
Past Event

Connecting Knowledge Communities


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Network for Information and Knowledge Exchange (NetIKX)

Event Link

http://www.netikx.org/content/connecting-knowledge ... 


Wed 23 Sep 2015


British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street


London, United Kingdom



Within the UK (and, of course, worldwide) there are a number of membership organisations and communities that are concerned with knowledge and information management. They have different emphases, different modes of operation and even different approaches to membership. Some have regular meetings and a paid membership, while others are virtual and have no formal status or funds. Between these two extremes, there are many variants. In addition, different communities draw their members from different groups, both in terms of occupation and of industry.

NetIKX is inviting such communities and organisations based in the UK, but mainly in London, to give short presentations on their genesis, membership and operation.

Communities that have already accepted this invitation include the Henley Forum for Organisational Learning & Knowledge Strategies and the Knowledge and Innovation Network (KIN) – more details on other organisations will be available shortly. The presentations will be followed by the usual NetIKX syndicate sessions, where people can talk about our own experiences of networking groups. It will also be possible to discuss whether there is scope for these groups to collaborate and, if so, how it might be done.

Video: Blogs in Plain English

Blogs in Plain English

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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Wednesday 22 January 2025
04:40 AM GMT