
Blog Post

Some additional RSS feeds for my website

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 15 August 2006



Some additional RSS feeds for my website
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Posted DateTuesday 15 August 2006 19:54 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen

Last night I spent an hour or so adding a few more RSS feeds to my website. I have a Lotus Notes agent that is scheduled to run each night and does the work. It is driven by a Notes configuration document for each feed.and a loy of shared code and so it maybe takes me 15 minutes to create a new feed. The agent also updates other syndicated content such as a quote of the day javacript feed.

I am really quite pleased with the feeds now. I have six regional feeds that provide information on new jobs and a similar set of feeds for events such as conferences. I also have a feed for my weblog and a feed that covers all the new and updated pages on my site. And then there is a quote of the day feed and knowledge seeds feed. That makes it sixteen feeds in all.

I also took the opportunity to update the feed icon RSS Feed

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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