More recently, I have been looking to identify the major "knowledge cities" of the world. And as Steve Searle in New Zealand pointed out a starting point is to identify which cities have a University and an International Airport.
But then I though why not search for the term Knowledge City and see if the term is in use.
And wow! Bingo! Barcelona! Just look at this word document I found CULTURE, THE MOTOR OF THE KNOWLEDGE CITY Strategic Plan of the Cultural Sector of Barcelona Its a very interesting 20 page document. Here are just a few of the attributes they list for Barcelona but they form a check-list for any city claiming to be a "knowledge city":
Tremendous food for thought here - but a pity the document has no date or author or any other context to help follow up on it!
- A city that has instruments to make knowledge accessible to citizens.
- A network of public libraries that is compatible with the European standards.
- Access to the new communication technologies for all citizens.
- All cultural facilities and services with a central educational strategy.
- A city that has a newspaper- and book-reading level that is similar to the average European level.
- A city that has a network of schools connected with artistic instruction throughout its territory.
- A city that is respectful of the diversity of cultural practices of its citizens.
- A city that places the streets at the service of culture.
- A city that simplifies, through the provision of spaces and resources, the cultural activity of the community collectivities and associations.
- A city with civic centres that are open to diversity and that foster face-to-face relations.
- A city that makes available to citizens from other territories all the tools required for them to express themselves.