
Blog Post

Changing our thinking methods

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 20 May 2002



Changing our thinking methods
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Posted DateMonday 20 May 2002 12:11 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
PeopleEdward De Bono

I just came across this statement on Edward de Bono's website:
In the technical and scientific world we have made huge progress. This is because the behaviour of physical laws and physical substances is permanent and reliable. In human affairs it is different because there are interactive loops. If you call someone an 'idiot' that person is no longer the same person you called an idiot.

Our progress in human behaviour (conflicts etc) has hardly changed at all. We may throw guided missiles at each other rather than rocks but out behaviour is the same. This is because of the gross inadequacy of our thinking methods.

Many believe that we need to change values and attitudes. I do not think this is the answer. If we change our thinking methods (especially as regards perception) our values, attitudes and behaviour will follow.

Edward de Bono nmt
11th May 2002

I am Right you are Wrong by Edward De Bono His statement reminds me of his book: I am Right you are Wrong Hmm - so how do we change our thinking methods? I personally believe that the solution is more about improving our understanding - if we understand things better - we will see the world differently and our values, attitudes, the way we think and our behaviour will change almost effortlessly.

How do we improve our understanding - mainly through 'open conversation' in my opinion. But maybe our thinking methods to some degree do need to change first - for us to recognise the problem. Food for thought Smile!

NB. What is that 'nmt' after de Bono's name I wonder? I just copied and pasted it as is!

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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