
Blog Post

Google Video Search

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 30 December 2006



Google Video Search
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Posted DateSaturday 30 December 2006 09:47 GMT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen

One of the sure fire predictions for 2007 is that Internet Video is going to get HOT! So over Christmas I was poking around to discover what was new and was delighted to discover the Google AJAX Search API and the Google Video Bar. Quite simply this code allows anyone with a website or weblog to easily build Google search engine functionality and in particular video search functionality into their site. It took me just a couple of hours.

I have three very simple demo pages here: Take a look at the source code (in Firefox right click the page and select View Page Source) and you will see just how simple the code is!

But then take a look and see how I have incorporated the code into my site.

First, I have added a Google Video Search button to my Media Player. Now not only can you play videos and multi media files that I have embedded in my site but you can also search for and play Google Videos directly in my player. What's even better is that I have included a small number of standard searches to get you going. Take a look at the TEDTalk videos - they are outstanding!

And then finally I have started to include the video search functionality into many of my pages. Take a look for example at the profile page for Tom Peters where you will see the embedded video search bring up and display Tom Peters videos.

All in all - very cool indeed. But in my opinion we ain't seen nothing yet. There are so many stunning developments going on in this area - for example take a look at Robin Good's Video Education: Free Online Learning Resources Mini-Guide.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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