

RSS (Rich Site Summary) Resources




Information Technology; RSS

Rich Site Summary (RSS) is a simple XML format designed to let content providers share headlines and content with other websites. RSS defines specific criteria about a story including the headline, the URL, and a brief summary. When a content provider makes that information available in the form of an RSS feed, anyone can access the information and put it on their own website.

Introduction to RSS

RSS 0.91 specification, revision 3

Creating RSS files for your website


O'Reilly Network RSS DevCenter

Using RSS to Draw New Visitors

A good example of a site offering RSS Channels

Beginer's Guide

News Is Free

The Future of RSS

Asian Business Strategy RSS Channels - good example of a service provider

Google Search for RSS newsfeed

RSS and Knowledge Management

Digital Storytelling

Microcontent News

News Headlines

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership


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Friday 18 October 2024
03:38 AM GDT