

Carla O’Dell

APQC, Chief Executive Officer



Author, Speaker

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Knowledge Management; Quality


United States, Houston


Books by Carla O’Dell 


Books by Carla O’Dell 


Carla O’Dell

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Carla O’Dell 



Carla ODell
As one of the chief gurus in knowledge management (KM), celebrated author of three best-selling books and the driving force for dozens of leading edge research projects, Carla O’Dell is at the epicenter of the best and brightest in KM. As CEO of APQC, an award winning, member-based nonprofit institution founded in 1977 and serving Global 1000, government, and nonprofit organizations, Carla has a unique perspective about what really matters in KM and how to make it work for your organization. Entertaining, funny and gifted with a turn of phrase, Carla is consistently among the highest-rated speakers at conferences, renowned for her thought provoking and interactive presentations.

Under Carla’s direction, APQC has long been recognized as a global leader in KM and is repeatedly named as one of KMWorld Magazine’s 100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management (awarded 2002, 2011, 2013, and 2014). The organization has also been named nine times as one of North America’s Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) by TELEOS and The KNOW Network (awarded 2003-2004, 2007-2013).

Carla is author of The Executive’s Role in Knowledge Management (APQC, 2004) and coauthor of If Only We Knew What We Know: The Transfer of Internal Knowledge and Best Practice (Free Press, 1998). Carla O’Dell and Cindy Hubert, both leaders of APQC, recently released the definitive book on implementing a knowledge management (KM) program,The New Edge in Knowledge: How Knowledge Management is Changing the Way We Do Business (Wiley, 2011).

Carla has a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University, a master’s from the University of Oregon, and a doctorate in organizational psychology from the University of Houston. In addition to leading APQC and helping organizations around the world successfully transfer knowledge and best practices, she has hiked every continent including Antarctica with a broken toe.

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Blog Post
  Rewarding and recognizing knowledge sharing
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 15 September 2002

  Carla O’Dell APQC, Chief Executive Officer

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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