc Searls Weblog:

The ClueTrain Manifesto


**************** KM MARKET SITTING LIKE A LUMP! ****************

Looks like the KM solutions vendors are having a tough time if this
on-line article in e-ProMag about Lotus Discovery Server is anything to go
by. This is how it starts:

Lotus shipped the second generation of its Discovery Server this month,
and although analysts said the knowledge management market is
slow in taking off, Lotus has learned a lot since it released Discovery
Server 1.0 more than a year ago, the company said.

The knowledge management market has done little more than sit there like a
lump, said Guy Creese, research director for Gartner.

The problem is that it's difficult to demonstrate real return on
investment, and many companies don't understand knowledge management. The
term has been bandied about to describe so many things that many are

For the full article see :

Lotus Discovery Server:

Lotus Knowledge Management:


By Sheila Moorcroft, Business Futures

Back in the distant past of the 1990s, I remember talking about the
dangers of corporate anorexia and corporate amnesia during the
enthusiastic levels of downsizing then underway. More recently, during the
last couple of weeks in fact, with the precipitous falls on the world’s
stockmarkets, analysts have been bemoaning the fact that companies and
indeed traders no longer have people with experience of working through a
bear market.

Mean while, during a one day Financial Futures Workshop that I ran on
behalf of the National Consumer Council involving 50 + senior executives
from the financial services sector, one of the key findings was that in 10
years time more and more people would work longer and retire later: some
by choice, but many out of necessity.1 In addition, research in America
indicates that some senior executives are coming out of retirement, not
so much in their own interests, but because their previous employers need
the wisdom of age: experience.

Corporate amnesia can be dangerous and may be more of a problem than we
think. Corporate amnesia can mean that companies lack collective memories,
their values and cultures can be damaged, the skills of working through
different times are forgotten or devalued, the impetuousness of the latest
fad or investment fashion is left unchallenged. In future, necessity may
be the mother of invention, encouraging older workers to stay on and
temper some of the excesses of our youth obsessed, MBA driven world.

For those interested in the findings of the project, a report from the
discussions will be available on the NCC website in the autumn.

Sheila Moorcroft:


Location: Hong Kong. Deadline for submission of papers: 15th September

4th Asia Pacific KM Conference

********************* KLOG-COMMUNITY UPDATE *********************

The Gurteen Klog-Community now has about 16 active members and is slowly
developing. You can see the list of member klogs in the blue panel on the
right-hand side of my knowledge-log. Go take a look! And if you have a KM
klog or are interested in starting one drop me an e-mail.

Gurteen Knowledge-Log:

*********************** KNOWLEDGE SHARING ***********************

Knowing how much Bob Buckman is interested in 'knowledge sharing' - I
recently sent him this quote from Peter Senge:

"Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting
something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing
knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one
another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning

This was has reply:

David, I had not seen this one before. It is absolutely right on the
money. That is what it is all about. Here is the one that I have always
used that was from our Associate, Alison Tucker on the night of us
receiving the award from Arthur Andersen for sharing knowledge in the

"Communications is Human Nature; Knowledge Sharing is Human Nurture."
Alison Tucker

Bob Buckman:

Peter Senge:

****************** 2002 TECHNOLOGY INNOVATORS ******************

Although a few months old - here is a short list of the top ten technology
innovators - people who are building, evangelizing, and inventing the
technologies that turn a company into a success - according to InforWorld

InforWorld 2002 Technology Innovators:


************************** KM IN KOREA **************************

I have more South Koreans subscribing to my knowledge-letter than either
France or Germany. This surprised me until I came across this article in
the Korea Herald.

Korea is now at the forefront of adopting and embracing knowledge
management in a bid to upgrade the country's competitiveness and position
itself as an open, efficient business hub in Northeast Asia.

Korea Herald article:

South Korea:


Spotted in ComputerWeekly According to analyst IDC , 28.9 million
professionals will work outside the office for at least one day a week by
2005. In the UK alone, 6.9 million people will be mobile or teleworkers by

To my mind this is a stunningly high figure and a strong indicator on the
adoption of 'flexible working' and just how much the workplace is

New Ways Of Working:

*********************** DISCUSSION FORUMS ***********************

If you have not visited my discussion forums lately or simply did not know
they existed - can I suggest you take a look . In particular, see if you
cannot help out Julie Shearman in the Any Answers? forum who asks:

"Has anyone got any useful examples of ways in which KM measures have been
applied successfully. By measures I not only mean evidence that learning
is increasing, solutions being shared and applied but also that
productivity has increased?"


*********************** KM ASIA 2002/2003 ***********************

KM Asia 2002 was held in Singapore on 16 - 18 July. I gather from the
organizers it was a great success with almost 2,000 visitors in total.

If you wish to see a summary of the event and put next year's date in your
diary then click below.

And don't forget KM Europe 2002 is coming up soon in the UK in November.

KM Asia 2003

KM Europe 2002

*************** KNOWLEDGE-ENABLED PUBLIC SERVICES ***************

Unicom Seminars are planning an event entitled Knowledge-Enabled Public
Services: Delivering effective e-government in London, 26- 27 November
2002. If you are interested in speaking then please contact them. Full
details in link below.

Knowledge-Enabled Public Services:

***************** WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF A CMS? *****************

James Robertson of Step Two Designs in Australia publishes some
interesting articles on KM and related topics on his site. Take a look
this recent article on content management systems:

"Content management systems should be made to meet specific business
goals. Without a clear vision of these goals, it is impossible to track
the success of the project, or ensure that the benefits are maximized."


He is runs a klog and is part of my klog-community:


Copyright 2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community