Its an interesting article but there are no great new blogging insights - I will be interested though to see how many people click through to my weblog as this must be some sort of a measure of general interest in blogging/klogging.
Kendall Young asks in a comment:
I would be interested in seeing an actual case study of a large business utilizing a blog or blogs that increased the efficiency of their communication, and how has it compared to e-mail or IM?I know of a few examples and some are published in klogs but I cannot point to one good solid, well documented case study where they have been used effectively by a large organization though I suspect some of the large global organizations who were early Lotus Notes adopters may have some great case studies of this - though they probably do not recognize it as 'blogging'. My BA story, although not quite blogging is a great example of a large organization using 'blogging-like' technology to capture ideas from its employees and putting them into action.