He says some nice things about me and comments on my lack of blogging over the last year and chides me a little for the recent comment in my monthly knowledge lettter that I am going to try to blog more frequently - at least once a week ...
Admitting he's been lax with his own blog and trying to offer one entry a week. One? One? One? Really? Well, it's better than one a month, I suppose, but hardly demonstrating the raw influence he has in certain intelligence and collaboration markets.The good news is that I have got off to a good start in the New Year and managed to post 10 entries in January - hardly earth shattering but then double my goal!
Part of the answer is that my weblog is just one small part of my website which in some way is a blog in its own right. The pages on my site are categorized by their content such as Knowledge Management or Social Tools but also by their page type such as Event, Job, Quotation, Category, Link, Book, Person Profile, Media File, Poll, Place and of course Blog Entry. It is an incredibly rich site and I know nothing like it in the KM field.
So in January, I posted 87 entries to my website of which only 10 were blog postings. And over the last year, I posted 679 entries to my site in total. So its not that I am idle - its just that if you only look at my weblog you wont see as much activity as if you look at my website in its totality.
Then of course there is my monthly knowledge-letter that is e-mailed to the 14,000 members of my community each month and read by I don't know how many more on my site or via an RSS feed. This knowledge-letter is also a sort of blog with 10 to 12 items each month.
And there is also my monthly Gurteen Perspective article in InsideKnowledge magazine. So its not as If I am not writing. The effort that goes into my website, weblog, knowledge-letter is huge and is all for free and then in there somewhere I also need to earn a living :-)
There are almost 5,000 pages on my website in total that I actively maintain. Purging old ones and updating out of date ones on a regular basis to keep the content as fresh as is possible given my limited resources. And then of course there is all the multimedia content I have been adding - best expressed in my media-player.
So blogged up? Well I guess yes - but certainly not MIA LOL! And thanks Christian I will try to blog a little more!