

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 109 - July 2009


The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 109 - July 2009


  1 Introduction to the July 2009 Knowledge Letter
  2 People Lending
  3 Euan Semple: Short video clips on Social Media for business
  4 Share little bits of your life one tweet at a time
  5 KM Asia 2009 Early Bird
  6 Nick Milton: Knowledge Management is not an end in itself
  7 Ten great questions to ask youself
  8 Google Wave: Wider release this September
  9 KM Event Highlights
10 Subscribing and Unsubscribing
11 The Gurteen Knowledge Letter

Introduction to the July 2009 Knowledge Letter    (top | next | prev)

I am still hoping that more of you will join me on Twitter. I have 3 Twitter accounts - the first @DavidGurteen is a regular Twitter user account to which I post tweets most days when I have the time. Usually - updates on interesting things going on in the KM world.

The second account @GurteenQuotes is a feed from my website that delivers three short KM oriented quotations each day - it was only one quote but I have upgraded it to more effectively cover different time zones.

The third account @GurteenNews, I have recently modified. At one time - it was a feed of interesting KM news items but I have incorporated those into my personal feed and modified @GurteenNews to be a replica of the main RSS feed for my website - so when ever I post a KM event, book, job or more to my site - it will be tweeted via this feed. A great way to keep on top of the KM world in near real time :-)

Please follow one of more of these feeds if you would like to keep updated. I'll follow you in return. There is already a healthy KM community on Twitter but I'd love to see more of you there!

And if you are not sure how to get started see Twitter for Beginners: 5 Steps for Better Tweeting

People Lending    (top | next | prev)

I think you'll love this! The living library where you borrow people not books.

Instead of borrowing a book, you can borrow a person for a 30 minute chat. An east London library has 26 "human books" available. The aim is to confront and breakdown stereotypes. You can "borrow" a Muslim; a police officer; a person suffering mental health issues; a gay guy; or a young person expelled from school.

So the stereotypes might be religious fanatic; corrupt; unstable; promiscuous; rebellious and so on. It's about having frank and rich conversations with people and learning about different cultures or ways of living. It's about the "borrower" offering up what misgivings or fears they might have of a stereotype and the "human book" responding.

Violence, hatred and racial issues often occur when there is misunderstanding, ignorance and cultural insensitivity. Listening to the narrative of another person who is entirely different from you is a powerful experience. The Living Library challenges preconceptions through promoting dialogue.

I think this is a great idea - maybe I should borrow one of these "human books" and use them to seed the conversation for one of my London Knowledge Cafes - what an interesting thought :-)

Euan Semple: Short video clips on Social Media for business    (top | next | prev)

Euan Semple was recently interviewed for GuruOnline.

Its an interesting format, fifteen high quality teeny video clips where Euan is asked questions about social media and working in a wired world. You can skip any of them and play the clips in any order. Its neat! And of course Euan has some great stuff to say about social tools. Well worth a watch.

Share little bits of your life one tweet at a time    (top | next | prev)

Some great advice here in this short video interview with Juliette Powell.

I love the bit about being authentic and shaping your brand by sharing little bits of your life one tweet at a time. And using social tools to influence people and tell your story.

Although her advise is primarily aimed at independents and small organizations - I think if you read between the lines and consider yourself or your team as a brand then everyone can learn from what Juliette has to say especially KM practitioners and KM managers.

KM Asia 2009 Early Bird    (top | next | prev)

I mentioned recently that I would be participating in KM Asia in November. The organisers - the Ark Group - have just announced great early bird deal - take a look at the early bird brochure. It expires on the 21st August.

I will also be speaking at KM Singapore in August.

Nick Milton: Knowledge Management is not an end in itself    (top | next | prev)

If you don't already know him, I'd like to introduce you to Nick Milton of Knoco by way of a recent blog post of his:
Knowledge Management is not an end in itself. Companies do not exist for the purpose of propagating and advancing knowledge - they exist to sell products and services. But to the extent that competitive advantage relies on informed decision making within the business - knowledge management has a crucial role to play.

This is spot on and to my mind is one of the prime reasons so many KM initiatives and KM teams fail. They are simply not focused on the business.

But take a look at all the other material on Knoco's website (though I do wish Nick would lighten up and smile on his videos) - especially Nicks blog and his short KM videos - he has been very prolific of late and you will find a wealth of good KM material.

Ten great questions to ask youself    (top | next | prev)

Michele Martin builds on a post by Meredith Levinson on a series of six questions to identify change agents and innovators during a job interview and adds four questions of her own.

These are great questions to consider about your working life, regardless of whether you are going to a job interview or not!

  1. What do you do to build, manage and maintain your network?
  2. If I Google you, what will I find?
  3. What do you do to stay focused?
  4. What do you do to stay relevant?
  5. What innovative solutions have you created?
  6. Walk (me) through a time when you administered change.
  7. What important problems or questions do you see facing our industry? Your occupation?
  8. What do you do to expose yourself to new ideas and new thinking on a regular basis?
  9. What big mistake have you made recently and what did you learn from it?
  10. What matters to you? What are you passionate about? What gets you up in the morning or keeps you awake at night?

Google Wave: Wider release this September    (top | next | prev)

Last week Google Wave was open to around 6,000 developers and Google is planning to send out an additional 20,000 invites over the next month. In addition, Google is planning to release Wave to 100,000 users beginning on September 30th. So register your interest.

There is a lot of interest in this product - if you haven't taken a look at it yet - I suggest you do! I am registered to be informed when it is ready and can't wait to get my hands on it :-)

KM Event Highlights    (top | next | prev)

This section highlights some of the major KM events taking place around the world in the coming months and ones in which I am actively involved. You will find a full list on my website where you can also subscribe to both regional e-mail alerts and RSS feeds which will keep you informed of new and upcoming events.

KM Australia 2009
04 - 07 Aug 2009, Sydney, Australia

KM Singapore 2009
13 - 14 Aug 2009, Singapore City, Singapore
I will be running a workshop at KM Singapore this year.

10th European Conference on Knowledge Management
03 - 04 Sep 2009, Vincenza, Italy
I will be attending this conference.

Implementing a Knowledge Cafe
09 Sep 2009, London, United Kingdom
I am looking forward to facilitating this Masterclass in September

KM Brasil 2009
16 - 18 Sep 2009, Salvador, Brazil

The Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop
22 Sep 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand
I will be running this workshop in New Zealand for the second year.

The Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop
24 Sep 2009, Wellington, New Zealand
I will be running this workshop in New Zealand for the second year.

International Conference on Knowledge Economy (ICKE2009)
20 - 22 Oct 2009, Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa
I will be speaking at this conference.

KM LatinAmerica 2009
26 - 30 Oct 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina

KM India 2009
28 - 30 Oct 2009, Chennai, India
I will be speaking at this conference. It will be my first trip to India.

KMWorld & Intranets 2009
17 - 19 Nov 2009, San Jose, United States

KM Asia 2009
24 - 26 Nov 2009, Singapore City, Singapore
I will be giving a keynote talk and running a workshop and a reverse brainstorming cafe at KM Asia this year.

Subscribing and Unsubscribing    (top | next | prev)

You may subscribe to this newsletter on my website. Or if you no longer wish to receive this newsletter or if you wish to modify your e-mail address or make other changes to your membership profile then please go to this page on my website.

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter    (top | next | prev)

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based KM newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology. Archive copies are held on-line where you can register to receive the newsletter.

It is sponsored by the Knowledge Management Forum of the Henley Business School, Oxfordshire, England.

You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for resale or profit and I am attributed. And if you have any queries please contact me.

Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community