The programme will address the wider societal context of public engagement with research and how best to engage relevant public groups (e.g. community members, patients, school children, curious adults) with research. Participants will improve their own communication skills, explore the dynamics of partnering with different communities, and be introduced to a range of tools to better measure the impact of their public engagement activities. The course will incorporate a mixture of workshop-style sessions, individual reflections, panel discussions and short talks from prominent researchers who have successfully embedded public engagement within their work. The aim is to provide inspiration and support to enable newly independent researchers to develop a personalised and proactive plan for public engagement that has impact.
Applicants must hold a research-related position at a research institute (or equivalent) or higher education institution in the UK. Priority will be given to newly independent researchers (PIs) and intermediate level researchers who are keen to embed public engagement within their research activities. The workshop is open to researchers from all disciplines, with a limited number of bursaries places offered to Wellcome Trust funded researchers.
To optimize discussions and interactions between tutors and participants, numbers are limited; therefore early application is advised.
Topics will include:
- The context for public engagement
- Purposes and audiences
- How to engage
- Strategic evaluation
- Making the most of partnerships
- Community partners and patient groups
- Cultural organisations
- Evidencing Impact: how does public engagement help?
- Turning your plans into action
- Making a case for public engagement
This is a residential course.
Bursary Deadline: 10 May 2016
Application Deadline: 10 May 2016
What is Knowledge Management? - Andrew Sinclair-Thomson
Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Andrew Sinclair-Thomson. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at the Henley Knowledge Management Forum in September 2006.
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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the
Knowledge Café
or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on
Conversational Leadership
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