
Past Event

This Café believes that one day soon businesses will become truly social

Gurteen Knowledge Cafe - Farnborough


Event Type

Knowledge Cafe

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#KnowledgeCafe; #GurteenKnowlegeCafe

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@DavidGurteen  @GurteenNews  @GurteenQuotes 


Gurteen Knowledge


Mon 22 Feb 2016


BAE Systems 


Farnborough, United Kingdom

Who can Attend




David Gurteen



Knowledge Cafe; Knowledge Management


David Gurteen



Date: Monday 22nd February 2016, 6:00pm - 9:00pm. This is a free event. Please arrive at 6:00pm or shortly after, which will give you time to settle in and meet other people and enjoy some light refreshments. The cafe itself will start prompt at 6:30pm.

Background A Knowledge Café is normally initiated by a speaker who talks briefly to the theme of the Café and poses a question for discussion but there are many other ways in which the context for a Café conversation can be set. One of those ways is to trigger the conversation with a short debate.

In a Café debate the context is set by two people (or more) debating opposing views on a topic. The Café then proceeds as normal and concludes in a vote being taken.

This goes a little bit against the philosophy of the Café as some people may hold on to fixed views in order to “win” the debate but this style of Café can be great fun if people do not take it too seriously and are prepared to “win” or “lose”.

The value is not in the outcome but in the conversations that are held at the tables and the insights into the issue that are gleaned by the participants.

If you are interested in the format you can learn more here.

The Motion: This Café believes that one day soon businesses will become truly social.

Henry Mintzberg, the well known author on business and management and Professor of Management Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, in an article in Harvard Business Review: Rebuilding Companies as Communities, makes the point that:

An enterprise is a community of human beings, not a collection of “human resources”

We are not cogs in an organizational machine but human beings – social animals – living and working in a social world.

It is an insightful point and a mindset that has huge potential for changing the nature of the world of work but will businesses ever become truly social - indeed should they?

Let's listen to two people debate each side for a few minutes, then we'll all discuss whether or not businesses will ever re-think how they treat people and get work done.

The Debaters
Proposing the motion will be Freyja Lockwood - a human factors consultant with QinetiQ. Opposing the motion will be Christopher Penrose-Ransley. Chris assists organisations of many types and sizes in achieving decisions determining their objectives, strategies, tactics and metrics.

Sponsor: John Hovell, Head of Organisational Development, BAE Systems

BAE Systems- Park Centre
Farnborough Aerospace Centre
GU14 6XN

Room: The room is at the top of the stairs on the top floor.

From the "Queens Roundabout" (adjacent to the Farnborough "Holiday Inn") on the A325 between Farnborough Town Centre and Aldershot take "GOVERNMENT HOUSE ROAD" towards the "Farnborough Aerospace Centre".

At the bottom of the hill turn right into Gladiator Way and drive through the car park as far as possible (to the rear of the Park Centre.)

Park in the car park and walk around to the entrance to the Park Centre at the front of the building. Then follow the signs.

There is no direct Public Transport. Taxis from Farnborough Main or North Camp stations take about 5 minutes.


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Note that the Park Centre buiding is on the opposite side of the road to Warwick House.

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Monday 20 January 2025
05:05 PM GMT