Beating the blues – a computer therapy system using systematic questioning combined with acted out case studies is proving extremely effective and simple to use to treat depression and negative thought/ behaviour patterns. ‘real’ counsellors and therapists are always available if needed, but they anticipate that soon patients could treat themselves from home with email support.
Potential Significance
Perceived increased privacy is a major aspect of this system’s success: a major constraint in getting it to people’s homes is bandwidth. .
With the current interest in e-learning what other areas such as review interviews, performance assessments, counselling etc would benefit from increased privacy?
A related item on young people’s use of the web for health : A Kaiser Family Foundation report on the Web shows that young people use the web for health information on a regular basis. Not only that they prefer the web because of privacy and confidentiality and more than half trust the info they find.. Many have also changed behaviour as a result of the information found.
Half looked for info on specific diseases; weight loss, drugs, alcohol and violence and mental health were other key areas.
Sheila Moorcroft, BFN UK
Jan 16 2002
Keywords Links
Health; privacy; e-learning; advice; life by proxy; help tech;
Ref No.
What is Knowledge Management? - Deogratias Harorimana
Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Deogratias Harorimana. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.
Deogratias is pursuing his PhD in KM on "Knowledge transfer across boarders between developed and developing countries of
the Sub Saharan Region" at Southampton Solent University.
Media Information:
If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the
Knowledge Café
or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on
Conversational Leadership
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