
Indicator of Change

Inside track business education



Sheila Moorcroft


Business Futures

First Published

January 2002




Sheila Moorcroft




United Kingdom

Indicator of ChangeWhat is it in western education that makes managers so arrogant, running roughshod over everybody else?" demands Eduardo Morato Jr, dean of Manila's Makati city-based Asian Institute of Management.

The Asian institute of Management (AIM) is trying to change the face of management and leadership education by overthrowing the traditions of Harvard and the US business schools long adopted and used.

Mentoring and working directly and intensively with students is key – e.g. 1: 6 professor student ratio - as are skills such as listening and cross cultural understanding, plus living the course, not studying case histories – e.g. one student set up a charity credit union as part of the course.

“The thrust of the whole course is the faculty (member) mentoring the entrepreneur in his real-life business and he (the student) passes or fails not according to what happens in the classroom, but according to what happens in his business."

Asian economic crisis has created awareness and demand for new skills especially entrepreneur-ship, with the majority of students self funded. AIM is based in Philippines but is targeting all of Asia and does NOT see technology as a major component although it has a role to play: they are focusing on developing people ‘who will be able to manage themselves, their environment, their enterprise….’.
Potential SignificanceThe domination of western ways of doing business and western companies on many world markets has become a given during the last part of the 20th Century.

But with the growth of their own markets and the increasingly confident and growing number of large Asian / indigenous companies, so new ways of working and new approaches are likely to emerge to challenge western dominance. Formalising those ideas is part of that process.

Video: Web 2.0 for public officials.

Persona: David Gurteen (legendado) from igovsp persona on Vimeo.

David Gurteen discute as influências da web 2.0. para os funcionários públicos e as mudanças no relacionamento entre os níveis hierárquicos.

David Gurteen discute as influências da web 2.0. para os funcionários públicos e as mudanças no relacionamento entre os níveis hierárquicos. (David Gurteen discusses the influences of web 2.0. for public officials.) Filmed at KM Brasil 2008.

Media Information: Image

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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