

Edward De Bono

(b. 1933) Psychologist & Author



Author, Psychologist, Speaker

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Edward De Bono

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Edward De Bono 



Edward de Bono
Dr. Edward de Bono is regarded as a leading international authority on creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking skills. He was born in Malta in 1933 and was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University where he read psychology, physiology, and medicine.

He has held faculty appointments at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, London, and Harvard. He is an M.D. with a Ph.D. in psychology and physiology.

He was a lecturer in medicine at Cambridge University (1976-83), and is now involved with a number of organizations to promote the skills of thinking which break out of the trammels of the traditional (lateral thinking ). These include the Cognitive Research Trust, Cambridge (director since 1971), and the Supranational Independent Thinking Organization (secretary-general since 1983).

His books include The Use of Lateral Thinking (1967), Teaching Thinking (1976), and I Am Right, You Are Wrong (1990).

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  Changing our thinking methods
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 20 May 2002

  Edward De Bono (b. 1933) Psychologist & Author

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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