
Blog Post

Evernote is a great writing and thinking tool

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 28 September 2015



Evernote is a great writing and thinking tool
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 183
Posted DateMonday 28 September 2015 11:03 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen

If you have not tried out Evernote yet - give it a whirl. It's an amazing app. I do all my writing in it these days but I also use it as a thinking tool to capture and pull my fragmentary thoughts together.

It synchronises my notes and articles between my laptop, iPad and iPhone. I do serious writing on my laptop. I tend to proof read and reflect on my iPad and while waiting for my wife at the station or travelling into London on the train I use my iPhone for both reading and minor editing. I just love to able to read, write and edit like this any time, any place.

And I can work off-line and it syncs via the web later when I'm connected to the Internet. I love the ability to create different notebooks - a bit like categories and its great also to be able to tag items.

But what I think is the coolest feature of all is the Evernote Web Clipper. This allows me to capture webpages straight into Evernote. There are various options but if I capture a page as a "simplified article" - its strips out all the ads, all the menus, all the side bars - pretty much all the junk and leaves me with nice clean text.

I tend to use it mainly to capture a blog post or an article. In this way as I read through the item later I can strike through the paragraphs that I feel are junk and highlight the good stuff. Then a few weeks later when I come to read it again I can focus my reading on the critical text. Oh and I can mail stuff into the database too - so I also use it to capture ideas and fragmentary thoughts that I can dwell on and pull together later.

Take a look, it has many more features I have not mentioned, I think you will love it.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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