I cannot believe that my website is 10 years old this month. The oldest page on my website is dated 07/08/1999 but the site is a few months older than that but I have nominated that date as the birthday for the site.
You can get a feel for what he site looked like in the past from the Wayback Machine. In some ways, it has not changed a lot, its still as ugly as ever but I have always put my effort into the content and not in beautifying it - a trade off given I am just one guy.
Looking back at things I guess the biggest change is its size - its now over 7,000 pages and when I started out there were no such things as widgets - now they abound on my site ... not always a good thing as they slow down page loading times but they add so much useful content and functionality - the site would not be the same without them.
I hope it still serves its purpose to share all the things that are going in the broad "world of knowledge" that interest me and I hope in turn interest you!