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Categorization is a powerful way of organizing documents or web pages so that they can be displayed by the subject of their content.

Most pages on this website are assigned to one or more categories. You can also think of a category as a theme or a topic area.

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The pages on this website are categorized into one or more of nearly 100 categories (themes or topics). This page below displays a list of other pages that belong to the Category category. You may view the list of pages belonging to another category by selecting the category in which you are interested from the drop-down 'Categories' menu at the top of this page.

  Achievement [33 items]

  Action [47 items]

  After Action Review [22 items]

  Awareness [26 items]

  Behavior [27 items]

  Beliefs [16 items]

  Best Practice [7 items]

  Business Management [67 items]

  Category [105 items]

  Change [35 items]

  Children [32 items]

  Coaching [6 items]

  Collaboration [14 items]

  Communities of Practice [30 items]

  Competencies [5 items]

  Competitive Intelligence [1 items]

  Consciousness [16 items]

  Conversation [127 items]
Business is a conversation because the defining work of business is conversation - literally.

  Creativity [110 items]

  Dialogue [91 items]

  e-Collaboration [11 items]

  e-Facilitation [4 items]

  e-Learning [16 items]

  Economics [9 items]
The study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

  Education [60 items]

  Employee Engagement [0 items]

  Evolution [9 items]

  Flexible Working [3 items]

  Future [42 items]

  Groupware [6 items]

  History [14 items]
Either the study of the past, or the product of our attempts to understand the past.

  Human Resources [28 items]

  Humour [58 items]

  Ideas [30 items]
Ideas are elusive, slippery things

  Individual Responsibility [7 items]

  Influence [9 items]

  Information Management [22 items]

  Information Technology [59 items]

  Innovation [72 items]

  Intellectual Capital [57 items]

  Intellectual Property [4 items]

  Intranets [17 items]
A computer network that uses Internet technology within an organization.

  Knowledge Cafe [185 items]
A means for a group of people to have an open, creative conversation.

  Knowledge Economy [21 items]

  Knowledge Management [901 items]

  Knowledge Networking [32 items]

  Knowledge Sharing [65 items]

  Knowledge Space [11 items]

  Knowledge Worker [14 items]

  Leadership [28 items]

  Learning [143 items]

  Lotus Notes/Domino [14 items]

  Love [27 items]
The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth.

  Marketing [9 items]

  Measures, Targets and Rewards [40 items]
Beware targets and rewards!

  Memes [11 items]

  Mental Models [19 items]
Mental models are the ideas that shape our thinking and our behaviour.

  Metaphor [9 items]

  Motivation [30 items]
Motivation is the most important force in life

  Multimedia [15 items]

  Narrative [7 items]

  New Ways of Working [22 items]

  Open Source [4 items]

  Open Space Technology [4 items]
A large group facilitation process

  Opportunity [7 items]

  Organizational Complexity [12 items]

  Organizational Culture [18 items]
The set of important understandings that members of a community share in common.

  Organizational Development [7 items]
The practice of changing people and organizations for positive growth.

  Organizational Learning [19 items]

  Paradigms [19 items]

  Perception [23 items]

  Personal Branding [4 items]

  Personal Development [234 items]

  Personal Knowledge Management [32 items]

  Philosophy [47 items]

  Podcasting [5 items]

  Positive Deviance [12 items]

  Project Management [14 items]

  Psychology [29 items]

  Quality [22 items]

  Religion [12 items]

  RSS [50 items]
RSS News Feeds and Readers

  Science [33 items]

  Sensemaking [3 items]

  Social Business [13 items]

  Social Good [23 items]

  Social Networking [85 items]

  Software Development [7 items]

  Soloing [15 items]
Working for yourself!

  Spirituality [87 items]

  Storytelling [34 items]

  Strategy [7 items]

  Sustainability [7 items]

  Systems Thinking [16 items]

  Talent Management [1 items]

  Taxonomy [2 items]

  Teamwork [2 items]

  Technology [25 items]

  Thinking [53 items]

  Trust [11 items]
Trust is the life-blood of an organization.

  Unconference [4 items]

  Understanding [21 items]

  Vision [7 items]

  Weblogs [86 items]

  Wisdom [12 items]

  World Cafe [9 items]

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community