Deepak Chopra(b. 1947) Author & Self-Improvement Guru |
Deepak Chopra is a leader in the field of mind, body, medicine and human potential with his books translated into more than 25 different languages. He is currently the Executive Director for the Institute of Mind Body Medicine and Human Potential at the Sharp Health Care in San Deigo, California. He is well known for his "lectures and books which blend physics and philosophy, the spiritual and practical, Eastern wisdom and Western science." He has lectured throughout the world. His works include "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success", "Ageless Body", "Timeless Mind", "Creating Affluence" and "Quantum Healing".
Person Deepak Chopra (b. 1947) Author & Self-Improvement GuruQuotation On thinking and behavior by Deepak Chopra (b. 1947) Author & Self-Improvement GuruQuotations from Deepak Chopra: Our thinking and our behavior are always in anticipation of a response. It is therefore fear-based. Deepak Chopra, (b. 1947) Author & Self-Improvement Guru
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