Thanks to this article in Wired Magazine, I discovered the Eye-Fi Card - a seemingly standard SD memory card but with WiFi built in that automatically uploads pictures from your digital camera to your PC and to your favorite photo sharing, printing, blogging or social networking site.
I have been fantasizing about being able to do this for a long time but expected the functionality to be built into the camera but building it into the memory card itself is just too beautiful for words. Having just bought a new camera all I need is one of these cards and its price is about $100 for 2GB - easily affordable.
No problem to upload photos from the card to your PC or the web but not to download photos from your PC to the card so I could update my digital photo frame. Also does not support video - would be cool to upload short video clips to YouTube for example.
I really want one but for some reason that I cannot fathom the website says that it will not work outside the USA.