



It is primarily through books that we learn from other people. Often great minds. People who may be distant in time or space. People who have the ability to crystallise and capture the thoughts for which we can only grope. There would be no history, no science, nor literature without books - in short there would be no civilization.

There are a number of links to information about books on this site that in turn include links to Amazon where you can learn more about the book, browse other people's reviews and order the book. Here is a short list of the ones that I have learnt the most from.

Hide details for AchievementAchievement
Eat that Frog! (Apr 2001) by Brian Tracy 
Get more of the important things done - today!
Life 101 (1991) by John-Roger , Peter McWilliams 
Everything We Wish We Had Learned About Life In School - But Didn't
Make Success Measurable! (1999) by Douglas K. Smith 
A Mindbook-Workbook for Setting Goals and Taking Action
Maximum Achievement (1993) by Brian Tracy 
Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed
Hide details for ActionAction
Action Research (1988) by Jean McNiff 
Principles and Practice
Change Activist (Dec 2002) by Carmel McConnell 
Make big things happen fast
Civil Disobedience and Other Essays (1849) by Henry David Thoreau
Hide details for After Action ReviewAfter Action Review
Proactive Reviews (Jan 2012) by Ditte Kolbæk 
How to make your organisation learn from experience
Hide details for BehaviorBehavior
Walden (1854) by Henry David Thoreau
Life in the Woods
Hide details for BehaviourBehaviour
The Blank Slate (Sep 2002) by Steven Pinker 
The Modern Denial of Human Nature
Hide details for Business ManagementBusiness Management
Introducing Management, 3Ed (May 2006) by Kate Williams 
A Development Guide
Management Challenges for the 21st Century (1982) by Peter F. Drucker
Tasks, Responsibilites, Practices
Managing in Turbulent Times (1980) by Peter F. Drucker
Only the Paranoid Survive (1996) by Andrew S. Grove 
How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company
Post Capitalist Society (1993) by Peter F. Drucker
The Future of Management (Sep 2007) by Gary Hamel
The Individualized Corporation (Oct 1997) by Sumantra Ghoshal , Christopher A. Bartlett 
A Fundamentally New Approach to Management
Hide details for ChangeChange
Here Comes Everybody (Feb 2008) by Clay Shirky 
How Change Happens when People Come Together
Leaning into the Future (Sep 1997) by George Binney , Colin Williams 
Changing the Way People Change Organizations
Hide details for ChildrenChildren
Breaking Down the wall of Silence (1992) by Alice Miller
To Join the Waiting Child
How Children Fail (1964) by John Holt
How Children Learn (1967) by John Holt
The Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff
In Search of Happiness Lost
The Drama of Being a Child (1987) by Alice Miller
And the Search for the True Self
Unconditional Parenting (Mar 2005) by Alfie Kohn
Moving from Rewards and Punishment to Love and Reason
Hide details for CoachingCoaching
Coaching (Sep 2005) by James Flaherty 
Evoking Excellence in Others
Coaching that Counts (Jan 2005) by Dianna Anderson , Merrill Anderson 
Harnessing the Power of Leadership Coaching to Deliver Strategic Value
Coaching to Solutions (Feb 2006) by Carole Pemberton 
A Manager's Toolkit for Performance Delivery
Hide details for CollaborationCollaboration
Collaborative Advantage (2005) by Elizabeth Lank
How Organizations Win by Working Togther
Hide details for Communities of PracticeCommunities of Practice
Leveraging Communities of Practice for Strategic Advantage (Oct 2002) by Hubert Saint-Onge, Debra Wallace 
Hide details for CompetenciesCompetencies
Upside Down Management (Aug 1995) by John Lorriman, Ron Young, Paul Kalinaukas 
Revolutionizing management and development to maximise business success
Hide details for ConsciousnessConsciousness
From Science to God (Nov 2000) by Peter Russell
The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light
Hide details for ConversationConversation
Conversation (1998) by Theodore Zeldin
How Talk Can Change Your Life
Difficult Conversations (1999) by Douglas Stone , Bruce Patton , Sheila Heen 
How to Discuss what Matters Most
Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott 
Achieving Success at Work & in Life, One Conversation at a Time
How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work (2001) by Robert Kegan , Lisa Laskow Lahey 
Seven Languages for Transformation
Leadership Conversations (February 2013) by Alan S. Berson , Richard G. Stieglitz 
Challenging High Potential Managers to Become Great Leaders
Life-Changing Conversations (Mar 2012) by Sarah Rozenthuler 
7 strategies for talking about what matters most
Listening (1995) by Madelyn Burley-Allen 
The Forgotten Skill
Listening to the Volcano (Mar 2005) by David Hutchens 
Conversations That Open Our Minds to New Possibilities
The Art of Conversation (Dec 2008) by Catherine Blyth 
The Art of Listening by Erich Fromm
The De-Voicing of Society by John L. Locke 
Why We Don't Talk to Each Other Anymore
Turning to One Another (Jan 2002) by Margaret J. Wheatley
Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future
Hide details for CreativityCreativity
Cognitive Surplus (Jun 2010) by Clay Shirky 
Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age
Creativity in Business (1989) by Michael Ray , Rochelle Myers 
Hare Brain Tortoise Mind (1997) by Guy Claxton 
Why intelligence increases when you think less
Jamming by John Kao
The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity
Re-imagine! (Oct 2003) by Tom Peters
Six Thinking Hats (1985) by Edward De Bono
The Circle of Innovation (1997) by Tom Peters
You Can't Shrink your Way to Greatness
The Grace of Great Things (1990) by Robert Grudin
Creativity and Innovation
The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida 
And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life
The Tom Peters Seminar by Tom Peters
Hide details for DialogueDialogue
Changing Consciousness by David Bohm
Dialogue (1998) by Glenna Gerard, Linda Ellinor
Rediscover the Transforming Power of Conversation
Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together (1999) by William Isaacs
A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life
From Debate to Dialogue (1998) by Deborah L. Flick 
Using the Understanding Process to Transform Our Conversations
On Dialogue (Oct 1996) by David Bohm
On Dialogue - An Essay in Free Thought (1996) by Robert Grudin
The Magic of Dialogue (1999) by Daniel Yankelovich 
Transforming Conflict into Cooperation
Hide details for E-CollaborationE-Collaboration
Knowledge Networking (1999) by David J. Skyrme 
Creating the Collaborative Enterprise
Serious Play (2000) by Michael Schrage
How the World's Best Companies Simulate To Innovate
Hide details for E-FacilitationE-Facilitation
E-Moderating (Apr 2000) by Gilly Salmon 
The Key to Teaching and Learning OnLine
Hide details for EconomicsEconomics
The Sovereign Individual (1997) by James Dale Davidson , William Rees-Mogg 
The Coming Economic Revolution - How to Survive and Prosper in it
Hide details for EducationEducation
Education for Judgement (1991) by David A. Garvin, Ann Sweet , C. Roland Christensen 
The Artistry of Discussion Leadership
Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach by Jane Kathryn Vella 
The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults
Punished by Rewards (Sep 1999) by Alfie Kohn
The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes
Hide details for EvolutionEvolution
The Selfish Gene (1976) by Richard Dawkins
Hide details for FutureFuture
Future Proofing (Feb 2002) by David Birchall, George Tovstiga
The Long Boom (1999) by Joel Hyatt , Peter Leyden , Peter Schwartz 
The coming age of prosperity
Hide details for HistoryHistory
An Intimate History of Humanity (Jan 1996) by Theodore Zeldin
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (1998) by David Landes 
Why Some are so Rich and Some are so Poor
Voltaire's Bastards (Nov 1993) by John Ralston Saul 
The Dictatorship of Reason in the West
Hide details for Human ResourcesHuman Resources
21st century management (Dec 2010) by Moria Levy 
A personal blog
Adventures in Complexity (Jun 2009) by Lesley Kuhn 
For Organisations Near the Edge of Chaos
Human Resource Champions (1997) by Dave Ulrich
The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results
Knowledge is Fun (April 2017) by G.S.Krishnan 
10 Playful Cartoons of CKOs Paul and Mani
Making Innovations Happen (July 2015) by Ravi Arora 
Fostering innovations by inducing foresight
Organization Design (Nov 2004) by Naomi Stanford 
The Collaborative Approach
Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do (Feb 2012) by Euan Semple
A manager's guide to the social web
Personal Knowledge Capital (Jul 2012) by Janette Young 
The inner and outer path of knowledge creation in a web world
Putting Stories to Work (March 2016) by Shawn Callahan 
Mastering Business Storytelling
Social Strategies in Action: Driving Business Transformation (August 2013) by Dr Bonnie Cheuk 
The Effective Manager (Feb 2009) by Sarah Cook 
Hide details for IdeasIdeas
The Future of Ideas by Lawrence Lessig
The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World
Hide details for InfluenceInfluence
How to Win Friends and Influence People (1937) by Dale Carnegie 
Influence without Authority (Aug 1991) by Allan R. Cohen , David L. Bradford 
Hide details for Information ManagementInformation Management
Hide details for Information TechnologyInformation Technology
Blown to Bits (1999) by Philip Evans , Thomas S. Wurster 
How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy
Enterprise Information Portals and Knowledge Management (Oct 2002) by Joseph M. Firestone 
New Rules for the New Economy (May 1999) by Kevin Kelly
10 Ways the Network Economy is Changing Everything
The Unfinished Revolution (Jan 2001) by Michael L. Dertouzos 
Human-Centered Computers and What They Can Do for Us
The World Is Flat (2005) by Thomas L. Friedman 
A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Hide details for InnovationInnovation
Challenging the innovation paradigm (April 2012) edited by Karl-Erik Sveiby, Pernilla Gripenberg , Beata Segercrantz 
The prevailing pro-innovation bias
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985) by Peter F. Drucker
Practice and Principles
Innovation Strategy for the Knowledge Economy (Apr 1997) by Debra M. Amidon
The Ken Awakening
Process Innovation (1992) by Thomas H. Davenport
Reengineering Work through Information Technology
The Knowledge-Creating Company (1995) by Ikujiro Nonaka, Hirotaka Takeuchi 
How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation
Think like an Innovator (October 2016) by Paul Sloane 
Hide details for Intellectual CapitalIntellectual Capital
Corporate Longitude (Mar 2002) by Leif Edvinsson
Navigating the Knowledge Economy
Effective Knowledge Work (Oct 2011) by Klaus North , Stefan Gueldenberg 
Answers to the Management Challenges of the 21st Century
Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig
How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity
Intangible Management (Jun 2002) by Ken Standfield 
Tools for Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis
Intellectual Capital (Oct 1998) by Thomas A. Stewart
The New Wealth of Organizations
Intellectual Capital for Communities (Jan 2005) by Leif Edvinsson, Ahmed Bounfour 
Nations, Regions, and Cities
Intellectual Capital in Organizations (December 2014) edited by Leif Edvinsson, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos 
Non-Financial Reports and Accounts
Knowledge and Knowledge Systems (Oct 2007) by Eliezer Geisler 
Learning from the Wonders of the Mind
Knowledge Asset Networking (Dec 2002) by Dimitris Apostolou , Ron Young, Gregoris Mentzas , Andreas Abecker 
Beyond the Process-centred and Product-centred Approaches
Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations (January 2014) by Ulla de Stricker , Cynthia Shamel , Connie Crosby , Gordon Vala-Webb , Deborah Keller , Karen Huffman , Constance Ard 
The View from Inside
Leading Issues in Innovation Research (Sep 2011) edited by Danièle Chauvel 
Making Sense of Intellectual Capital (Jan 2004) by Daniel Andriessen 
Designing a Method for the Valuation of Intangibles
Managing Intellectual Capital in Practice (Mar 2006) by Göran Roos, Stephen Pike , Lisa Fernstrom 
Perspectives on Intellectual Capital (Feb 2005) by Bernard Marr 
Multidisciplinary Insights Into Management, Measurement, and Reporting
The Innovation SuperHighway (Nov 2002) by Debra M. Amidon
Harnessing Intellectual Capital for Collaborative Advantage
Value Networks and the True Nature of Collaboration (Feb 2011) by Verna Allee, Oliver Schwab 
Wikipatterns (Dec 2007) by Stewart Mader 
A practical guide to improving productivity and collaboration in your organization
Winning the Knowledge Transfer Race (Oct 2005) by Michael J. English , William H. Baker 
Using your Comaopny's Knowledge Assets to Gain Competitive Advantage
Hide details for Knowledge EconomyKnowledge Economy
Living Networks (Oct 2002) by Ross Dawson
Leading Your Company, Customers, and Partners in the Hyper-Connected Economy
The Future of Knowledge (Oct 2002) by Verna Allee
Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks
Hide details for Knowledge ManagementKnowledge Management
Beyond Knowledge Management (Jul 2004) by Elayne Coakes , Brian Lehaney , Steve Clarke , Gillian Jack 
Building a Knowledge Driven Organization (Feb 2004) by Bob Buckman
Building Smarter Organizations (May 2017) by Gordon Vala-Webb 
How to Lead Your Zombie Organization Back to Life
Collaborative Knowledge Networks (May 2013) by Multiple contributors 
Competing in the Third Wave (1997) by Jeremy Hope , Tony Hope 
The Ten Key Management Issues in the Information Age
Conversational Learning (Aug 2002) by Ann C. Baker , David A. Kolb , Patricia J. Jensen 
An Experiential Approach to Knowledge Creation
Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management (Dec 2005) by Michael Stankosky 
The Latest in University Research
Enabling Knowledge Creation (May 2000) by Georg Von Krogh , Kazuo Ichijo , Ikujiro Nonaka
How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release
the Power of Innovation
From Know-How to Knowledge (Mar 2000) by Bryan Gladstone 
The Essential Guide to Understanding and Implementiung Knowledge Management
From Knowledge to Intelligence (Sep 2004) by Helen Rothberg , G. Scott Erickson 
Creating Competitive Advantage in the Next Economy
Gestión por Inteligencias (January 2016) by Cristiano Trindade De Angelis 
Hands on Knowledge co-creation and sharing by Muliple Authors 
Practical methods and technique
Hitotsubashi on Knowledge Management (Jan 2004) by Hirotaka Takeuchi , Ikujiro Nonaka
Information Ecology (1997) by Larry Prusak, Thomas H. Davenport
Mastering the Information and Knowledge Environment
Information First (Sep 2003) by Roger Evernden , Elaine Evernden 
Integrating Knowledge and Information Architecture for Business Advantage
Information Masters (1999) by John McKean 
Secrets of the Customer Race
Information Overload (1999) by David Lewis 
Practical Strategies for Surviving in Today's Workplace
Introduction to Knowledge Management (Jul 2003) by Todd R. Groff , Thomas P. Jones 
KM in Business
Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (2009) edited by Elayne Coakes 
Key Issues in the New Knowledge Management (Jul 2003) by Joseph M. Firestone , Mark W. McElroy 
KM in the Legal Profession (Feb 2005) by Bob Bater 
Leveraging Knowledge for Enhanced Profitability
Knowledge-Based Urban Development in the Middle East (March 2018) by Ali A. Alraouf 
Knowledge Based Working (Jun 2005) by Steve Ellis 
Intelligent Operating for the Knowledge Age
Knowledge Capital (Oct 2003) by Jay L. Chatzkel 
How Knowledge-Based Enterprises Really Get Built
Knowledge Driven Development (June 2018) by Manoj Kumar Lal 
Bridging Waterfall and Agile Methodologies
Knowledge Horizons (2000) by Charles Despres , Daniele Chauvel 
The Present and the Promise of Knowledge Management
Knowledge Leadership (Jun 2005) by Steven A. Cavaleri , Sharon Seivert , Lee Lee 
The Art and Science of the Knowledge-based Organization
Knowledge Management (Aug 2011) by Kevin C Desouza , Scott Paquette 
An introduction
Knowledge Management (Oct 2001) by John Blackwell , Paul Gamble 
A State of the Art Guide
Knowledge Management (Oct 2002) by Tom Knight , Trevor Howes 
A blueprint for delivery
Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (Jul 2005) by Kimiz Dalkir 
Knowledge Management Initiatives in Singapore (June 2003) by Margaret Tan , Madanmohan Rao 
Knowledge Management Systems Implementation (Aug 2008) by Hind Benbya 
Lessons from the Silicon Valley
Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques (Jan 2005) by Madanmohan Rao 
Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions
Knowledge Management: Social, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives (Jan 2007) edited by Ruth Rikowski 
Knowledge Mnagement (May 2005) by Meliha Handzic , Albert Z. Zhou 
An Integrative Approach
Knowledge Works (Jun 2011) by Christine Van Winkelen , Jane McKenzie 
The Handbook of Practical Ways to Identify and Solve Common Organizational Problems for Better Performance
Learning to Fly (2001) (Jan 2001) by Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell
Practical Lessons from one of the World's Leading Knowledge Companies
Learning to Fly (2004) (Oct 2004) by Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell
Practical knowledge management from leading and learning organisations
Making it Real: Sustaining Knowledge Management (Apr 2013) by Annie Green 
Adapting for Success in the Knowledge Based Economy
Managing Knowledge by Gilbert Probst , Steffen Raub , Kai Romhardt 
Measuring the ROI of Knowledge Management (Mar 2013) by Stephanie Barnes , Tim Hawley , James Gunn , Nick Milton, Catherine Boissonnet , Madanmohan Rao , Chris Boyd , Jack Bostelman 
Mobilising the Power of What You Know (Oct 1998) by Paul Miller 
A Practical Guide to Successful Knowledge Management
Navigating the minefield (April 2017) by Patricia Lee Eng , Paul J. Corney 
A Practical KM Companion
No More Consultants (Sep 2009) by Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell
We know more than we think
Organizational Knowledge Dynamics: Managing Knowledge Creation, Acquisition, Sharing, and Transformation. (April 2015) by Constantin Bratianu 
People-Focused Knowledge Management (Jul 2004) by Karl Wiig
How Effective Decision Making Leads to Corporate Success
Personal Knowledge (1958) by Michael Polanyi
Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management
Held at the Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona (CEIB), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7 September 2007
Sharing Hidden Know-How (2011) by Katrina Pugh 
How Managers Solve Thorny Problems With the Knowledge Jam
Smart KM Model (August 2014) by Allam Ahmed , Mohamed Elhag 
An Integrated Knowledge Management Framework for Organizational Excellence
SOAR! with Resilience (August 2012) by Eileen Lichtenstein 
The Interactive Book for Overcoming Obstacles & Achieving Success
Stealth KM (Mar 2006) by Niall Sinclair 
Winning Knowledge Management Strategies for the Public Sector
The Complete Guide to Knowledge Management: (Feb 2011) by Edna Pasher , Tuvya Ronen 
A Strategic Plan to Leverage Your Company's Intellectual Capital
The Conductive Organization (May 2004) by Hubert Saint-Onge, Charles Armstrong 
Building Beyond Sustainability
The Digital Renaissance of Work (October 2014) by Paul Miller , Elizabeth Marsh 
Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future
The Human Value of the Enterprise (Oct 2001) by Andrew Mayo
Valuing People as Assets--Monitoring, Measuring, Managing
The Intelligent Company (Nov 2010) by Bernard Marr 
Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management
The New Edge in Knowledge (Mar 2011) by Carla O'Dell , Cindy Hubert 
How Knowledge Management is Changing the Way We Do Business
Transforming e-Knowledge (2003) by Donald Norris , Jon Mason , Paul Lefrere 
A Revolution in the Sharing of Knowledge
Utilizing Evidence-Based Lessons Learned for Enhanced Organizational Innovation and Change (September 2014) by Susan McIntyre , Kimiz Dalkir , Perry Paul Irene C. Kitimbo 
Winning the Knowledge Game (May 2003) by Alastair Rylatt 
Smarter learning for business excellence
Working Knowledge (1998) by Thomas H. Davenport, Larry Prusak
How Organizations Manage What They Know
Hide details for Knowledge NetworkingKnowledge Networking
Net Work (Apr 2007) by Patti Anklam
A Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Networks at Work and in the World
Personal Networking (Dec 2002) by Mick Cope
How to Make Your Connections Count
Power Networking (Nov 2000) by Donna Fisher , Sandy Vilas 
59 Secrets for Personal & Professional Success
Hide details for Knowledge SharingKnowledge Sharing
Shared Minds by Michael Schrage
Wikinomics (Dec 2006) by Don Tapscott , Anthony D. Williams 
How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
Hide details for Knowledge SpaceKnowledge Space
Knowledge Cities (Jan 2006) by Francisco Carrillo 
Approaches, Experiences, and Perspectives
Hide details for Knowledge WorkerKnowledge Worker
Managing Knowledge Work by Sue Newell , Maxine Robertson , Harry Scarbrough , Jacky Swan 
Managing Knowledge Workers (1999) by Frances Horibe 
New Skills and Attitudes to Unlock the Intellectual Capital in Your Organization
Thinking for a Living (Sep 2005) by Thomas H. Davenport
How to get better performances and work from knowledge workers
Hide details for LeadershipLeadership
Leading the Revolution (2000) by Gary Hamel
Principle-Centered Leadership (Oct 1992) by Stephen Covey
Results-Based Leadership (1999) by Dave Ulrich
Tribes (Oct 2008) by Seth Godin
We Need You to Lead Us
Hide details for LearningLearning
Action Learning (1995) by Krystynia Weinstein 
A Practical Guide for Managers
Learning in Action (Apr 2000) by David A. Garvin
A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work
Performance Through Learning (Apr 2004) by Carol Gorelick, Kurt April , Nick Milton
Knowledge Management in Practice
The Power of Mindful Learning (1997) by Ellen J. Langer
Hide details for LoveLove
The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm
The Way to Love by Anthony de Mello
The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello
Hide details for MarketingMarketing
Selling the Dream (1991) by Guy Kawasaki 
How to Promote Your Product, Company, or Ideas - and Make a Difference Using Everyday Evangelism
The ClueTrain Manifesto (2000) by Christopher Locke, Rick Levine , Doc Searls , David Weinberger
The End of Business as Usual
Hide details for MemesMemes
Thought Contagion by Aaron Lynch 
How Belief Spreads through Society. The New Science of Memes
Hide details for MotivationMotivation
Drive (Jan 2010) by Daniel Pink
The surprising truth about what motivates us
Hide details for New Forms of OrganizingNew Forms of Organizing
Business Dynamics (Feb 2000) by John D. Sterman 
Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World
Designing Team-Based Organizations (Apr 1995) by Susan Albers Mohrman , Susan G. Cohen , Allan M. Mohrman 
New Forms for Knowledge Work
Internal Markets (Nov 1993) by William E. Halal , Ali Geranmayeh , John Pourdehnad 
Bringing the Power of Free Enterprise Inside Your Organization
People Power (1991) by Donna Fisher 
12 Power Principles to Enrich your Business, Career and Personal Networks
Hide details for New Ways of WorkingNew Ways of Working
Connections (1991) by Lee Sproull , Sara Kiesler 
New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization
Global work (1994) by Mary O'Hara-Devereaux , Robert Johansen 
Bridging Distance, Culture & Time
The Future of Work by Thomas W. Malone 
How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style and Your Life
The Professional Service Firm 50 (1999) by Tom Peters
Fifty Ways to Transform your "Department" into a Professional Service Firm whose Trademarks are Passion and Innovation!
?What If! (1999) by Dave Allan , Matt Kingdon , Kris Murrin , Daz Rudkin 
How to Start a Creative Revoltion at Work
Hide details for OpportunityOpportunity
Opportunities (1978) by Edward De Bono
A Handbook of Business Opportunity Search
Hide details for Organizational ComplexityOrganizational Complexity
Changing Conversations in Organizations (2002) by Patricia Shaw 
A Complexity Approach to Change (Complexity and Emergence in Organisations)
Organizational Survival in the New World by Alex Bennet , David Bennet 
The Intelligent Complex Adaptive System
Hide details for Organizational CultureOrganizational Culture
Brit-Think Ameri-Think (1986) by Jane Walmsley 
An Irreverent Guide to Understanding the Great Cultural Ocean that Divides Us
Hide details for Organizational DevelopmentOrganizational Development
Dialogic Organization Development (May 2015) edited by Gervase R. Bushe , Robert J. Marshak 
The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change
Hide details for Organizational LearningOrganizational Learning
A Concise Guide to the Learning Organization (1998) by Mike Pedler , Kath Aspinwall 
Managing Change and Learning is the No.1 Task - Wherever you Work
The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Peter Senge, Richard Ross , Bryan Smith , Charlotte Roberts , Art Kleiner 
Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization
Hide details for ParadigmsParadigms
Changing Paradigms (1998) by Thomas Clarke , Stewart Clegg 
The Transformation of Management Knowledge for the 21st Century
Hide details for Personal BrandingPersonal Branding
Branding Yourself (Dec 2000) by Mary Spillane 
How to look , sound and behave your way to success
The Brand You 50 (1999) by Tom Peters
Fifty ways to Transform Yourself from an "Employee" into a Brand that Shouts Distinction, Commitment, and Passion!
Hide details for Personal DevelopmentPersonal Development
Awaken the Giant Within (Sep 1992) by Anthony Robbins
How to take control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny
Awareness (1990) by Anthony de Mello
Get Unstuck & Get Going (2005) by Michael Bungay Stanier 
On the stuff that really matters
It's not how good you are - it's how good you want to be. (2003) by Paul Arden 
Lead Yourself (Sep 2002) by Mick Cope
Be Where Others Will Follow
Power Thyself (Jun 2004) by R. Venkataraman 
Strive for Excellence and a Better Future
Profound Simplicity (1979) by Will Schutz 
The 8th Habit (Nov 2004) by Stephen Covey
From Effectiveness to Greatness
The Consolations of Philosophy (Mar 2000) by Alain de Botton 
The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck
A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) by Stephen Covey
Restoring the Character Ethic
The TM Technique by Peter Russell
The Wisdom of Insecurity (1951) by Alan W. Watts 
A Message for an Age of Anxiety
The Wisdom of Passion (2003) by Peter Wallman , Rachel Flower 
Virginia Satir (1991) by Steve Andreas 
The Patterns of Her Magic
Willing International Success (Apr 2003) by Gary Yardley , Sally Rundle 
Hide details for Personal Knowledge ManagementPersonal Knowledge Management
Know your value? (Dec 2000) by Mick Cope
Manage your knowledge and make it pay
Hide details for PhilosophyPhilosophy
Bhagvad Gita
Knowing How to Know (1998) by Idries Shah 
A Practical Philosophy in Sufi Tradition
Let the People Think (1961) by Bertrand Russell
Science Order & Creativity by David Bohm, F. David Peat
The De Bono Code Book (Aug 2000) by Edward De Bono
Hide details for Positive DeviancePositive Deviance
The Power of Positive Deviance (June 2010) by Jerry Sternin , Monique Sternin , Richard Pascale 
How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems
Hide details for Project ManagementProject Management
Peopleware by Tom Demarco , Timothy Lister 
Productive Projects and Teams
The Project 50 (1999) by Tom Peters
Fifty Ways to Transform every "Task" into a Project that Matters!
Hide details for PsychologyPsychology
Emotional Intelligence (Jul 1997) by Daniel Goleman
Extraordinary Minds (1997) by Howard Gardner 
Portraits of Exceptional Individuals and an Examination of Extraordinariness
Finding Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life
Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Man's Search for Meaning (1946) by Viktor E. Frankl
People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck
The Hope for Healing Human Evil
Steps to an Ecology of Mind by Gregory Bateson 
The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck
Community Making and Peace
The Will to Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy
Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps (2001) by Allan Pease , Barbara Pease 
How we're different and what to fo about it
Hide details for QualityQuality
Out of the Crisis (1982) by W. Edwards Deming
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1984) by Robert M. Pirsig
An Inquiry into Values
Hide details for ScienceScience
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) by Thomas S. Kuhn
The Tao of Physics (1976) by Fritjof Capra 
An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism
Hide details for Social BusinessSocial Business
Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management (Apr 2012) edited by David Gurteen
Hide details for Social NetworkingSocial Networking
What Would Google Do? (Jan 2009) by Jeff Jarvis 
Hide details for SoloingSoloing
Creating You & Co (Oct 1997) by William Bridges 
Learn to Think Like the Ceo of Your Own Career
Float You (Jul 2001) by Mick Cope, Carmel McConnell 
How to Capitalize on Your Talent
Jobshift (1995) by William Bridges 
How to Prosper in a Workplace without Jobs
Portfolio People (1997) by Max Comfort 
How to Create a Workstyle as Individual as You Are
Soloing (1999) by Harriet Rubin 
Reaching Life's Everest
Hide details for SpiritualitySpirituality
A World Waiting to be Born by M. Scott Peck
The Search for Civility
Anne Frank by Anne Frank 
The Diary of a Young Girl
Buddhism without Beliefs (1997) by Stephen Batchelor 
A Contemporary Guide to Awakening
The Alternative Gospel (May 1998) by John Baldock 
The Hidden Teaching of Jesus
The Hungry Spirit (Feb 1999) by Charles Handy
Beyond Capitalism : A Quest for Purpose in the Modern World
The Prophet (1923) by Kahlil Gibran
Waiting for the Mountain to Move (1995) by Charles Handy
And Other Reflections on Life
Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? (Dec 1995) by John Powell 
Hide details for StorytellingStorytelling
A Leaders Guide to Storytelling (Apr 2005) by Steve Denning
Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative
Squirrel Inc (2004) by Steve Denning
A Fable Of Leadership Through Storytelling
Storytelling in Organizations (Jan 2005) by John Seely Brown, Katalina Groh , Larry Prusak, Steve Denning
Why Storytelling Is Transforming 21st Century Organizations and Management
The Springboard (Oct 2000) by Steve Denning
How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations
Hide details for Systems ThinkingSystems Thinking
Systemantics (1986) by John Gall 
The Underground Text of Systems Lore - How Systems Really Work and How they Fail
Hide details for TechnologyTechnology
Engines of Creation (1986) by K. Eric Drexler
The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
Out of Control (1994) by Kevin Kelly
The New Biology of Machines
Hide details for ThinkingThinking
Blink (Jan 2005) by Malcolm Gladwell 
The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
I am Right you are Wrong by Edward De Bono
From This to the New Renaissance: From Rock Logic to Water Logic
The Thoughtstorm Manual (Jun 1999) by Harry Palmer 
An Evolution In Human Thinking
Time to Think (1998) by Nancy Kline 
Listening to ignite the human mind
Hide details for UnderstandingUnderstanding
Understanding Computers and Cognition by Terry Winograd , Fernando Flores 
A New Foundation for Design
Hide details for WeblogWeblog
Blogging (Sep 2002) by Biz Stone 
Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content
We've Got Blog (Jul 2002) by Rebecca Blood 
How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture
Hide details for WisdomWisdom
The Wisdom of Crowds (May 2004) by James Surowiecki 
Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations
Hide details for World CafeWorld Cafe
The World Café (Apr 2005) by Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Margaret J. Wheatley
Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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