This works amazingly well. Here are some notes:
- To my mind it is the best format for the whole group conversation
- Surprisingly it takes only a few minutes to do
- Just tell everyone to pick up their chairs and from a circle; its chaos for a minute or two then settles down
- Tell them to form it nice and tight and pretty much as a circle
- The circle in the photo above was a little too large but then it was a large group and we needed a roving mike
- In a circle, everyone is equal, no one is left out
- In a circle, the facilitator is just another person and people are less likely to try to report back to them
- And finally, a great idea, if you have a digital camera, pass it around the circle and let everyone take a few photos of everyone else. It really captures the spirit of the event.
Note that I am sitting too far forward as the guy to the right of me is actually behind me Something you should be careful not to do.