
Blog Post

KM Tweeters!

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 2 January 2009



KM Tweeters!
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 103
Posted DateFriday 2 January 2009
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
Original Source

I started out with a simple mission to compile a top ten list of people who regularly tweeted on KM inspired by this list Ten People All Twitter Beginners Should be Following.

And of course, like a good Tweeter I announced my intent on Twitter only to be reminded by @Nimmy that @Patrick DiDomenico had already created a pretty comprehensive list of 80 or so of KM tweeters: Must-Follow Twitterers on Twitter | Knowledge Management.

So what to do? Well first I have merged; removed duplicates and sorted Patrick's lists and turned them into links to the individual's tweet page. This allows me and others to quickly click through to their page and check them out. See the list at the bottom of this page.

In clicking through on these folk - many are clearly not focused on KM - a place to browse, a place to start but not a top 80 by any means. And this is a general problem, as many KMers like myself and Nimmy tweet on a wide range of topics but only some on KM. So I am trying to remember to tag my KM tweets with a #KM tag to make them easy to find.

The criteria for my list? That's difficult, but mainly people whom I know and respect; who I follow myself and who frequently post good, relevant KM tweets even if they would not label themselves a KM person as such.

If you consider yourself a "KM tweeter" and are not on any of these lists or you know of others who should be here then please let me know.

So a first crack at my list. But note I will be updating it. (last update: rev 5: 31 March 2009)

David Gurteen's top ten KM tweeters (in no particular order)
  1. Dave Snowden
  2. Stan Garfield
  3. Shawn Callahan
  4. Nancy White
  5. Lilia Efimova
  6. John Tropea
  7. Nirmala Palaniappan
  8. Mary Abraham
  9. Jack Vinson
  10. Matt Moore
Other KMish tweeters (in no particular order)
Twitter Group: Knowledge Management (KM) Practitioners
Another good source of KM tweeters is the Twitter Group: Knowledge Management (KM) Practitioners.

Patrick DiDomenico's original KM tweeters' list (sorted in alphabetical order)

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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